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1. If the patient had duodenum metastatic cancer to duodenum and pancreas and not
affected to other body parts. Which level you will be assessed —-increased blood
2. Over infusion of IV fluid to pneumonia patient what you will assess—skin colour, nail
bed, edema,—— respiratory distress(crackles).
3. Potassium level 2.5. Plan for surgery . what option you will choose—Inform
4. Patient is planning for abdominal surgery. which regular medicine you will ask
patient to stop –warfarin
5. Prothrombin level10.5-before surgery –what option you will take –precaution from
bleeding, inform doctor, continue assessment ———normal level(continue
6. Pneumonia patient –cough, green sputum –which assessment sounds –broncial ,
tympanic, bloating, abdominal bloating.—- tympanic
7. Burn in upper neck, face, and arms –which arterial pulse you can check—
femoral pulse.
8. Patient with jugular vein distension, breathing difficulty—hypoxia, edema, myocardial
infection,……..Right ventricular failure
9. Patient with hair on face , arms ,acne—which hormone level will increase—
10. Yearly vaccine —flu vaccine-Infuenza.
11. If the patient is above 75 years old . what is the normal process at his age?—
decreased sexual process, bed rest 10 hours , urinary incontinence 81
years old. ——urinary incontinence 81 years old.
12. Baby screening . What assessment further you will assess or teaching—capillary,
babinski, papillary—Babinski response
13. Patient comes to you for medication for diabetic and hypertension. After 2 weeks
patient come to you .BP reading was high. What you will do?—Recheck BP.
14. Shortenss of breathing after having medication—–is it—side effect, adverse
reactions,…,… .—-Side effects
15. Narcan (naloxone) is the antidote for—-opiod analagesics
16. Post amputation above knee. You give pre op analgesic medication for
what?—decrease phantom limb pain.
17. Pictures for moro reflex, rooting reflexand sucking reflux-asked which

18. Ceiliac disease what food should not give.—-BROW food

19. Constipation patient — –which we eat –which is bulking food –milk, fruit juices,
20. Antiplatelets discontinue before surgery–aspirin
21. Angina patient given nitroglycerine—what action –myocardial contractility, heart
output,cardiac arrhythmia,……..myocardial contractility
22. Height and weight table –BMI-height 6feet and 3 inch and weight is 140 lb—ceheck
patient is over wight, underweight, obesteity or normal—–normal.(140
lb=63.5kg) , 6feet 3 inch=1.9metere. So BMI= weight/height in meter
square= 63.5/3.61=17.59. (so 18 -25 kg/m2 is normal)
23. Diabetic normal wound –what dressing you will give for the small wound—antibiotic
ointment, debridement ointment, gauze dressing—–dry gauze dressing.
24. Wound is 7.5 inch in arm.You prepare patient for suturing . which type of anesthesia
you will suggest—local anesthesia
25. Post mastectomy patient-checked patient after 2 weeks –your treatment is
effective—-Patient is closing the cubpord with same extremity.
26. Pain scale is 6-10 . Which anglagesics can order—morphine
27. Epidemic survey—
28. You are on duty..Other nurse comeout and find you , that you are sleeping —,…….—

29. You are on duty. You didn’t give medicine to patient and went outside with another
nurse– Patient right, criminal law?— negligence
30. Medication rights before giving medicine—choose correct option –Right
patient-Right drug-Right dose-Right time-Right route-Right education-
right to refuse-right assessment-right evaluation-right documentation.
31. Married men coming to your clinic. And asked for help—what is your initial
assessment of his problem—sexual problem.


1. MI patient ECG changes—“T” wave inversion , ST elevation

2. Hyokalemia signs and symptoms-
3. Gastro esophageal reflux disease-position- in adults reverse trendelenburg position
4. Glasgow coma scale—
5. Patient complaints of chest pain –nitroglycerine given -previous history of
depression. Nurse should ask what question redarding patient history?—has taken
benzodiazepines in the morning.
6. MRSA patient isolation method—strict contact isolation.
7. X-ray diaphragm –patient having complaints of continous cough, hemoptysis,
crackles—–In xray which findings?—pneumonia.

