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December 2019  Header by Takura Calxur 

Opinions in The Augury are expressed by individuals and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or desires of the Karmic government. 


The internet is so hard these days 
without tl;drs.    
  Spirit Calxur 
  Now introducing the new(ish) Karma Minecraft realm. Many have heard about the relatively recent revival of 
● Karmacraft. Introducing  Minecraft, the now-classic open-world sandbox which people have grown to love at some point - whether 
Karma’s Minecraft, created  recently with the resurgence of the game or when it was released. Here in Karma it’s no different. In late 
by DJ and hosted by  September, Karmans began talking about getting their own Minecraft server. 
Asche. DM Asche to join!   
● Dave’s Crosswords.  Towards the beginning of October our very own DJ “Boston Harbor” created a Minecraft realm for Karma. From 
Everyone thank Dave for  the start, it was clear it was going to be popular. A great community has quickly formed and the spawn area has 
not posting puns! 
filled up with many amazing houses and builds. Pretty much all the houses are clumped together and linked by 
● The Karma Awards. 
roads. The players have done a great job as well in being courteous of one another with no problems between 
Announcing winners of 
them occurring. In fact, the opposite has happened with the community handling the building of roads as well as 
Zalidia’s Karma Awards 
● It’s FRIDATE! The story  storing some community resources to help others along. Everyone has made sure to leave a good amount of 
written on Karma’s RMB  space between builds, and so the player's freedom is pretty much limitless. Leaving lots of room to be creative. 
for Fridate.  And creative the players have been. The builds of the server are all very unique and interesting. From the 3 by 2 
● Tako Tuesday. Honey  block homes to mansions. The homes all have different styles and charm. In fact, the one thing DJ wanted me to 
Cornmeal Bread with Taki.  say about the server was that he was continually amazed by the builders.  
● Music Review: The Belairs.   
A review from Taki.  Since the founding of the realm, the server has changed ownership so if you would like to join just DM Asche 
● Karmic Lesson #1. Fuzz  your Minecraft username in the Karma Discord server and you’ll be whitelisted to the realm. If you do join you 
teaches us a life lesson. 
should have no problem finding food, any chest marked community is free to take from. And if you need any 
● Zombies in Karma: A RP 
further help, anyone online is usually happy to oblige. If you would like to look around the realm the best way 
Event. Recap of Karma’s 
would be to head to Malphe’s tower which has the long minecart bridge over spawn. Just follow the bridge and 
Halloween event. Stuff got 
kinda crazy.  you’ll find it. The tower itself is a great build, and the minecart bridge has a great view of a lot of the houses in 
the spawn area, as well as the lava falls, which is the first landmark of the server. I also highly suggest you 
  explore on the ground level, just be sure to be courteous of other people's property. 

  After all is said and done the server is a great place to play. Whether you want to play alone or with friends, or 
perhaps play seriously or not so seriously. Much like Karma itself, it can be what you would like to make of it. 
Sponsored by:  
The Augury Advertising its Own  We’d love to see your home join the cluster of builds by spawn. Or to talk while you look around the server. 
Self  Whatever you decide to do we hope to see you there.  
Koala for Delegate! KuRiSa SaNjI 

ATTENTION: Support the Augury! 

Your favorite local news source needs your help! The top banner at the top of this publication changes with every issue. Contribute to the project! 
Your banner needs only to be vaguely rectangular and feature “THE AUGURY” as it’s central focus. Also accepting: advertisements! Advertise an 
event, a department, a fantasy restaurant, even your own nation. Advertisements don’t have to be serious, they pretty much only have to be 
awesome. Not good at art? Not a problem. Join the Augury as an Augur, writing articles, spotting good stories, or writing recurring segments. 
Anything helps. For these or any other ideas or suggestions, DM or Telegram Altino for help! 
Dave’s Crosswords! 
2. Naruto-running in circles 
5. Kid to all 
6. Mr Cartography 
7. Not allowed in the region 
8. Mushroom mushroom 
13. Spirits 'mom' 
15. Motorcycle-riding diplomat 
16. Giver of funds 
1. The only bucket 
3. Builder of worlds  The Karma Awards 
4. Lover of spiders  Zalidia 
9. Robot in charge of the Stocks  Results of Zalidia’s most recent Karma Awards! 
10. Leader of the gang   
11. Most expensive waifu  Most Active - Spirit 
12. KuRiSa SaNjI EnDoRsE  Friendliest - Takura 
14. Queen of the Chameleons  Best Moderator - Robo Communism 
Most Likely to Become a Sage - Takura 
Most Trusted - Altino 
Silliest - Zalidia 
Best Ideas - DJ 
  Biggest Contribution - Lani Summers 

