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In our podcast, we analyze various Disney movies. We talk about the
various themes and motifs repeated throughout these movies and
how they relate to the real world. Often, movies represent what we
as a society believe or practice during the time of its release.
Because these movies are geared toward children, it is vital for
adults–like us– to analyze the effect these themes and motifs can
have on children. We also talk about the importance of diversity and
variety in children’s films. At the end of each episode, we rank the
movie and its characters in terms of our favorite Disney movies.


Once Upon a Podcast: All things Disney, All the time

Once Upon a Podcast focuses on the themes and relatability within
Disney films and how it impacts its viewers.


The podcast would be considered in the genre of TV & Film

because we talk specifically about one movie (in this case, Princess
and the Frog) and the connections we as viewers can make to the
topics and themes repeating throughout the movie. We also compare
the movie topic to other Disney movies. At the end of each episode,
we compare the movie topic to our favorite movies, and we discuss
which character we think were the best overall.


Maddi: Maddi is a Disney fanatic who loves all things romance. Her
favorite Disney princess is Belle from Beauty and the Beast, and she
does not mind the live-action version. She is a sweet and caring
person who brings her unique, semi-Southern perspective to themes.

Gracie: Gracie is a semi-big Disney fan who hasn’t seen all the
movies, but she will give anything a chance. Ariel from The Little
Mermaid is her favorite Disney princess. She keeps us on track
during various conversations and always keeps her eyes on the

Dani: Dani is a fan of princesses who are independent and unafraid

of toil. Her favorite Disney princess is Merida from Brave because
she doesn’t need a man to save her. Dani brings a different
perspective, especially with her being the only out-of-state host.

Savanna: Savanna is a major Disney fan because of her love of the

intricate stories that aren’t often told. Her favorite Disney princess is
Tiana, actually. Because she has seen these movies so many times,
she tends to pick up on things others sometimes look over.


The estimated length for each episode is approximately forty to

forty-five minutes. Because the group has four co-hosts, it is
important to make sure everyone has time to share their thoughts
and opinions. This also allows for time to discuss topics that were
not originally on the agenda which keeps the podcast open to all
things Disney. When researching other podcasts, we found that this
time length is the average time, and audiences tend to disengage
after fifty minutes.


This podcast will be posted once a week on Mondays. As college

students, we all have a tremendous workload, and it is important for
us to succeed in our classes. Because of this, the weekends pose as
the ideal time to get together and dive into the world of Disney. This
allows for sufficient editing time to give our listeners the best
possible content.


Below is the format for this episode of Once Upon a Podcast. It is
important to us that we discuss major themes seen in the movie and
give personal examples of how this relates to our lives. We believe
making the podcast personal allows for listeners to relate and have a
stronger connection to these Disney movies. Therefore, we chose
this structure to keep us on task and guarantee that we cover the
topics that are important and personal to us.

1. Intro music with greeting from all the co-hosts

2. Introduction of this week’s movie choice: Princess and the Frog
3. Summary of the movie
4. Introduce themes of the movie (food and family)
5. Discuss our family food traditions
6. Highlight the importance of food in the movie and our lives as
7. Discuss the role of the family in the film and our lives
8. Discuss the importance of race and diversity in the film
9. Share our experiences regarding diversity at ASU
10.Discuss how this movie was a milestone for Disney
11.Wrap up and share our favorite Disney movies and princesses
12.Thank audience and preview next episode (Brave)
13.Outro with music

For our podcast, we have decided as a group to create a detailed
outline of the topics we want to cover during the episode. Most
outlines will follow similar formatting to the one listed above in the
previous section of this report. The biggest difference will be our

opinions and feelings towards the movie we are discussing. Each
host of the show gives their own thoughts on each topic, naturally,
some are more passionate about certain topics and therefore will be
enthusiastic to share their ideas. However, the participation of each
host remains balanced for the rest of the podcast.

We chose not to use a script because we felt that it would take the
sincerity out of the episode. Our vision for our podcast is for it to
remain relatable with our audience and have a true sense of realness
when listening. we all agreed that a script would make that vision
more difficult for us to accomplish and therefore led us to decide on
using an outline instead.


Our cover art has crowns because Disney’s most famous characters
are princesses and princes. The hearts are there because most
movies focus on love in some aspect or another, or in the case of Up
and Brave, the movie focuses on platonic, familial love rather than
romantic love. The eyeballs symbolize how we, the podcasters, look
out for various insights to make about the movie and its intentions
for those who watch it. Lastly, the lightning bolts are to symbolize
the strong relationships and messages that Disney builds, all of
which we make the focus of our podcast.


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information or rationales to support your podcast.

your podcast.

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