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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Reflection of Lesson Plan #3-Counting 1-5

This third lesson was working with MK specifically on writing, identifying and placing

touchpoints for the number five. After looking back at how this lesson went there were quite a

few things that went really well. The first thing that went well was limiting the distractions for MK.

This is the biggest struggle for MK when we are trying to work together one on one. This time I

set up our work area so that we were in a quiet space in the room with a board blocking the

traffic from others who came in. MK stayed on task and was able to get through everything I had

planned early. Another thing that was good about this lesson is the worksheet I had MK do. It

was a simple worksheet about writing the number five, but MK worked hard on it and did really

well. She is writing better and better and it is clear in the review that we start with that she is

learning more everyday.

The one that did not go super great was the guided practice. MK did not listen very well

in this portion and ended up getting confused more than she should have. Eventually I was able

to get her to understand by tracing my number five. However, usually MK does not struggle with

this part so it delayed some of our work.

Overall, I found that this was the best lesson that I have taught with MK so far. She has

been trying harder everyday to focus and learn what I am there to teach her. So far Mk and I

have built a pretty strong rapport and I can tell that she is willing to work with me and try her


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