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Budget Narrative

The cost of the project was designed not to be expensive. The big-ticket item in table 1

are pizzas for the volunteer’s clients as a thank you for coming in during their time to lend us a

hand during the project. It shows them that the students, me as the teacher and the school

appreciate them for volunteering. The reason we need to buy it twice is for the two days they will

show up. The other items in table 1 are folders for the students to keep their work in for the final

presentation to the clients. We will also need the copy paper from table 1 for the students to be

able to print all their research and findings for the project. We will also use that copy paper to

print off the instructions and what is expected for the project before the first day. The design of

the project was for the students to be able to build a financial plan and get practical life skills and

not costing the school an arm and a leg to get them that information.
Table 1

Item name Individual cost Number Company/Company URL

of item needed for ordering

Folders $.15 12 Link on bottom of table under

company- office depot
Copy Paper to $7.49 2 Link on bottom of table under
print company- staples
Pizza for $5.00 4 for each day so
Volunteer Clients 8 total US/stores/15150001/menu
Company- staples




Company- office depot




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