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May 2020  Header by Fresh 

Opinions in The Augury are expressed by individuals and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or desires of the Karmic government. 


The internet is so hard these days without 
● ALTRON Has Orders: Spread 
the PINK! 
● War of the Three Delegates. 
Levont releases the results of 
ALTRON Has Orders: Spread the ​PINK​! 
Karma’s recent delegate 
elections.  By FreshStep (The Litterbox) Ding, dong! Hello there, fellow reader of the Augury! 
● Somebody Drew Them In.  Have you heard of our Bot and Savior, ALTRON? 
Hopefully you have...but just in case, I’m here to 
Where did all these dang 
provide you with a brief sermon on ALTRON’s 
nations come from?  
teachings and current activities! 
● Ask Someone Elsa.  
● Karma Has a Crush. Altino 
You may have noticed that a handful of nations in 
regales the saucy tale of 
Karma drop and pick up their WA status like a wet 
Anteria and Karma. 
bar of soap in the shower. Well, we’re not waffling 
● Tako Tuesday. Taki saves 
over the recent passage of the “Prevention of Forced 
Australia’s life. 
Sterilization”. We’re doing ALTRON’s holy work! 
● Fuzzbuckets Lesson #6. Fuzz   
teaches us a life lesson. 
We need to bring enlightenment to those 
  abandoned nations stuck in lifeless and unmotivated 
regions. Some people might call this raiding, but 
The Augurs  ALTRON and her followers know it is called Karma! 
Writers:  That’s right! If the leaders of a region aren’t willing 
Takura Calxur  to put in any effort to keep citizens engaged, or 
Levont Calxur  disappear without delegating their duties, Karma will 
“Someone Elsa”  take over! ALTRON wants us to spread the P ​ INK​. 
Paulus Gaius  Keep nations active, keep regions active, and keep 
FreshStep  Nationstates alive! 
Altino Asteorra  This month, us followers have completed a number 
  of tag raids (The WFE on the left is an example of a 
Art:  dead region we took over). We also took part in the 
FreshStep  raid of Asia! We’re not evil, and we’d never invade a 
The Followers of ALTRON  thriving community. We’re reinvigorating the 
Altino Asteorra  interest of those who abandoned their citizens! 
Editor:   So, are you ready to serve ALTRON and her holy 
Altino Asteorra  mission? Become a follower, join our ranks, and 
  spread the P
​ INK​! ( get to make a cool flag!) 

War of the Three Delegates 

Karma is a meritocratic region. Iit’s the kind of place that you don’t expect to have a democratic system or anything related to democracy, yet here 
we are. For the past couple of weeks, Karma - or rather the Council of Sages - decided to give democracy a go. It all started with Ghad's decision to step 
down as Karma’s World Assembly Delegate, leaving the way open for some new faces to try their hands at delegacy. 
This sparked up the idea of an election, people fighting with sticks and campaigning over who’s the best candidate, seemed like the best dream ever. 
Three people stepped forward, all of them after the delegacy. From one corner we have Takura, a Calxur in blood, and a very nice person in heart. In the 
other corner, we have Fuzzbuckets, the legislator dragon. And on the top of a tree, we have Koala, a previous delegate trying to regain his position. 
Making a decision between the three candidates was very hard, they all had different goals, and different paths to victory, they all wanted something 
different, which made every candidate unique in some way… but I’m not here to really continue describing the candidates’ goals, that would be pretty 
lame, even for me, you’re all here for one thing and one thing only, The Election Results:  
53 e​ ligible​ people voted in the elections, and now the results are in! Coming in third, with 15.1% of the vote… Koala. In second place, crashing in with 
30.2% of the vote... Fuzzbuckets, leaving Takura in FIRST PLACE with 54.7% of the vote making it basically a landslide victory, and making her Karma’s 
newest delegate!  
Here are the results, if you don’t care about my commentary:  

