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The Effects of Money Management

The Effects of Money Management

Christian J Pardo

San Tan Charter High School

The Effects of Money Management

My name is Christian J Pardo, I’m a math teacher at San Tan Charter High School. I have been

teaching here for two years now. I’m also the coach of the Jr High baseball team. Before I start at

San Tan Charter I went to ASU and went through the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College

program that help guide me into the teacher I’m today. The teacher that cares for the wellbeing

of his students inside and outside of his own classroom. I want all the student in my school to be

able to guide themselves to the path in life that is right for them. All students are unique, and you

need to let them choice their own path. My beliefs on project-based learning is that it is good to

have students get used to the world after high school is over and moving out and living without

their parents becomes a thing. All students need to have some life skills and be able to apply it

for themselves.

The program will help provide students with financial planning and being able to manage

money. The cost of living now a days is quite high and being able to be cost efficient can help

when living with parents help. In the program the students will be able to budget money, see the

cost of living and balance a fixed income to support it. Money is needed for everything in this

world, having our future be able to handle and take care of their money will help them be smarter

with their money. Technology is advancing inside of the classroom and with this program it

won’t be any different. You can pay a lot of things online and handle your money that is inside

the bank also from a computer. I will be able to help guide them into saving money and being

able to budget their life and feel more comfortable when out on their own.

I want everyone to know that students being able to be financial responsible will mean that they

won’t need to rely on their parents to pay for things. Students will be able to help themselves

plan and budget money to help in the outside world and life after high school. These are things
The Effects of Money Management

that would have helped me after high school. Making a budget and knowing what you can spend

and still pay for all your bills is a good thing to know when trying to be independent.

At San Tan Charter School, the Love and Logic® philosophy is followed throughout our

community establishing a school-wide culture of mutual respect, As a member of the San Tan

Charter School community, iLEAD with integrity, Love, and Empathy. I hold

myself Accountable and am Dedicated to serving others by demonstrating these values in my

words and actions.

The school district has a population of about 700 students. Around 68% of our students are

white. We have about 17% of our students being Hispanic. Asian students are around 5%. Black

students are about 3%. The last 7% is other. No matter what race the students are everyone

deserves to be educated on managing money and being able to budget money as well. Having

skills that will help beyond the classroom is something every student need in life. Being prepared

for some of the essential tasks you will do in life, can never be bad. The skill to manage money

and budget. Being able to integrate these ideas we will need a space that we can work one on one

and the classrooms at the school would work because they have desk the fit four to a group and

they could work in teams to figure out a scenario to balance and manage money. The students

could also come up with something based on a cap to income. The project will start as an after-

school club and hopefully with enough support from students and parents it could become an

elective class student could take. It could also lean people into accounting and other jobs in that

field. The possibility are endless with this, students get key information they will use for the rest

of their lives and will have a better time in life because of the information. This skill helps

beyond the classroom and this skill can be used in many different avenues.

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