Aditya Annotated Bibliography 1

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Annotated Bibliography

Racism: Gone or Prevalent?

Aditya Raju

Professor Malcolm Campbell

UWRT 1103-H04

October 17, 2019

“Charleston Church Shooting: Suspected Gunman Arrested.” ​BBC News​, BBC, 18 June 2015,​. Accessed 16 Oct. 2019.

This news article accurately talks about the Charleston Shooting by giving a brief history of the

shooter, Dylann Roof, and his upbringing as well as the motives he had for performing this hate

crime. Although this source is not directly correlated with the importance of educating children

on racial issues, it plays an important part in informing why parents and the school system

should consider bringing it up. To begin the source, the news article talks about the scene

before the crime was taken place which includes the time that he sat in the Bible study before

acting. By describing this information, it provides a context and establishes the mood of the

article before they even get into the main information. Then the source progresses to get into

the actual shooting by giving accurate times of when the first shots were fired and the victims.

The article was written immediately following the shooting so the events while reading it seems

like it is happening real-time rather than an” after the fact” transcript. One extra detail that

highlights the reasons that Dylann committed this crime is shown on his jacket. The article goes

into detail on the jacket that the young man was wearing and the patches that were stitched on

to the front in case they had any correlation to why he performed the crime. After a thorough

investigation and connecting the dots, they were able to realize that the flags correspond to

countries that have been controlled by white supremacists which in turn means that Dylann

himself was a white supremacist. Regarding the source, this article is from the British

Broadcasting Corporation, also known as BBC. BBC is a public service broadcaster that is the

world’s oldest national broadcasting organization to-date. It employs over 20,950 staff in total in

which 16,672 are public sector broadcasting. This site is a credible and reliable site to get

information from because of the scale of the organization. With an organization this big that

provides news to the entire world and is supported by the British Parliament, there is no way to
go wrong. Although the news is biased for certain situations, that is natural because the reporter

is still allowed to voice their opinion while providing the information.

Cole, Kirsten, and Diandra Verwayne. “Becoming Upended: Teaching and Learning about Race
and Racism with Young Children and Their Families.” ​NAEYC,​​.
Accessed 20 Oct. 2019.

This article highlights the importance of informing children about racism through early-childhood

education. The article is introduced by an anecdote from Mr. Verwayne’s kindergarten class

where there is one activity where they draw pictures of themselves describing what they

observe about themselves. This includes skin color, race, hair color, or even texture which is the

first taste that these little ones get towards the whole controversial topic of Racism. As the

article progresses from the anecdote into the controversy, the passage starts by talking about

why parents and teachers may not be interested in their children and students respectively, to

learn about sensitive topics such as these. By addressing the counter-argument, the writer

develops credibility and shows the reader that he is a multidimensional individual who

understands many perspectives. Additionally, the writer provides research from accredited

professors and researchers who look into the psychology behind this topic. By providing

information from reliable sources and citing them for readers to take a look at the information,

the writer develops credibility which is essential when composing a piece that has different

perspectives. Contradicting the idea that the anecdote had at the beginning of the article

however, Mr. Verwayne talks about rather than thinking about being different as a bad thing,

kids can cultivate the thought that diversity is unique and everyone’s own characteristics allow

different cultures and ideas to mesh together. When Mr. Verwayne was asked why he

addresses racism even when many teachers refuse to, he stated, “​We never have an honest,

​ ver​.​” This shows that he strongly believes in educating the youth

open discussion about race e

regarding social issues such as racism. The article is written by Kirsten Cole, a reporter for PIX

11 where she is also a discussion panelist. Before working for PIX, she worked for 10 years for
CBS 2. Just by her history, one can tell that she has the experience required to obtain credible

information, write reports, and compose articles. In addition to her profession, she has won

awards for her accomplishments. Regarding the source, National Association for the Education

of Young Children is a large nonprofit organization who represents early childhood educators,

trainers, and college educators. Founded in 1926 and nearly 80,000 members, NAEYC is an

organization whose fundamentals include the protection of education and teacher. While the

source credibility adds to the information presented in the article, the source is definitely a

strong one.
Acosta, David. “Breaking the Silence: Time to Talk About Race and Racism : Academic
Medicine.” ​LWW​, Academic Medicine,
_Time_to_Talk_About_Race_and.15.aspx​. Accessed 15 Oct. 2019.

This scholarly journal talks about the importance of educating teachers and students about

racial tension in the modern-day education system. The first step in this process is for faculty to

receive training regarding this topic so that they know their restrictions on what information and

issues to talk about as well as help teachers who feel uncomfortable talking about racial issues.

Till now, race has been avoided in conversation and education due to the controversy but one

thing that teachers are failing to realize is that the topic of racism does not always have to lead

to bias. According to the journal, with ample training, teachers will be able to teach students

about racism without their own beliefs involved. The counter-argument is also addressed in the

journal by stating, “witnessing discrimination and openly discussing racism-can be

overwhelmingly stressful for untrained faculty,” which is understandable which is why the

training is being suggested. By addressing the counter-argument, the scholar shows that the

argument can be interpreted from different point-of-views which further increases credibility for

his information. As the journal progresses, the article transitions from talking about the general

issue to the steps that can be taken in order to solve this crisis. The first step is the commitment

to honesty and the willingness to change which is hard to find within the education system.

After, there needs to be facilities that need to be established for teachers to train and learn how

to educate the kids of tomorrow. According to the journal, good intentions are not enough in

educating the youth but rather, there are skills required for teaching which can be done through

the various programs they believe should be offered in the facilities they look forward to open.

This article is published by an organization called the Association of American Medical Colleges
(AAMC), which is an non-profit organization based out of Washington, DC since 1876. AAMC’s

primary purpose is to provide transforming healthcare through innovative medical education,

cutting-edge patient care, and groundbreaking medical research. With over 171 medically

accredited schools and 400+ major teaching hospitals, the AAMC is a credible source for

information which allows this journal to be reliable as well.

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