8. RSV (pediatric questions)

9. Variant /prince metal angina—it occurs due to coronary spasm . pain occurs same
time each day . it can occur at rest.
10. Digoxin:

Digoxin: As a cardiac glycoside action increase the ventricular contraction and decrease
heart rate. Therapeutic range 0.5 to 2ngm/ml. If the therapeutic range more than 2ngm/ml
–digoxin toxicity.Ionotropic .

Signs of digoxin toxicity: decreased heart rate, nausea, vomiting, halo ring vision(greenish
yellow circular around the light)

Antidote-Digibind-digoxin immune fab.

Before giving digoxin should check the apical pulse if it is <60b/mt in adult or 90-110b/mt in
children—withhold the digoxin.monitor the posttassium during digoxin toxicity . administer
pottssium rich food.


Inflammation of respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, and bronchi)

Causative organism-RSV, para influenza virus

C/F: Barking cough, hoarsness of voice , inspiratory stridor, mild fever.

Mgt: humidified oxygen, hand hygiene , tripod position.

Should not give cough syrup or tablets because it causes thickening of sputum.

Complication : Airway obstruction

Child with tonsillitis and croup syndrome , the child may exibit tripod position
that the sign of airway obstruction should notify the physician

Home care instruction:

Have the client breath night cool air or air from an open freezer.

11. Post pleural effusion patient during physical examination which position –semi
fowlers position
12. Pulse volume scale
13. Right side CVA patient exercise—-
14. Parietal lobe function —temperature, touch, pain perception.
15. Medulla oblongata functions—respiration, heart rate, bp
16. Occulomotor—3rd cranial nerve—cause constriction of pupil.
17. Muscle ache due to vigorous exercise —-cause by lactic acid
18. Crutch—wearing weight on axillae can cause crutch palsy by pressure on the brachial
plexus , weight should be supported by the hands on the cross bars of the crutches.
19. Hemiplegia—paralysis of one side of the body.
20. Paraplegia—–paralysis of both lower extremities and lower tgrunk.
21. Paresis od upper and lower extremity—
22. 23 year old man sickle cell crisis pain score 10/10. Nursing diagnosis?—
23. Right breast biopsy before doing procedure , patient ask nurse what is the post op
24. Descending osteomy site diagram
25. Patient is know case of DM, complaints of lethargy, poor skin turgor, nausea,
vomiting , -nursing diagnosis?—
26. After 65 years , which vaccine one to give?—
27. New born apgar score—-
28. Vaginal surgery position—
29. A client experiences traumatic brain injury. Which finding identified by the nurse
indicate damage toupper motor neurons.—a. absent reflexes, b.flaccid paralysis, c.
trousers sign, d. babinski response —Answer- babinski response.
30. Multiple sclerosis patients –increased rsik for—
31. Parkinson patient most tremor when occurs—
32. Mechanical ventilation
33. Rombergs test-
34. Water intoxication syndrome
35. Define pulse pressure—difference between systolic and diastolic BP.
36. Growth and development-12 to 20 year old boy –psychological crisis
37. Toddler ——-co-operative play
38. Iron deficiency anemia , leukemia symptoms—
39. TOF (hypercyanotic/blue spell)which position—knee chest or quating position to
prevent right to left shunt.
40. Aortic aneurysm treatment?—surgical repair
41. Intake and output?—calculation
42. Patient complaints of break down of nose treatment?—
43. Deep vein thrombosis surgery?—
44. Patient complaints of severe abdominal pain . abdominal assessment perform order-
45. Patient having right arm fracture cast applied.Left lower arm transfusion going .
Patient complaints of pain . which site the IV line to be changed?—same hand upper
46. Endoscopy which position— Left LateralPosition and Prone Position for Endoscopic
Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography..
47. A nurse is caring for an anxious , fearful client. Which client response indicate
sympathetic nervous system control—skin pallor.
48. Sigmoidoscopy complications—Perforation,bleeding and infection.
49. 20 year old boy Erickson stage –identity versus role confusion


Birth-18 mos Trust vs Mistrust
1½ to 3 y/o Autonomy vs Shame & doubt
3 to 6 y/o Initiative vs guilt
6 to 12 y/o Industry vs Inferiority
12–20 y/o Identity vs role confusion
18-25 y/o Intimacy vs isolation
25-65 y/o Generativity vs stagnation
65 y/o to death Integrity vs despair


1. Infancy-oral stage
2. Toddler-anal stage
3. Pre schooler-phalic stage
4. Schooler-latency stage
5. Adolescents-genital stage


 0-2 years-sensori motor
 2-7 years-pre operational-ego centric-compare with past, present andfuture
 7-12years-concrete operational-mathematical-classification,addition, substraction.
 12 years-adult-formal operational-abstract , thinking,creative and concrete thinking.

