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Department of Nursing
Sociology (09101201)

Type of Course: BSCN


Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme
Examination Scheme
Credit External Internal Total
Lect Tut Lab
3 - - - 75 - 25 - - 100
Lect - Lecture, Tut - Tutorial, Lab - Lab, T - Theory, P - Practical, CE - CE, T - Theory, P - Practical

Sr. Topic Weightage

‡ Introduction

‡ Definition of Sociology
1 5% 1
‡ Nature and Scope of the discipline

‡ Importance and application of Sociology in Nursing


‡ Individual & Society

‡ Society and Community

‡ Nature of Society
2 10% 3
‡ Difference between society and community

‡ Process of socialization and individualization

‡ Personal disorganization

‡ Culture

‡ Nature of culture

‡ Evolution of culture
3 10% 3
‡ Diversity and uniformity of culture

‡ Culture and socialization

‡ Trans cultural society

‡ Influence on health and disease


‡ Social groups and Processes

‡ The meaning and classification of groups

‡ Primary & Secondary Group

4 ‡ In-group V/s. Out-group, Class, Tribe, caste 10% 4

‡ Economic, Political, Religious groups, Mob, Crowd, Public and

Audience Interaction & social processes

‡ Co - operation, competition, conflict

‡ Accommodation, Assimilation & Isolation


‡ Population

‡ Society and population

‡ Population distribution in India Demographic characteristics

5 5% 6
‡ Malthusian theory of populations

‡ Population explosion in India and its impact on health status

‡ Family welfare programmes


‡ Family and Marriage

‡ Family ±functions

‡ Types - Joint, Nuclear, Blended and extended family:


‡ The modern family - changes, problems - Dowry etc. Welfare

6 10% 5
‡ Changes & legislations on family and marriage in India -
marriage acts

‡ Marriage: Forms and functions of marriage

‡ Marriage and family problems in India

‡ Family, marriage and their influence on health and health



‡ Social Stratification

‡ Meaning & types of social stratification

‡ The Indian Caste system-origin & features

‡ Features of Caste in India Today Government polices for

schedule caste, schedule tribe, and OBC Social Class system
7 and status 10% 7
‡ Social mobility-meaning & types

‡ Race as a biological concept, criteria of racial classification

‡ Salient features of Primary races Racism

‡ Influence of Class, caste and

‡ Race on health and health practices


‡ Types of communities in India (Rural, Urban and Regional)

‡ Features of village community & Characteristics of Indian

villages Panchayat system, social dynamics

‡ Community development project and planning

‡ Changes in Indian Rural life

8 10% 6
‡ Availability of health facilities in rural and its impact on health
and health practices

‡ The growth of cities: Urbanisation and its impact on health and

health practices

‡ Major Urban problems ±Urban Slums

‡ Region; problems and impact on Health


‡ Social Change

‡ Nature and process of Social Change

9 ‡ Factors influencing Social change: cultural change, Cultural lag, 5% 4

culture and health (with special reference to women's health).
Introduction to Theories of social change: Linear, Cyclical,
Marxian, Functional, Sanskritisation and Modernisation.

‡ Role of nurse -Change agents


Social organization and social system

Social organization:

‡ Elements, types

‡ Democratic and authoritarian modes of participation, Voluntary

10 5% 4
Social system:

‡ Definition and Type of social system

‡ Role and Status as structural elements of social system with

reference to women's role and status and its impact on family.

‡ Inter-relationship of institutions


Social Control

‡ Nature and process of social control Political Legal, Religious,

11 5% 2
and Educational Economic.

‡ Industrial and Technological system, Norms & Values-

Folkways& Mores Customs, Laws and fashion Role of nurse.

Social Problems

‡ Social disorganization

‡ Control & planning:

ƕ Poverty

ƕ Housing and illiteracy

ƕ Food supplies

ƕ Prostitution

ƕ Rights of women & children

12 ƕ Government health programs 15% 15

ƕ Vulnerable groups, elderly, handicapped minority groups

and other marginalized groups

ƕ Child labour

ƕ Child abuse

ƕ Delinquency and crime

ƕ Substance abuse


ƕ Social Welfare programmes in India

ƕ Role of nurse

*Continuous Evaluation:
It consists of Assignments/Seminars/Presentations/Quizzes/Surprise Tests (Summative/MCQ) etc.

Reference Books:
1. An introduction to sociology
Sachadeva Y.V.; kithab mahal: Allahabad
2. Sociology for Nurses (TextBook)
R. K. Manelkar; Vora Medical Publications
3. Sociology for Nurses, (TextBook)
K.P.Pothen, S.Pothen; N.R.Brothers, Indore; 3rd Edition,
4. Sociology (TextBook)
Ashok N.Patel, S.S.Hooda
5. Social and Behvioural sciences for Nurses, (TextBook)
Dr.N.H.Groenman, Dr.O D'aslevin, M A Bockenham,; Campanion Press Ltd.; 1st edition,
6. Principles of Sociology, (TextBook)
Dr.Ajithkumar Sinha,; Lakshmi Narain Agarwal educational publishers
7. Sociology A guide to problem and literature, (TextBook)
T.B.Bottomore,; Blockie & Sons Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2nd edition,
Department of Nursing
Medical-Surgical Nursing-I (09101202)

Type of Course: BSCN


Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme
Examination Scheme
Credit External Internal Total
Lect Tut Lab
- - - - 75 100 25 - 100 300
Lect - Lecture, Tut - Tutorial, Lab - Lab, T - Theory, P - Practical, CE - CE, T - Theory, P - Practical

Sr. Topic Weightage


‡ Introduction to Medical Surgical Nursing Evaluation & trends of

medical & surgical nursing

‡ Review of concepts of health & illness, diseases concepts, its

causes- Classification of diseases, International classification of

ƕ Acute, chronic & terminal stages of illness

ƕ Review of concept of compressive Nursing care in

medical Surgical Condition based on Nursing Process.

