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Recognition of Foreign Marriages Bill 2014

Submission 19 - Attachment 4

Arguments Against Same-Sex Marriage

People w ho choose to be gay know that their choice m eans they cannot
30% 12% 58%
get m arried (-28)

It is fine for sam e-sex couples to have a cerem ony, but it should not be
30% 7% 63%
called ‘m arriage’ (-33)

The recognition of de facto relationships and civil unions is enough; w e

29% 8% 63%
don’t need sam e-sex m arriage too (-34)

Children need both a m other and a father, and legalising sam e-sex
29% 6% 65%
m arriage could break that dow n (-36)

The institution is already under threat and should not be further

24% 10% 67%
underm ined by this (-43)

Marriage is only m eant to be betw een a m an and a w om an, so this is

24% 7% 69%
w rong and should not be encouraged (-44)

Marriage is a religious institution and no changes should be m ade to it

23% 7% 70%
against the w ishes of religious groups

Sam e-sex m arriages could devalue traditional m arriages (-51) 22% 6% 73%

Allow ing sam e-sex m arriage w ill lead to som e people losing their
16% 12% 72%
religious freedom s (-55)

Allow ing sam e-sex m arriage is a slippery slope and could lead to issues
17% 10% 74%
like polygam y (-57)

Agree Undecided Disagree

N.B. Sorted by net agreement (given in brackets) = % Total agree - % Total disagree
Q36) I’m now going to read you out some arguments that other people have given us for and against same-sex couples being
able to marry and, regardless of your overall opinion, I would like you to tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, 1

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