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Language and Power Module:



“Metaphors from sport and war are not just rhetorical devices for talking about politics.
They exemplify how people ordinarily think of politics; that is they always see politics as
confrontational” (Gibbs, 1994).

2000 words, Harvard reference system.

Reading list:

Reading List for Assignment 2 Language and Power

Carter, R., Goddard A., Sanger, K., and Swift N., Working with Texts : a Core Introduction to
Language Analysis.

2008, Routledge, Oxon.

Lakoff, G., and Johnson, M., Metaphors We Live By. 1980 The University of Chicago Press.

Tannen, D., The Argument Culture; Stopping America's War of Words. 1999 Random House
Publishing USA

Thorne, S. The Language of War Routledge

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