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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Lesson Plan #5- Numbers 8 & 9

This lesson was one of my favorite lessons that I have taught with MK. I think one of the

main things that went well in this lesson was using the sticky notes for the touchpoints. This

really helped MK understand the concept of the multiple touchpoints. Additionally, it made MK

interested and engaged with the lesson. This is huge for MK considering that the biggest

problem is her focus. Another thing that went well during this lesson was the warm up. MK and I

have been doing this since the beginning and she is really starting to get the hang of the warm

up. We have been able to move up and add more and more numbers to our warm up. Overall,

MK has shown a lot of growth since our first lesson and it has given me a lot of hope.

Even though I thought this lesson went well, there are always areas to work on. One

thing I want to work on is finding more engaging worksheets for MK. I know there are more

worksheets that would get her thinking more than just tracing. Next time, I want to give MK more

worksheets that ask her to count and to use more reasoning than just tracing. I think this will

help MK to gain more from our lessons as well.

In the end, I feel like this lesson went well overall. I liked that I included multiple sensory

tools throughout the lesson. Additionally, I liked the creativity of using stickers for the

touchpoints. This lesson taught me that I can make any lesson better with just using simple

items. It does not take much to be creative while teaching. Creativity is something that I have

always struggled with so it is encouraging to see myself growing even in small ways.

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