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Each country is unique.

This uniqueness is offered by its traditions, customs,

people and history. However, each country is integrated into an assembly that
works one for the other. This interaction between countries, people, makes
possible the integration of new currents, traditions, customs and in the lives of
others, thus the integration of a local value into the global one, as well as the
motto "unity through diversity".

The Republic of Moldova, the mother country, is a country that represents a

unique value for the whole world, but which integrates so well on the map and
in the lives of other people. Placed as a grape of poems on the map of Europe, it
represents a symbol of the hearts of the molovars, who grew up and were
educated by a completely special society. The art of wine, which has been used
for years in this territory, has become a unique emblem for Moldova and its
citizens. In itself, Moldova has given birth to unique platforms that have
conquered the whole world through talent, skill, knowledge, innovation, art,
diligence, diligence and dedication. Moldovan traditions and customs represent
a global uniqueness, such as the martisor - symbol of the arrival of spring, Saint
Andrew - a feast full of spells and mysteries, Dragobetele - Valentine's Day,
March 8 - Mother's Day, the unique part of the popular women's port, the carol,
doina, ugate, semanatl, egg painting, mamaliga - all these are a great asset for
Moldova and especially for the whole world.

Fiecare tara este unica. Aceasta unicitate este oferita de traditiile, obiceiurile, poporul si istoria sa . Cu toate acestea
fiecare tara este intergata intru ansamblu ce functioneaza una pentru cealalata . Aceasta interactiune dintre tari,
oameni , face posibila integrarea unor noi curente, traditii, obiceiuri si in viata altora, astfel are loc integrarea unei
valori locale in cea globala, la fel ca si motoul ,, unitate prin diveritate,,.

Republica Moldova, patria mama , este tara ce reprezita o valoare unica pentru intreaga lume, dar care se inegreaza
atat de bine pe harta si in viata altor persoane. Amplasata ca un strugure de poama pe harta Europei, reprezinta un
simbol al inimilor inflacarate molovenilor, care au crescut si au fost educati de o societate cu totul si cu totul
speciala. Arta vinului, care este folosita de ani intregi pe acest teritoriu a devenit o emblema unica pentru Moldova si
cetatenii ei. In sine, Moldova a dat nastere unor peroane unice ce au cucerit intreaga lume prin talent, iscusinta,
cunostine, inovatie, arta, sarguinta, harnicie si daruire. Traditiile si obiceiurile moldovei reprezinta o unicitate
globala, precum martisorul- simbol al sosirii primaverii, Sfantul Andrei- o saraboare plina de vraji si mister,
Dragobetele- ziua indragostitilor, 8 martie- ziua mamei, ie- parte unica a portului popular femeiesc, colinda, doina,
uratul, semanatl, vopsirea oualelor, mamaliga- toate acestea sunt o mare avere pentru moldova si in special pentru
intreaga lume.

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