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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Reflection of Lesson Plan #6

For this lesson I taught MK about writing and identifying the number ten. For the most

part this lesson was pretty smooth. MK has been doing better with identifying the number ten on

her own, which helped coming into this lesson. The biggest obstacle in this lesson was trying to

figure out how to teach MK to write the one before the zero. Almost all the time MK would write

zero before one and didn’t realize she was doing it. One way that we worked on this was by

making a rhyme with the numbers. This really helped MK to remember that when we write the

number ten, we always write the number one first.

Although most of this lesson worked really well, there was one bump. The biggest issue

for this lesson was the distractions. MK found herself getting off task and not listening as well as

she should have been. MK and I have been working on staying on task all semester, so she

knew that she needed to be listening. MK and I had a discussion about staying on task and

focusing on our work after this and she was able to stay on track better from here on out.

In the end, I have found some really helpful tools when working with MK on numbers and

ever with helping students who often get distracted. Additionally, when it comes to teaching

students with disabilities I have found that it pays off to get creative and use multi-sensory

strategies. It is so beneficial to know your students and to get prepared for them before the

lesson. I am excited about all that I have learned through these lessons and experiences

working with students this semester and am ready to try out student teaching.

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