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company: Entity in which capital and labor are

involved as factors of production of industrial or
commercial activities or for the provision of
innovate: Change things by introducing news.
infrastructure: Set of technical means, services
and facilities necessary for the development of an
activity or for a place to be used
Logistics business: In English logistics,
logistics is the set of means and methods that
allow the organization of a company or a
service. Business logistics implies a certain
order in the processes that involve the
production and marketing of goods

human resources: In business administration,

all employees or collaborators of an
organization, economic sector or a complete
economy are called human resources
Manager: Person who is responsible for
directing, managing or administering a
company, company or other entity

Organizational culture: Organizational culture,

institutional culture, administrative culture,
corporate culture, business culture, or business
culture, are some expressions used to designate a
specific concept of culture (which understands it as
the set of experiences, habits, customs, beliefs , and
values, which characterizes a human group) applied
to the restricted scope of an organization,
institution, administration, corporation, company, or
globalization: Globalization is an economic,
technological, political, social and cultural process
worldwide that consists of increasing
communication and interdependence between the
different countries of the world joining their
markets, social and cultural
Integral administration: Achieve customer
satisfaction through an improved product. It is the
process of planning, organizing, directing and
controlling the use of resources and work activities
in order to achieve the objectives or goals of the
organization efficiently and effectively.
Quality: Quality is an inherent property of anything
that allows it to be valued with respect to any other
of the same species.

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