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Levkov Maksim

September 18, 2018

HMT 1450

Helen Arnold

Word counting: 599

In recent years, digital technologies have brought the whole variety of educational,
informational and healthcare resources closer to users (Growing up in a digital world: benefits
and risks 2018). No one can deny the fact that with the help of the most significant invention of
modernity – the Internet – people can get undoubted benefits. UNICEF’s State of the World’s
Children 2017: Children in a Digital World (2017) report proves that 71% of people aged from
15 to 24 are active users of digital technologies, what is the highest rate among the world's
population. That is why it is important to define if the impact of digital technologies on young
people is positive or negative.

People tend to believe in both variants of the influence of digital technologies on the
younger generation. According to Growing up in a digital world: benefits and risks (2018),
“They have transformed their education and learning, the way they make…friendships, how they
spend their leisure time, and their engagement with wider society.” That is the reason why the
mobile and the network environments are subjects of researches aimed at studying the features of
communication and interaction of users and forms of personal expression.

Due to The Impact of Digital Technologies on Society (2018), “…some of the services
and products that were previously analog, such as travel arrangements, music, film, translations,
and media are becoming digital.” In recent years, the process of communication has become
simpler. Digital technologies provide services, for instance, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter,
which can connect people from different parts of the world. Moreover, the whole process of
learning has become more convenient and free from language barriers and geographical location
of specific educational institutions. Technology and society – the impact of technology on society
(2018) states: “Visual education is becoming more popular and it has proved to be the best
method of learning in many subjects like mathematics, physics…economics...” Now the
possibility of distance learning has become available. With the help of such applications as
Duolingo, Lingualeo, and others, children can simply learn different foreign languages and other
subjects to expand the boundaries of communication.

According to Growing up in a digital world: benefits and risks (2018), “Along with the
substantial opportunities the digital age brings, come a diverse range of risks and harms.” It
means that the use of new technologies by young people can harm both physical and mental
health. How does the time children spend using digital technology impact their mental well-
being, social relationships, and physical activity? (2017) authors state: “…some studies have
found a negative association between screen time and physical activity.” In addition, the
relationship between people who use the Internet, phones and similar devices can be in danger.
“A 2017 survey found that 3% of 11-16-year olds in the UK have spent some of their money on
online gambling, and 7% have used their parents’ accounts...” (Growing up in a digital world:
benefits and risks 2018). Children tend to become addicted to some products or services, which
digital technologies provide.

It is important to note, that new digital technologies can have a significant impact on the
formation of psycho-sociological attitudes among young people. Of course, in the modern world,
it is impossible to isolate a young person from their usage. However, ways of neutralizing the
negative impact ought to be developed. According to Growing up in a digital world: benefits and
risks (2018), moderate use of digital technology can be salutary to children’s well-being, whereas
excessive usage can be destructive. You need to know opportunities and threats of digital
technologies from the young age to prevent negative consequences.

1. (2018). The Impact of Digital Technologies on Society. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep.

2. (2018). Growing up in a digital world: benefits and risks. [online]

Available at:
6.pdf [Accessed 18 Sep. 2018].

3. UNICEF (2017). How does the time children spend using digital technology impact their
mental well-being, social relationships and physical activity?. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 18 Sep. 2018].

4. UNICEF (2018). UNICEF’s State of the World’s Children 2017: Children in a Digital
World report. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18
Sep. 2018].

5. Use of (2018). Technology and society – impact of technology on

society. [online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Sep.

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