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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Journal #1

What do you hope to learn this term in you practicum? What hopes and fears do you have?

What do you feel the most/least prepared for?

During my semester at Discovery Elementary I am hoping to learn a lot. One of the

things I am hoping to learn is how to create IEP and realistic goals for students. My teacher has

already showed me IEP goals that she has for her student which has helped me to understand

each student more. Although, I am hoping to get more in depth information about how to create

effective goals and more in general about an IEP. Additionally, I am hoping to learn some

valuable skills when teaching students who have various disabilities. My CT does a great job

with providing multiple sensory items and tools for students to stay focused and invested. One

fear that I have for this semester is that I am going to struggle when thinking of new ways for my

students to learn content. I have a lot of responsibility with multiple students which will stretch

me in great ways but also brings a lot of anxiety and fear with it. Overall, I feel the most

prepared for making connections with students and asking questions to my CT. I feel the least

prepared for making an IEP with one of my students. I think it will become easier when it comes

time to making it because my CT will offer me lots of help if I need it, but it seems very daunting

looking at it now.

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