Developmental mile stones:

2-3month Social smile

4-5monthg Grasp object
6-7month Sits with support
8-9 month Sits without support
10-11 month Stand securly
12-13 month Can drink from a cup
14-15month walk
18th month Spoon feeding
24th month Can pour water to a cup
21/2 year Throw a ball over the head
3 year Hop on 1 feet

50. Muscle dystrophy mostly after?– appears between the ages of 2 and 16but can
appear as late as age 25.
51. CVA patient-eating assistance by nurse—encourage client to participate in feeding
52. Hemiparesis client reluctant to use cane. Nurse explains that cane will help to —-
maintain balance to improve stability.
53. CVA patient-position should be changed —- 1 to 2 hours interval
54. CVa patient –prevention of foot drop by—-
55. Left hemiplegia client—rehabilitation initiation by nurse—position the client to
prevent contractures.
56. CVA patient –hemiplegia—exxercise—passive range of motion exercise.
57. Right hemiplegia pt—nurse checking BP in right arm –Produces inaccurate readings.
58. Dysarthria—nursing care—effective communication
59. Emotional liability is associated with brain trauma-client often becomes
uncontrollably tearful.
60. Position for CVA patient initially—-lateral.(absence of gaga reflex is common after
CVA. To prevent aspiration Lateral position can be provided)
61. Coma patient –most clinical indicator—urinary incontinence.
62. Ruptured cerebral aneurysm –most clinical indicator—sudden severe headache.
63. Nursing action for a client who experience hemianopsia—place objects within the
visual field.
64. TIA (trans Ischemic Attack) –more chance to develop CVa with in 2-5 years.
65. Hydrocephalus 2weeks after cranial surgery for ruptured cerebral aneurysm-due to
what physiological response—blocked absorption of fluid from arachnoid space.
66. Head injury patient –nurseshould assess for increased ICP-which clinical indicator
should assess—slowing of heart rate
67. Therapeutic effect of mannitol—decrease ICP.
68. Before starting chemotherapy what to do?—monitor for hematological
parameter(blood counts).
69. A nurse should expect to identify loss of which ability when assessing an unconscious
patient—controlling elimination.
70. Epiglotitis nursing diagnosis—
71. Head trauma patient –nursing care—monitor client for signs of brain injury and
symptoms of increased ICP(headache,dizziness, visual disturbances, fever ,stupor,
decreased LOC).
72. Thermoregulation centre—-hypothalamus
73. Expressive aphasia nursing care—provide positive feedback when the client uses a
word correctly.
74. Patient had abdominoplasty , having drainage tube at right thigh. Which assessment
should be doen by nurse?
75. Patient vitals BP: 80/30, P.R-120?mt, R.R-20?mt. Abnormal vital signs— BP: 80/30
76. Urinary tract infection diet—Cranberry juice
77. TB patient , the nurse is explaining disease condition . Among the following reply
from patient—teaching is effective?
78. Child is having inguinal hernia —further instruction?–
79. After head trauma –client complaints of ringing ears—which cranial nerve is
affected—vestibulococchlear nerve(8th)
80. TB transmission-airborne
81. Injury to which part of brain during an accident –client will not survive—-medulla
82. Client with history of seizure posted for arteriogram –pt is on NPO-order of medicine
is oral anticonvulasant 1hour before procedure –what the nurse should do?—ask
health care provider if the drug can be given IV.
83. Cerebrum work?


Parts: Brain and spinal cord

Parts of Brain:



Frontal lobe-thinking,problem solving, decision making,cognition

Temporal lobe—hearing, speech, smell , tast

Occipital lobe—viison, and colour perception

Parietal lobe—perception, pain, pressure , temperature, touch

Cerebellum—equilibrium and coordination

Romber’s test:it is used to check the equilibrium finger to nose co-ordination

Medulla: –controls the vital signs



It extend from the lower portion of brain stem C1 to C2.

Covering of brain and spinal cord is meninges.

