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Business or market strategies

In the quest for survival and achieving sustainable competitive advantages, organizations devise
strategic and tactical plans or strategies in the marketing environment and this is mainly geared
towards achieving its return on investment and meeting the needs of its customers .The
marketing environment constantly poses opportunity and threats to organizations and these has
become imperative to most firms to devise and implement strategies for their long term survival.

Marketers face high levels of various risk such as political risk, economic risk and even social
risk in the international market and based on these factors, the international marketer identifies
and implements long term decisions for achieving its long term objectives. A market strategy is
simply defined as the decision or group of decisions an international marketer develops for the
achievement of its long term objectives and attaining a sustainable competitive advantage .It is
referred to as an organizations or a marketer’s game plan to an intended destination

As international marketers for Kasapreko Ghana Limited, the following are key decisions we
would take into consideration when entering the international market.

 International market research

 International market segmentation
 International market target decisions
 Positioning strategy or communication
 Methods or ways of entering the international market

International market poses favorable and unfavorable environmental factors and it is important or
significant for the international marketer to adapt to these factors by devising various
environmental scanning techniques or tools such as the use of qualitative and quantitative
techniques .Using qualitative techniques implies the use of in-depth interviews of potential and
existing customers , the use of observation by conducting mystery shopping and some basket
analysis which would provide some information on the consumer buying behavior of customers.
Again, the use of quantitative techniques would be used where existing or secondary data would
be retrieved from agencies in charge of information and online platforms.

As international marketers who not information rich or sophisticated of the international market,
the political, economic, legal, technological and socio cultural environment would be analyzed to
identify the various opportunities posed in the international market and avoid the threats posed
by the market.

For instance in analyzing the political environment of the international market ,the political
stability of countries intended to target would be taken into consideration to avoid some risk
such as the result of attacks by rebels, coup d’états etcetera .

Again ,the marketers of Kasepreko would analyze the economic nature of the targeted markets
,taking into consideration the inflation rates ,the gross domestic product of these markets ,their
income levels and most importantly the nature of the business cycle in these countries to
determine if they are at boom stage or even their recession stage In analyzing the socio cultural
environment of these target markets to determine their customs traditions ,languages spoken and
these factors are important when it comes to deciding on packaging of the product.

International market segmentation

For the effective utilization of resources invested into producing and marketing the products into
the international market and satisfying the needs of customers profitably, the various countries
would be subjected to segmentation:

Demographic segmentation for Kasapreko Ghana Limited


Age; All ages

Occupation: public, private sector workers and students

Religion: Christians, Muslims and Traditionalist

Geographic segmentation for Kasapreko:

European countries: 51 countries

Northern European Countries

 Denmark
 Estonia
 Finland
 Iceland
 Lavita
 Norway
 Sweden
 United Kingdom (Ireland, Scotland, Whales, England )

International target market

Based on the countries identified, the international marketers would reduce the number based on
geographic reasons, cost, accessibility and profitability .The following are the chosen countries
to be targeted by Kasapreko:

 United Kingdom ( Ireland ,Scotland ,Scotland and London )

The marketers targeted these regions based on the following the following reasons:

 The countries are accessible in terms of travelling

 The countries are profitable In terms of the occupations of the people, and based on
statistics provided on the Gross Domestic product of the United Kingdom as 2018 first
 These countries were chosen based on language similarities spoken by these countries
and will reduce the cost of advertising in terms of translation.
 These countries were chosen based the political reasons.
 Immediate access to all ECOWAS Markets
 According to the foreign direct investment center, a country can own 100% foreign
 Based on the English common law principles
 Well-developed financial and legal services
 Based on economic factors. According to the news publication of the world statistics, the
Gross Domestic Product of the United Kingdom as at the third quarter of 2018 increased
by 2%. The GDP grew by o.6% in the third quarter of 2018 compared to other previous
 A hub second largest place for commercial activities and a hub of industrial activities.

The international marketers producing and selling the products in these countries selected would
adopt a forward integration. This strategy explains how an international marketer selling
products in these countries can own or control a distributing firm to gain an economics of scale,
increase its revenue etc. In the united kingdom, Africans especially Ghanaians have well
established distribution outlets where customers purchase their goods and services .This
opportunity would help the international marketers in the Kasapreko to succeed.

Another strategy the marketers would adopt is the application of partnership with foreign owned
business in the industry and also distributing the products into well-established retail outlets.

Developing the International Marketing Mix

Based on the strategies identifies, the international marketers would develop and blend its
marketing mix satisfy the needs and wants of its target market.

Product decisions

For the satisfaction of our target market, we would provide a wide range of varieties and
assortments to our target market since the customer is sophisticated or discerning. We would
target all ages and so products would be designed and tailored to suite the varying needs of the
target market .Again the packing of the product would be standardized and this is based on the
fact that ,it prevents imitation or copying of brands and reduces cost of materials .
Pricing decisions

As international marketers we would price our products based on psychological pricing and this
would be communicated through the use of celebrities and highly rated retail outlets .This
communicates an image of prestige and quality in the minds of our target market .Again, our
products would be sold at a relatively low price especially to students and low income earners.

Place decisions

The products would sold or made available at various points or platforms such as using online
platforms , retail outlets like shopping malls , Warehouses , conferences , hotels etcetera

Communication Decisions

Designing a product would not sell unless it is communicated to the target audience and as
marketers ,we would communicate our offerings through the use of Advertising on television and
billboards, Online advertisement by using some social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram
and LinkedIn, personal selling , and sales promotions to both the ultimate consumers and
distributors .

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