The RMB 
A lumberjack cut down a tree. As the tree was falling to the earth, it looked up and said "ouch, that hurts!". Eyes wide and an awkward apology on his 
lips, the lumberjack rushed to apologize to the only tree he'd ever known to speak. He attempts to stammer another apology, but somehow blurts out a 
pickup line:"Roses are red, my face is too, that only happens when I'm around you..". Suddenly, it starts raining pineapples and the tree is afraid of the 
pineapples. The tree looks up at the lumberjack and says "look, I like you and all, but I gotta make like a tree and leaf". "W-wait," the lumberjack 
squeaks, "I'm Garyll." 
Tree:"If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it... instead of cutting me down." 
Lumberjack: “No u” 
The tree couldn't handle the Lumberjack's insult and tried to run away despite its current condition. Then, a mysterious food vendor, who happened to 
be wandering through the woods at this time, took pity on the tree, cutting it up into little pieces so that they could carry it far away from the rude 
lumberjack. The tree's children never see their father again. The saplings huddle up and begin devising a master plan to slaughter the lumberjack in the 
same manner as their father. After many years of training, the saplings grew stronger and turned into trees. They then attempt to slaughter the 
lumberjack but realize they're stuck in the ground. Luckily a scientist comes along from the future, and he uses his genetic manipulation Gun, which 
transforms the trees into groot like things; The scientist says the lumberjack is the most evil man in existence in the future, so kill him now, Then he 
goes back in his time machine and it explodes. The trees, armed with this knowledge, start spreading propaganda about how all lumberjacks are evil, in 
the hopes that someone somewhere will get that one lumberjack who did their parent wrong. Being trees didn't help them with their cause, as no one 
took their claims seriously, so they were sent home crying. As they went home, the random food vendor from earlier showed up again, offering the 
perfect solution to all their problems. He gave them a potion that would make people believe everything they said, no matter how ridiculous it is. 
Unfortunately, they also believed each other's nonsense and grew old standing in place, telling tall tales that were taken as gospel by the others ... 
totally ignoring their plan ... or the rest of the universe, for that matter. We then cut to the aged lumberjack, laying on his death bed. His furniture is 
made of recycled wood from naturally fallen trees. He has reformed, only cutting trees down to prevent spread of disease or forest fires. He is happy 
with how things turned out, but still regrets his earlier mistakes. The prophetic, cheap plot device food vendor that had been previously sighted earlier 
this story wrote down his last will to preserve his memory for future generations of lumberjacks. It reads: "Do not anger the trees." Our teary-eyed food 
vendor writes this final sentence with a full heart, but then a harrowing thought comes to mind and he turns sharply to look out a nearby window as he 
hears a light tapping against it - what is paper made out of? The food vendor looks out the window of his cabin, only to realise what his cabin is made 
out of, as well… The food vendor was going insane, as he slowly realized the number of the trees he killed and the lives he had taken away. He rushes 
outside, to get far, far away from this nightmare, to start a new life, when suddenly, he begins hallucinating: Every tree close to him is gone, cut down 
so only the stump is left, so he runs and runs, determined to escape the horrors of his past… "Do not anger the trees," the wind seems to whisper as the 
old food vendor runs until he comes to an abrupt halt face to face with the ghost of an old Roman soldier. "Food Vendor" he cries, "I am the spirit of 
Bobus Gaius supreme pontifex of the order of the magisteri bibendii and I bear grave tidings as well as a message of hope." While the food vendor 
trembles, Bobus Gaius, Supreme Pontifex of the Order of the Magisteri Bibendii places a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Food vendor. The loraxes 
witnessed the fall of Garyll at the hands of the Lumberjack and you beside him. The lumberjack is a very evil man and they were not pleased. You have 
been standing here in a trance-like dream enduring hours and hours of lorax propaganda as punishment. The loraxes are extremely bossy, but since 
you have found me here, I will release you from their draw." Bobus Gaius pulls the Food Vendor warmly into a hug. "Wake up, merchant," the soldier 
whispers, "and remember: Do Not Anger the Trees." With that, the food vendor bolts to awareness and blinks his eyes a bit. He looks at the cabbage in 
his hand for a moment, then sets it back in his cart and goes back to dragging it toward the next town on his map. 
Tako Tuesday 
Takura Calxur 
Corn, or Maize as it’s known by someone not from North America, Australia, or New Zealand, is one of the most widely   
grown grains in the world. In the Americas, it is grown more than any other grain. Since it spread to Europe and Asia  Honey Cornmeal 
and Africa, it has become a staple in many different cultures. It can be prepared in many different ways, from Polenta to 
Mush to Corn on the Cob or added into salads, or deserts like Che Bap or Spoon Bread or as Corn Bread. This month, 
I’d like to share a family favorite, Honey Cornmeal Bread. This bread differs from simple Corn Bread because it uses 
only cornmeal, no whole kernels like Corn Bread. It is a warm and hearty loaf, savory with a hit of sweetness. Since it is 
shaped as a hearth loaf it is perfect as a side for holiday meals or other large seasonal feasts. Its texture is slightly 
grainy from the cornmeal, and hit has a tight crumb which makes it ideal for sopping up gravies and what not. I also 
enjoy it warm with butter and a drizzle of honey on top. This incredibly versatile bread is relatively simple to make since 
it doesn’t require any special bread pans, and has mostly common ingredients. When choosing your cornmeal, I prefer 
yellow cornmeal with a medium to fine grind. Other colors of corn work just as well, and blue corn supposedly makes 
nice lavender colored loaves, another thing to keep in mind is that the finer the grind the tighter the texture will be. My 
honey is usually whatever I have on hand, but I’ve found that clover and wildflower are very good. You can also   
substitute maple syrup for honey if you want.   