Blood supply to brain is cerebral artery.

Anterior cerebral artery syndrome:

 Hemiparesis-hemiplegia-sensory deficit primarily involving the leg and perineum-

apraxia-urinary incontinence.

Posterior cerebral artery syndrome:

-contilateral homonymous hemianoxia-visual agnosia –aphraxia-memory deficit-chorea-

intentional tremor

Basilar artery:

-upper extremity spasm of the hand-contralateral hemi anesthesia—ptosis


It consist of symapathetic and parasympathetic system:

Sympathetic (anticholinergics) Parasympathetic (cholinergic)

Dilate the pupil Constrict the pupil
Increases HR Decreases HR
Consist the blood vessels Dilate the blood vessels
Bronchodilation Bronchoconstriction
Decrease GI mobility Increases GI mobility
Constrict the sphincter Relaxes the sphincter
Inhibit secretions Stimulate secretions
Stimulate production of epinephrine and nor epinephrine No effect5
Dry mouth Increased salivation
Neurotransmitter involved is nor epinephrine Acetyl choline


1.Olfactory –function –smell

2. Optic –vision
3. Occulomotor—movement of eye, movement of eyeball, elevation of upper eyelid ,
papillary constriction

-Unilateral pupil dilatation indicates compression of 3rd cranial nerve

Mid point fluid pupil indicates —mid brian injury

-pin point fixed pupils indicate pons damage , dry toxicity or poisoning

-Bilateral dilated fixed pupils indicate death

Normal pupil dilatation is 3-5mm.

PERRLA:-Pupil Equal Round Reacting to Light and Accomodation

4. Trochlear nerve—upward and downward movement of eye and eye muscles.

5. trigeminal –sensory—sensation of face,cornea,oral and nasal mucosa. Motor—corneal
reflex—chewing and mastication
6. Abduscent –lateral movement of the eye
7. Facial—sensory –anterior 2/3rd of taste perception (salt and sweet). Motor-facial
expression-smiling and puffing out.
8. vestibule cochlear—hearing and balancing
9. Glossopharyngeal—sensory –posterior 1/3rd of taste perception (tongue)-bitter ,
sour.Motor-chewing and swalloeing –gag reflex.
10. vagal nerve—parasympathetic system. –dcrease Hr—Decrease BP—increases
secretion—sensation behind the ear—helps in phonation—production of HCL.—gag
11. spinal accessory nerve—moveemnt of shoulder and dry
12. hypoglossal –movement of tongue during swallowing and speaking.
13. primary responsibility of a nurse during generalized motor seizures——clearing the
immediate environment for client safety.

Assessment of temperature:

The elevated temperature increases the metabolic rate of the brain. Elevation in
temperature indicates dysfunction of hypothalamus.

Assessment of respiration:

1. Chyne stroke respiration –Rhythmic with periods of apneoa that indicates metabolic
dysfunction or dysfunction in the cerebral hemisphere or basal ganglia.
2. Neurogenic hyperventilation : —
3. Midbrain function?
4. Measles outbreak in community . where to inform?—primary health centre.


-paramyxovirus-airborn disease-sources: direct contact with infected person , transplacental


Period of communicability—from 4 days to 5 days after the rashes appear. .

Rashes appears 3-4 days after prodormal stage.

Isolation –negative pressure isolation with mask

morbillivirus– incubation: 10-14 days –Infectivity: 4 days pre-rash – spread: droplet

C/F: prodrome: “ 3 c’s ”: c ough, c oryza, c onjunctivitis, fever, eyelid

edema .Koplik spots (1-2 days before and after rash): small white papules on red
base of buccal mucosa, maculopapular rash spreads over face and hairline over 3 days

Complications: secondary bacterial infection (lung, otitis media, sinusitis)-

Bronchopneumonia, croup – encephalitis – ataxia, vomiting, seizures, coma

Treatment: supportive and symptomatic (i.e. Ocular care, appropriate treatment of

secondary bacterial infection)- immunoglobulin to prevent or modify disease if administered
within 6 days.

