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Student Teacher Name: Krystina Rodkey Date: 11/20/19

Lesson Topic and Grade: Music Theory; 9-12

National Standards of Music:

 MU:Cr3.1.C.IIa - Identify, describe, and apply selected teacher-provided or personally-developed criteria to assess
and refine the technical and expressive aspects of evolving drafts leading to final versions.
 MU:Cr3.2.C.IIa Share music through the use of notation, solo or group performance, or technology, and
demonstrate and describe how the elements of music and compositional techniques have been employed to realize
expressive intent.
 MU:Pr4.1.C.IIa Identify and select specific passages, sections, or movements in musical works that express
personal experiences and interests, moods, visual images, concepts, texts, or storylines in simple forms (such as
binary, ternary, rondo) or moderately complex forms

Instructional Objectives:
 Students will gain experience composing and harmonizing their own melodies
 Students will learn binary form and ternary form

 Instruction sheet for composition project
 Chromebooks
 Whiteboard/markers

Opening/Introduction Activity
 Introduce binary form and ternary form (they will be using ternary in their compositions)

Learning Opportunities/Procedure:
 Introduce composition project, go over rules and steps
 Allow students time to begin their Composition projects
 Float around the room answering questions and approving students’ projects as they progress through the steps.
 This project is a culmination of everything the students have learned in class this semester. Their ability to complete this
project will serve as a way to assess their overall progress over the course of the semester.

 After completing this project, I think that the students have developed a greater understanding of the material we have
covered so far this semester. Their composition skills have improved and they are more comfortable with creating on their
own without so much help from me. This was a very successful project and one that I think the students will be proud of.

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