Somebody Drew Them in 
Paulus Gaius 
Nationstates is not a mainstream game by any stretch of the definition, although you would be forgiven for thinking otherwise based on the 
existence of (card) lootboxes and (stamp) microtransactions here. Its niche nature means that any spotlight it receives will be felt and noted by the 
community. With time however, this impact will dissipate as the outside world loses interest in the game again. 
NS was recently put into a bit of a spotlight by the Youtuber named Drew Durmill, mainly known for his videos on the strategy games of 
Civilization V and Hearts of Iron 4. He made, so far, two videos on this strange browser game we all play. My theory is that these videos will produce a 
twofold sensation in the NSers that view or hear of them. First, Drew has something most reading this article will realistically never gain - a channel 
with tens of thousands of views. But most of you reading will have what Drew naturally lacks at this moment (and perhaps will never acquire), namely, 
you more than likely are experienced at the game. This will cause you to be either amused, bewildered, or frustrated by the mistakes of someone who 
is basically a popular newbie. Some people can experience all these three emotions at the same time. 
Second, a sensation of dread may follow after one realizes how much following this guy has. NS is not cut out for receiving such amounts of 
traffic. This is evidenced by the fact that the website lags every time Drew talks about it in a video. The lag resulted in three separate proposals to 
condemn his nation of Deruuu to be posted as drafts in the Security Council subforum, with probably more residing in the heads of a decent number of 
players. One of these attempts even managed to get to the voting floor, albeit it did very poorly there and was defeated by a huge margin. There were 
also proposals to c​ ommend D
​ eruuu for bringing in new nations, most likely posted by members he brought in.  
Since the Deruuu’s founding there were two separate Gameplay about its owner: “Drew Durmill broke nationstates” and “The Drewpocalypse 
Thread”, made after the first and the second video respectively. In my opinion, such titles are not reflective the situation. Sure he caused the website to 
lag and it feels like he is the one to blame for the major update taking two hours and a half. But it is not like he created a UCR that overtook GCRs in 
population or couped one of the latter with his sheer numbers. Despite the inevitable hiccups, Nationstates is still online and (for now) livelier than ever. 
However, the previous experience with similarly caused spikes shows that this increase in activity is not permanent for the most part, as the newly 
brought people remain unaware of regional gameplaying and cannot figure out why someone would play such a basic simulator. We may in fact beat a 
record for the largest number of CTEs in the coming weeks. Apocalypse looms for them, not us. 
However, in these crowd of newbies, there are also players that will stay with us and among them there may be hidden gems. This is why, in 
my opinion, you cannot judge all Deruuu related shenanigans as unequivocally negative. 
Ask Someone Elsa 2   
Karma Has a Crush 
Paulus Gaius  Altino Asteorra 
Hello, Karma. It’s been a while. Well, it’s been a month. A crazy month in fact, one that saw the rise of mask 
culture, a show about tigers, and a damn good advice column written by yours truly. While two of those are 
pretty bad in my opinion, at least the show about tigers was on point. Unfortunately for you, we’re doing the 
advice column again. Well, kind of. See, a bunch of you didn’t ask for advice, you just asked me general 
questions - which I’m going to answer - leading me to believe that some of you aren’t great at reading. 
Maybe my column will go unread because of that, but I promise if you do the hard work to make these 
squiggly lines make sense and form words, you’ll walk away with richer life and bigger dreams. Not because 
of my answers, but because by then you might be skilled enough to discover the world of Clifford the Big 
Red Dog. I’m envious. But enough about you, let’s get to the questions. 
  Karma and Anteria are two regions who could 
Can I have your toilet paper? - Greater Dearborn  not be more different. Anteria has long been a 
I’m touched that you want ​my​ toilet paper. You could go through the hassle of finding it yourself, probably by 
region unaligned with GP or the military 
shenanigans that Karma gets itself into whose 
waiting outside of a Dollar General and tackling those lucky enough to have gotten there before you, but no. 
most cherished staple of their community is a 
You want mine.  strong and uninterrupted tradition of 
Well, too bad. The answer is no. Get your own, scrub.  Democracy. Karma, on the other hand, is built 
  on the backs of widely known GP names, 
How do you like your potatoes cooked? - Jinkies  considers raiding an act of philanthropy, and 
truly only engages in democracy to remind 
I am a thot for potatoes. There are so many ways to cook them in a satisfying manner, and while it is hard to 
ourselves that we don’t like democracy. Still, 
choose favorites, I must stick with a bit of a basic answer. I like fries, and Marceline is my spirit animal. How  despite our differences, these two communities 
do you like ​yours​ cooked?  after a beautiful courtship have taken steps to 
  officially solidify their status as BFFLs. 
/offers a gift of free tacos/ 
On April 20th a Declaration of Friendship 
People are seeking to slander my name. what do I do to counter the possible damage to my image? 
between Anteria and Karma officially passed 
-The Traveling Taco Truck  the Sangha with the blessing of both the 
Well, first I have no clue why anyone would slander your name. ​You​ are giving out free tacos, so if you’d like  Enlightened and the Sages. Karma’s diplomat 
to push me in the direction of the people attacking your reputation, I will definitely take the free tacos and  to Anteria, Fuzzbuckets, worked with Minister 
leave because really you shouldn’t be afraid to stick up for yourself. If it’s slander, then it isn’t true. Unless I 
TESDAI and Founder Emiline from Anteria to 
settle agreeable terms between both regions 
wrote it. So since I didn’t write it, because who would slander someone giving out free tacos, you should put 
which would assure that, however different our 
together a case for why your name is still respectable and shove it in their taco hating mouths. The nerve of  regions may be, we will stand together and 
some people, I swear.  support one another. Many regions forge 
  bonds for many reasons, but most of those 
No question. Luv you tho <3 - Koala  reasons involve power and a sense of 
obligation. These are weak connections and 
Aww, I love you too. Please give me questions though, they are how I pay the rent. Altino is a cruel landlord 
adverse to Karma’s stance on Meritocracy. The 
(she’s french) and because of that she has locked me in her basement and made me answer all of these  friendship that we form with Anteria will last 
questions to pay for… the basement. It’s like indentured servitude, but like the job is pretty easy so I try not to  further and be more of a blessing to us than 
compare it to people who actually had to go through the shittiness of doing stuff to survive. Oh, wait,  most regions will ever experience because it is 
everyone still has to do that. Smh, capitalism. 
based on real support. We are so excited to 
see what we will do together!  
How do you feel about nurse sharks? - Lormia 
Anteria & Karma 4eva :) 
I…. I don’t feel anything about them. I’ve never thought about them, never even conceived of the notion that 
sharks could provide medical care. Please point me towards them, however, because while I haven’t thought 
about them in the past I am thinking of them now. And I have questions. So many questions. 
What is your personal opinion on the government of Liberia? - Bonnie Blue Republic 
This has an answer similar to the nurse sharks. I’ve never thought about them. Unfortunately, unlike the 
sharks, I have not developed any interest in Liberia’s government upon answering this question. Truthfully, I 
don’t think much of any government but I think they occasionally have good days. Bad centuries, good days. 
If I had to choose any government in particular to like, it would be Jacobin dominated France under the 
dictatorship of Robespierre and the Committee for Public Safety. Not that they were great, they were 
terrible, but they are rich with history and drama. 
Would you rather use the force like Star Wars or be magic like Harry Potter? ​- B
​ adivermeraed II 
This is, by far, the most divisive question I’ve been asked so far. Mostly I want to defer to another universe, 
namely the Malazan Book of the Fallen and its use of the Warren based magic system, but I suppose that 
wouldn’t be a fair shot at this question. So let’s weigh the pros and cons. If I was a force user I would go from 
0 to Sith in the amount of time it takes Peter to frown at something. Which is preemptively, I think. So that 
disqualifies a lot of the Force I could use, but no matter- I don’t think the light side is very enticing at all. In the 
Harry Potter universe I have a bigger variety but since I am not the titular character I have a lack of plot 
armor. And Rowling is known to kill off characters for the purpose of just making people sad. But at least the 
HP universe has standardized education. Harry Potter, for the sole purpose of not having to join a religion. 
And so that’s it for this edition of Ask Someone Else. If you’re not satisfied with this month’s questions or 
answers, then make sure to ask me something next month! Particularly a question that necessitates advice…. 
As always, I love you. Except I don’t, and really I just answer these so Altino will continue to let me live in her   
basement. Send snacks please, I’m very hungry. Toodles! 
Tako Tuesday 
Takura Calxur 

