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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Journal #3

The classroom that I am placed in is very unique. The students all have different

schedules of when they come into the classroom. Therefore, this makes the management of the

classroom more loose and relaxed. The students all have a time that they should be in the

classroom, but it never really starts exactly on time. I think my CT does a good job of providing

buffer space for students to be late or use the bathroom. When it comes to handling discipline

my CT tends to handle it more one on one. When she does this she usually gives the students

time to breathe and take a break before she tries to talk to them. This gives them a chance to

cool down and for her to decide how she wants to address the situation. Then she usually

discusses the situations with them in a serious manner to help them understand where things

went wrong. Most of the times the students will stop acting out after my CT has these

conversations with them because they had a full talk with her. I like the way my CT handles

these situations and has real conversations with her students. This shows that she cares for her

students and that they respect her as well.

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