86. Oxygen delivery system:

1L 24%
2L 28%+4each
3L 32%
4L 36%
5L 40%
6L 44%

method In L FiO2
NASAL CANNULA 1-6L/mt 24%-44%
Simple face mask 6-8L/mt Approx.56%-60%
NRM(deliver highest con of oxygen) 10-15L/mt 95_100%
Venture mask(accurate oxygen) 4-10L/mt Green -60%


1. Painful vaginal bleeding—abruptio placenta

2. 12-18month teeth eruption—canine teeth
3. Paresis of ciliary muscles of left eye –what function nurse should assess—
focusing the lens on near objects.
4. A client had craniotomy for meningioma. For what response nurse assess
client in PACU unit—(a. dehydration, b. blurred vision, c. wound infection,
4. Narrowing pulse pressure)—answer-blurred vision.
5. 125ml/hour—drug calculation –to find out total fluid for 8 hours.
6. Gout increased fluid intake —to excrete uric acid
7. Glaucoma patient—therapy must be continued for life to prevent damage
to optic nerve from increased intraocular pressure.
8. Cystic fibrosis exercise—blowing bubbles
9. CT contract effects—flushing of face and sensation of warmth.
10. The nurse assist Dr. to perform L.P.when pressure is placed on the jugular
vein during L.P.,spinal pressure is expected to increase. Which sign the
nurse should expect health care provider to document—-Queckenstedt
sign.(if there is no obstruction , pressure on the jugular vein cause
increased ICP. This , in turn , cause Increase in spinal fluid pressure.
11. Skin lesion on the nose—(picture)
12. After 30 minutes of blood transfusion, patient having chills and back ache ,
nursing action——stop transfusion.
13. Pain in the right lower quadrant—
14. Apgar score(repeated)
15. When entering a room nurse identifies that a client is having a seizure.
What should the nurse do inaddition to protecting the client from self
inury—(a. insert oral airway, b. monitor the seizure activity, c.turn the
client on left side, d.begin oxygen by mask at 8L/minute.—answer:
monitor the seizure activity.
16. Glasgow coma scale(repeated)

A client is admitted post traumatic brain injury and multiple fractures. The clients
eye remains closed , and there is no evidence of verbalization or movement ,
when the nurse changes the position. What score on the Glasgow coma scale
should the nurse document —–answer:3.

17. Allen’s test—ABG (repeated)

18. Brain tumor in occipital lobe—cause—visual hallucination.
19. Parotidectomy post op complication—facial nerve dysfunction.
20. ABG analysis PH:7.25, pcO2: 39Hco3-20?—-metabolic acidosis
21. TB—negative pressure room
22. Phenytoin(Dilantin) –control seizure disorder –discharge advise-“will
probably be continued for life”
23. Rapid accumulation of air in the pleural space—tension pneumothorax



Collapse of a lung resulting by accumulation of more air in the pleural space.


Sudden unilateral pleuritic chest pain, may be mild discomfort or sharp, that
increases on exertion, dyspnoea, anxiety , drowsiness, tachycardia, rapid,
shallow respirations, diaphoresis, progressive cyanosis.

Breath sound on affected side are diminished or absent.

Closed/sponatenous – No external wound due to rupture of pulmonary bleb(air
filled spaces) commonly seen in smokers.

Open pneumothorax-due to gun shoot injury or direct stab wound .Priority mgt:
cover with sterile gauze vented dressing.

Management :

 Provide fowlers position-placement of ICD-thoracentesis-chest


TENSION PNEUMOTHORAX: Rapid excessive accumulation of air with in the

pleural space as a result of blunt chest injury (penetrating chest injury). It is due
to increased intra thoracic pressure. Commonly seen in mechanical ventilation
with PEEP . In this air will entger in lunds but will not leave

Clinical manifestations-unilateral air entry, mediastinal shift, tracheal deviation

towards unaffected side , severe dyspnea, diminished or absent breath sound on
affected side, shallow respiration, dyspnoea.

Management: needle decompression n(2nd or 3rd intercostals space).

