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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Journal #6

The social climate of my room is very welcoming and accepting. My CT makes sure that

all of her students know they are included and valued in her classroom. One thing that my CT

gives to her students is a consistent space to take a break. She is very understanding and

willing to give her students time to breathe, eat a snack, get some movement in or just talk to

her. Giving her students this time allows her students to feel like she cares about them and it

ultimately makes them want to do better for her. I think my CT provides more accountability for

her students by giving them this safe space. In addition to providing a space for breaks, my CT

has a lot of fun toys/games or activities for students to take advantage of as well. The students

love coming to her room and being able to do more than just schoolwork. They depend on her

for some time to relax and take a breather.

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