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My name is Thomas hazlett and I’m vice president in chanfe of curriculum development here at lenox
academy and I’m excited to announce that we have now been able to incorporate some of the most
exciting features that we offer over Linux into the courses that we publish over here on
udemy and those features include our hands on labs as well as our flashcard and community features,
So now that you have enrolled in this course at udemy you do get access to some of these features.
And I want to walk you through the process on how to access those feature so that you can use them
if you so choose.
Now is should make a note that using any of the hands on lab environments using the flash cards or
joining in our community on the Linux academy’s side is completety optional. You can still take the
full course here on udemy and learn all the AWS as essentials that you need to get yourself started.
However of you want to take the next step and take some of our bonus material that we’re offering
here you can follow the instructions in this video and sign up for a free Linux academy community
account which will then give you access to these additional features and benefits.
Now if you’re asking yourself why you should take advantage of some of these additional features and
sign uo for learning academy community addition account let me show you exactly what these have
to offer so quickly.
I’m going to now jump over to Linux and show you an example of one of our hands our
lab. So a lot of other traning web sites may say that they have hands on labs but really what they’re
doing is just giving you a couple of files a download you’re still having to use your own environment
when Linux and our hands on lab we we’re actually providing you for a temporary
amount of time at AWS, Google cloud Microsoft azure or Linux based environment for you to use and
this is again free of change and included as part of our hands on labs so you see here when I click on
start activity or start this particular lab here for introduction to AWS identity amd access management
what’s going to happen here is that you are going to do provided with a link in logging credentials to
a real lied AWS environment and the same thing will happen id you happen to be taking a google app
in azure lab or a Linux or devops based lab.
So by clicking on open console here and going back and copying the credentials here cloud users you
should use this as an example, we’ll see here that I’m now logged in to a real live AWS environment.
This is again is 100% included and at no charge to you and then what we have here in the labs we
have a video we’re going to walk us through the hands on step by step prosesses that we need to take
in order to complate the objectives and the tasks that are laid our for this particular lab. So again one
of the really cool things that Linux academy provides to you is real live environments for you get real
hands on


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