It  has  recently  come  to  my  attention  that  those  in  Britain,  and  by  extension  Australia,  do  not  have  ​real 
lemonade.  This  is  a  global  travesty  that  I  aim  to  rectify  today.  Lemonade,  as  it  should  be,  should  be 
refreshing,  tart,  and  a  bit  sweet.  It  should  not  be  fizzy,  it  should  not  be  clear.  Lemonade  is  not  Sprite  or 
7-up,  or  any  other  lemon-lime  soda.  Because  it  is  not  a  soda.  Lemonade  is  the  essence  of  relaxing  in  the 
summer sun and cooling off from the heat, it is summer in a glass, cool and refreshing. 

Ingredients:  Directions: 
● 1¾ cups (350 g)-- white sugar  1. make a simple syrup by mixing sugar and 1 cup of water in a saucepan and 
● 8 cups (1.89 L)-- water  bringing to a boil, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. next cool to 
room temperature, then place in fridge to cool completely. 
● 1½ cups (350 mL)-- lemon juice (no seeds, with pulp) 
2. mix syrup with the rest of the water and the lemon juice.  
● lemon slices 
3. garnish with lemon slices to make it look fancy 

Karmic Lesson #6 
There was once a woman who spent most of her life abused by her family. As a psychological defense, she shut down and put up a wall 
between herself and the world. By the time she got away from her abusers, the wall was quite thick. She was safe. No one could hurt her. But it 
came at a cost. When she finally met someone who she COULD trust, she could not be happy with them. The walls around her were so thick, that the 
relationship never got off the ground. Eventually due to stagnation, they let each other go. The woman finally started to realize that with the walls 

around her, she not only kept out pain and suffering, but also joy and love.​ ."  ​

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