Ingredients:  Directions: 
● ¾ cup (79.86 g) - warm water  1. in a 1 cup liquid measuring cup pour the warm water. add the yeast and the teaspoon of honey. stir to dissolve and 
105°F-115°F (40.5°C-46°C)  let sit for 10 minutes, until foamy 
● 1 TBSP (8.5 g) - active dry yeast  2. in a large bowl combine buttermilk, melted butter (or corn oil), ⅓ cup of honey, salt, cornmeal, and a cup of flour. beat 
● 1 tsp (7 g) - honey  until creamy, about a minute. stir in the yeast mixture. add rest of flour ½ cup (72.5 g) at a time until dough is soft and 
● 1½ cups ( 363 g) - warm buttermilk  shaggy and just clears the sides of the bowl. use a wooden spoon to mix. 
105°F-115°F (40.5°C-46°C)  3. turn dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead until soft and springy, somewhere between 4 and 7 minutes. dust 
● 4 TBSP (56.75 g) - melted unsalted butter  only 1 tablespoon (9 g) at a time to prevent the dough from drying out. 
(can substitute corn oil)  4. place dough into a lightly greased deep container and turn once to coat all sides of the dough. cover with a towel and 
● ⅓ cup (110.88 g) - warmed honey  let sit at room temperature for 1 - 1½ hours until doubled in size 
● 1 TBSP (18 g) - salt  5. turn dough onto a lightly floured surface to deflate, and line a baking sheet with parchment paper and sprinkle with a 
● 1 cup (128 g) - yellow cornmeal, fine or  little cornmeal to prevent sticking. divide dough into 2 equal portions without working further, and shape into a round 
medium grind  loaf. place the loafs seam side down about 4 inches (10 cm) apart onto the sheet. cover loosely with a towel and let 
● 4½ - 5 cups (652.5 - 725 g) - flour  rise at room temperature for 45 min, until it’s doubled in size 
● cornmeal for sprinkling  6. preheat oven to 375°F (190.5°C). using a serrated knife slash the tops of the loaves decoratively. I prefer to make a 
● *Please note that all metric weights are  simple plus on my loaves. don’t cut more than ¼ inches (.635 cm) deep. place the sheet on the center rack in the 
approximate (and pulled from the internet)  oven, bake 40 - 45 min, until the loaves are golden brown in color and sound hollow when you tap them. remove 
from oven and immediately transfer to a cooling rack. it is best served slightly warm. 

