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Anna Walsworth

Professor George



Journal #7

After talking to some special education teachers I have found some similarities in their

encounter in the special education field. Many of these teachers expressed the frustrations and

sorrows. One thing that frustrates these teachers is all of the paperwork and extra work that is

needed to make it legal. There are so many laws and ways to get sued by parents that it makes

it almost excruciating to fill out the paperwork thoroughly and correctly. Another thing that

frustrates these teachers is when students can’t receive the services they need because they

can’t qualify for special education services. Many teachers discuss how they have worked with

students who need more services but because of the definitions surrounding the disabilities they

are unable to.

On the other hand, there are many joys about being a special education teacher. One of

those joys is seeing a student grow from the beginning to the end of the school year. It is a

reward of the job as well. Being able to see the students that you taught grow up and be

amazing citizens. Also, it is a joy to build relationships with both the students and the families.

Special education teachers are more relational teachers because we are required to get to know

our students and their families well. Ultimately, these special education teachers all agreed on

one thing-the joys outweigh the sorrows and frustrations.

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