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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Journal #2

The set up of my classroom is very non traditional. There are two desks that are shaped

in a semicircle in two separate areas of the classroom. These desks are for my CT or any

paraprofessionals to use with small groups. Then there are 8 desks shaped in a “U” towards the

front of the classroom for when my teacher has a class of students in there. The walls of the

classroom are very minimal. There are some subtle reminders of procedures or content the

students are learning, but my CT advocates for less on the walls. This is because her students

would get distracted or overstimulated by all the color and words on the walls. Additionally, there

is also a quiet room for students who are struggling and having a rough day. Inside this room

there are beanbags and comfy seating for the students to use. One last thing about my teachers

classroom is the lighting. Many times my teacher leaves the lights off or uses lamps for less

harsh lighting. Overall, the classroom may look boring but it is for the students benefit and

attention. My teacher motivates the kids by giving them positive feedback and reinforcements

and she also allows time for breaks. The students can get a movement break, snack break,

water break, etc. This really helps the students feel cared for and focused. Also, my teacher

tries to keep groups smaller and with students who will work well together. This helps the

students get more attention and not misbehave as often. I like the way that my teacher

motivates and cares for her students well. She shows them a lot of compassion that they might

not get elsewhere.

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