24. Infant pulse checking site—-brachial

26. Prostatectomy nursing intervention—sexual dysfunction.
27. Ritalin side effect–-Insomnia
28. Asthma auscultating sound—–wheezing
29. Pulmonary embolism diagnostic evaluation—-pulmonary angiography
30. MRSA precaution—sterile gown, gloves, mask
31. Examples of epidemic disease—TB
32. Pneumonia mode of transmission—airborne
33. Forceful extension of thigh leads to severe pain—-appendicitis
34. Cholecystityis surgical management—cholecystectomy
35. GERD— leads to respiratory tract infection.
36. Hepatitis A precaution—handwashing
37. Diarrhoea precaution—-hand washing
38. Spermatogenesis occurs—at the time of puberty.
39. Projectile vomiting and palpable mass—pyloric stenosis
40. Chovestek sign, positive trousseaus sign c/m—tetany-hypocalcemia
41. Prostate cancer patienmt-which diagnostic test to be monitored—prostate
specific antigen(PSA)(higher the level , greater the tumor burden)
42. Which part of the brain help for co ordination—cerebellum
43. Multiple sclerosis-which statement indicate further teaching is required—
“I will take a hot bath to help relax mymuscles”.
44. Multiple sclerosis nursing intervbention—space activities throughout day
to prevent fatigue.
45. Baby with meningocele which position to be avoided —supine
position(provide prone position)
46. Heart failure which sound is heard—rales
47. 18th week of gestation colour of amniotic fluid–-clear
48. Uterine contraction –1 question
49. Glomerulonephritis –how to prevent recurrent attack?—seek early
treatment for respiratory tract infection.
50. How to prevcent infection from urinary retention catheter?—cleansing
around meatus routinely.
51. Client diagnose with urethritis.before starting antibiotic nurse should plan
for – sending urine culture
52. Renal calculi-nursing actions –select all that apply question- monitoring
I/O ,straining the urine at each voiding, administering prescribed
53. Urinary calculus–composed of uric acid –client should avoid ——-organ
meats and meat extracts.
54. Nephrolithotomy post op findings –which finding should be reported to
DR.(a. passage of pink-tinged urine, b. Pink drainage on dressing , c.
intake of 1750mlk in 24 hours,d. urine output of 20 to 30
ml/hour)……urine output 20-30ml/hour.
55. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(AML) –position after eating—semi fowlers.
56. ESRD clinical indicators-–azotemia, hypertension.
57. Bladder cancer pt-for cystectomy and ileal conduit –pre op plan—
administer cleansing enema and laxatives as ordered.
58. Suprapubic prostatectomy tube-—cystostomy.
59. CRF pt,which clinical manifestation indicated for hemopdialysis?—–
60. Acute kidney failure pt-become confused and irritable-cause of this
behavior:–—an increased BUN.
61. How nurse can obtain accurate urine output for a client with continous
bladder irrigation-–substract volume of irrigant drain into 2 separate bags.
62. Spinal cord injury-para plegia—problem—bladder control
63. Myasthenia gravis patient experience dysphagia-nursing priority—raise
head of the bed.
64. Guillen Barre syndrome(GBS) –which assessment indicate more frequent
monitoring—ascending weakness.
65. Lasix side effects—hypokalemia
66. Cystic fibrosis, child plays—blowing bubbles
67. Phantom limb pain –1 question(repeated questions)
68. Right side mastectomy patient—draiange tube to be placed in which side—
right side.
69. Normal breath sound heard in lower lobe–-vesicular
70. Musical sound —wheezing
71. Extra cellular fluid buffer—bicarbonate
72. Causative organism for pneumonia—overcrowded: —-mycoplasma
pneumonia-community acquired pneumonia
73. Pulse deficit—difference between apical and peripheral pulse
74. CPR—chest compression-1 question-100 compression
75. Post op patient complaining of severe stabbing chest pain—pulmonary
76. Patient with complaints of fever and had 2 weeks streptococcal throat
infection—the murse expect physician should order which test—
77. Sickle cell crisis—1 q—IV fluid therapy
78. BMI-1Q
79. Cholecystectomy surgery site—picture
80. Intervention to prevent atelectasis ina client with fractured ribs due to
chest trauma—encourage coughing and deep breathing
81. ABG of a client with COPD deteriorates, and respiratory failure is
impending . which clinical indicator should the nurse assess first—mental
82. Decreased oxygen to the vital centres in the brain results in—
— restlessness and confusion.
83. A nurse is caring for a client with severe dyspnoea who is receiving oxygen
via venture mask. What should the nurse do when caring for this client
while eating?—–monitor oxygen saturation levels when eating.(because
mask cannot be worn when eating., the client may become hypoxic . a
nasal cannula may be needed to deliver oxygen while the client is eating.

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