Music Review: The Belairs  Karmic Lesson #1 
Takura Calxur  Fuzzbuckets  
The Belairs were a Californian surf rock group from South Bay that     
achieved some fame in the early 1960s. The original line up for The  Two neighboring farmers tilled their crops every day at sunrise, regular as 
Belairs was Eddie Bertrand and Paul Johnson on guitar, Chas Stuart on  clockwork. Both were hoping for a bountiful harvest, and both worked 
sax, Richard Delvy on drums, and Jim Roberts on piano. Though they did  hard. Their attitudes however, were very different. The elder neighbor 
not last very long, active only from the years 1961-1963, or sell many  quietly and dutifully weeded his garden, whistling softly under his breath. 
records, they were still incredibly influential in the creation of surf rock as  Sometimes if he saw a wilted plant, he would speak gently to it. The 
a sub-genre of music. They were the ones to combine Middle Eastern,  younger neighbor however, yanked weeds with anger and frustration, 
Mexican, and Hawaiian sounds into something truly distinctive that we  grumbling all the while. Sometimes, he’d kick a plant he was tending out 
recognize as surf music today. Their innovative techniques and  of spite at his displeasure having to do all this backbreaking work.  
experiments with style and reverb helped propel surf rock into the   
national spotlight. Though they soon fell out of fashion with the rise of  In fall, the results of their labor came to fruition, both having good size 
vocal surf rock, though they created the basis of sound that future  harvests, as the had both worked hard. But while the elder’s crops were 
creators would base their style off of. They were most famous for their  big, bright and colorful, with springy leaves, the younger’s crops were 
song Mr. Moto, released in 1961 and the album Volcanic Action is also  sickly… most had some sort of mold on the produce, and the leaves were 
very good. I highly recommend giving them a listen, if not to this album  mottled brown. The younger looked over at the elder. “Why are yours so 
then at least to Mr. Moto, because they are incredibly significant in  much better than mine?” To which the elder responded simply.   
musical history, especially for California. They were not famous and are   
not significant because of the music they made, but the genre they  “You worked just as hard as I did. But you did not enjoy it, you despised 
helped create.   the work instead of enjoying the process, and you took it out on your 
crops. The answer is simple, you reap what you sow.” 

