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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Journal #5

My cooperating teacher uses a lot of informal assessments to track student learning. My

CT uses binders full of assignments and worksheets that her students have worked on. This

makes it look like more of a portfolio of all of their work. These worksheets are assessing their

goals from their IEPs. During the student’s IEP meetings my CT brings their worksheets or

assessments to show the parents how they are progressing on their goals. My teacher also

uses iReady for both formal and informal assessments. When the students use iReady as an

informal assessment they have lessons that they have to pass by 80% or more. iReady lets the

students retake the lessons until they are passed. Additionally, at the beginning, middle, and

end of the year students take a formal assessment through iReady. These scores can be

printed off and reported back to the parents during the IEP meeting as well.

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