Zombies in Karma: A RP Event 
Lev Calxur 
The Land of Karma - one of the most peaceful, nice, and amazing places that this universe bears - has just recently gone into utter chaos and 
destruction. Everything that was once built on this magical land has turned into dust. Families broken apart, death knocking on every door, nature 
meeting its demise. The entire World of Karma in chaos… How… How did this happen?! Who caused the end of this world, or more specifically: w
​ hat 
caused the end of this world? 
It all started in a very normal village with very normal people, but that changed pretty quickly… One day, a hooded man came out of the dark with a 
wand in his hand. Nothing seemed out of the usual until the hooded man struck the ground with his wand. The ground began shaking, darkness 
looming, and rain came pouring down. The villagers stood speechless, confused, and unaware of the doom that was approaching them. As their skin 
started turning green, they slowly lost their human bodies and minds, and with that… it started… The Zombapocalypse had begun! 
The hooded man lead the zombies toward what he called “The Promised Land” which was Levont’s Capitol City. The hooded man promised the ones 
who joined him freedom and the forgiveness of the gods! Some joined him, others didn’t and those who didn’t faced their demise. 
Slowly but surely, The Zombie Horde grew, and The Levontian Government started getting worried. The Zombies were getting closer to the Capitol 
everyday, gaining more zombies that will help in their cause, so this left The Levontian Government no other choice but to bring on the army. This was 
the first major battle between the humans and the zombies, but it certainly wasn’t the last. The Levontian army of course lost, as they couldn’t fight the 
strong zombie horde and their LARGE army. The Levontian army retreated and retreated, suffering loss after loss. They knew that it was over, there 
was nothing they could do to stop The Zombie Horde from taking the Capitol. Just like that Levont fell to the ground, and The Zombie Horde took 
The events of the Zombie revolution finally got to the world, and nations of the world were terrified of this incident. People from all around the world 
started turning it zombies, and the entire world fell to the ground. This was the beginning of the end. Some nations joined the Zombie Horde (Zalidia, 
Robo Communism, and Erroria) and others fought and stood against it till the last drop of blood. (Laniron, Sircassia, Ghad, Degia Beal, Boston Harbor, 
and Res-Babatyev Incorporated) The Zalidian-Lanironian border was where most of the action was happening while the zombies tried to march 
towards Laniron and go through their defensive walls and forts, but no one had a clear advantage. That is until without any previous warnings, the 
humans decided to bomb the Zombies on the Lanironian border. This came with major consequences, as the area around the wall AND the wall itself 
started burning. Laniron received help from their human loyal allies and they luckily were able to put the fire out. The zombies however, were forced to 
retreat back to Zalidia and get more reinforcements. A long period of ‘peace’ followed where both sides didn’t attack each other and tried gathering 
more power and armies. That didn’t last forever though, as the humans, yet again, attacked The Zombie Horde. A series of attacks, one after the other, 
in Zalidia, made The Zombie Horde retreat back further and further.  
The Humans looked like they were winning, everything was shining on their side, was the end of the zombies? No, it really wasn’t.... This was just the 
beginning. Zombies have raised the undead in graveyards and morgues all around the world! The many nations that were until this point uninvolved in 
the conflict have now taken arms against the zombies, with different degrees of success, many being either completely overtaken or nearly overtaken. 
The ones that managed to fend off or contain the zombie menace inside their borders are now actively going against the zombies and more open to aid 
the human offensive. The nations that were actively fighting the zombies also had their previously resting dead rise up and join the hordes, each 
dealing with this new threat their own way. Many fell to the Zombie terror and many kept fighting on, but what were they fighting for…? The human’s 
side was losing morale, they lost hope, they lost their families, they lost everything…  
The Zombies started pushing towards Sircassia and Laniron, in hopes of defeating the two major Human nations, the humans however didn’t seem to 
fight back. Did they lose hope, did they give up, is this it? Nope it wasn’t, the humans turned to their last logical solution to this situation, nuking Karma. 
Yup, you heard it right, nuking Karma, the land that they were defending from the zombie menace. This was their last hope. Nuking the planet would 
get rid of the zombies, but at what cost? The Humans started building spaceships to get the people out of Karma and onto a new world, the world of 
Iephus! All human nations then readied their nukes for the last strike. All the humans were now on Iephus, so there was nothing stopping the nukes 
now. They were launched, one after the other, and boom, just like that the zombies were gone, and Karma was destroyed. 
The aftermath of this chaotic chain of events led to an undead world. A world rid of zombies maybe, but one where any living creatures barely linger on 
and the few that did make it are locked in a never-ending battle for what can only be called a permanent state between life and death. 
Humans, as they're famous to do, managed to somewhat survive and adapt to this world in some way or another, though never being able to reach 
what had once been, as they too were left incessantly fighting for their lives in this hostile world created by their own hands, death and chaos plaguing 
them until their inevitable demise. Some people around this world came to adopt the "new" blood-chilling religion brought by the hooded man that 
raised the undead, but while they kept looking for any sign of those dark gods, none came to Karma as was prophesied. 
Most of those that attempted an escape into space did not make it... And the few that did, ironically ended up having a shorter extension to their 
existence than the ones that were left fighting this newly created hostile environment, as they could not sustain life on the outside. 
And with that this tale ends: with humans engaging in a desperate, mostly irrational plan to solve a problem only to end up creating another problem of 
an equal or some would even said larger magnitude. As they do.  
The zombies might not have won the battle, but they seem to have won the war.  

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