ƕ Role of nurse patients & family in care of adult patients.

‡ Role & responsibility of nurse in medical surgical settings:

ƕ Outpatient department

ƕ In patient department

ƕ Intensive care units

ƕ Home & community settings

‡ Introduction to medical sepsis

1 ƕ Inflammation and Infection 5% 15

ƕ Stress adaptation

ƕ Hemorrhage

ƕ Nutritional consideration

ƕ Immunity

ƕ Wound heling

‡ Care of surgical patients.

ƕ Preoperative

ƕ Intraoperative

ƕ Postoperative


ƕ Surgical asepsis

ƕ Dressings

ƕ Care of wound drainage

ƕ Preoperative preparation of patients.


Common sign and symptoms and management

‡ Fluid & electrolyte imbalance

‡ Vomiting

‡ Dyspnea and cough, respiratory difficulty and obstructions

‡ Fever

‡ Shock
2 ‡ Unconsciousness, syncope 6% 12

‡ Pain

‡ Incontinence (bladder & bowl) & retention of urine

‡ Constipation

‡ Diarrhea

‡ Edema

‡ Age related problems-Geriatric problem.


‡ Nursing management of patients adults including elderly with

respiratory problems

ƕ Review of Anatomy & Physiology of respiratory system.

ƕ Nursing Assessment ±History & Physical assessment

ƕ Etiology, Pathophysiology, Clinical manifestations,

diagnosis, treatment modalities & Medical, surgical,
Nutritional & nursing including elderly with:

ƕ Upper Respiratory tract infections

ƕ Bronchitis, Bronchiolitis

ƕ Asthma

ƕ Emphysema

ƕ Empyma

ƕ Atelectasis

ƕ Chronic obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD)

ƕ Bronchiectasis
3 12% 20
ƕ Pneumonia

ƕ Pulmonary tuberculosis

ƕ Lung abscess

ƕ Pleural abscess, effusion

ƕ Cysts & Tumors

ƕ Chest injuries

ƕ Respiratory arrest, ARDS & insufficiency

ƕ Pulmonary embolism Special therapies, alternative

therapies Nursing Procedures Drugs used in treatment of
respiratory disorders.

‡ Demonstrations

ƕ Respiratory assessment assisting in procedures of X ray

chest, MRI, lung Biopsy, bronchoscope.

ƕ Thoracocentesis, - care of patients with chest drainage &

change of chest drainage-

ƕ Care of patients on ventilators & weaning ±nebulisation


‡ Nursing management of patient (Adults including elderly) with

disorders of Digestive system

ƕ Review of Anatomy & Physiology of digestive system

ƕ Nursing Assessment ±history & physical assessment

ƕ Etiology, patho-physiology, clinical manifestation,

diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical,
Nutritional & nursing management

‡ Disorders of oral cavity

ƕ Oral cavity- Lips, gums, tongue, salivary and teeth-

esophagus- inflammation, stricture, obstruction, bleeding
& esophageal tumour.

‡ Stomach & Duodenum

ƕ Hiatus hernia, gastritis, peptic & duodenal ulcer, bleeding,

tumour pyloric stenosis

‡ Food allergy & poisoning

ƕ Small intestinal infalmation and infection

ƒ Ulcerative colitis, entritis, malabsorbtion syndrome,

Obstruction, tumors perforation

ƕ Large Intestinal disorders

ƒ Colitis inflammations & infection, obstruction,

Tumors, lump Hernis

‡ Appendix

ƕ Inflammation, mass, abscess, rupture.

‡ Anal & Rectum

ƕ Fistulas, fissures, Hemorroides and tumour

‡ Peritonitis/ acute abdominal

4 12% 30
‡ Pancreas; inflammation, cyst, abscess, tumours

ƕ Abdominal trauma

‡ Acute Abdoma to

‡ Pancreas- Acute & chronic pancreatitis, abscess & tumors

‡ Liver- Jaundice, hepatitis, cirrhosis, abscess, portal

hypertension, hepatic failure and tumors

‡ Biliary tract & gall bladder

ƕ Cholecytitis, cholelithiasis, tumors

‡ Demonstrations

ƕ Preparing assessing & witnessing

ƕ Barium meal, enema,

ƕ Abdominal paracentesis,

ƕ Liver biopsy,

ƕ Endoscopies, ERCP, OGD, Colonoscopy, Proctoscopy,


ƕ Liver function test Gastric analysis, stomach wash

ƕ Gastrostomy feeding

ƕ Jejunestomy feeding
ƕ Bowel wash

ƕ Colostomy care

‡ Liver inflammation cyst, abscess, cirrhosis, portal hypertension,

hepatic failure, tumours

‡ Gall Bladder, inflammation, Obstruction, Stones, & tumours

Special Therapies, alternative therapies nursing procedures,
drug used in the treatment of disorders & diseases of digestive


‡ Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with

blood and cardiovascular problems

ƕ Review of Anatomy & Physiology of blood and

cardiovascular system

ƕ Nursing Assessment ±history & physical assessment.

ƕ Etiology, patho physiology, clinical manifestation,

diagnosis, treatment modalities: medical, surgical,
Nutritional & nursing management of:

‡ Heart-

ƕ Coronary artery disease

ƕ Ischemic heart disease

ƕ Coronary atherosclerosis

ƕ Angina pectoris

ƕ Myocardial infarction

ƕ Congestive cardiac failure

ƕ Corpulmonale

ƕ Pulmonary Odema

ƕ Cardiogenic shock

ƕ Cardiac tamponade

ƕ Endocarditis

ƕ Myocarditis

ƕ Pericarditis

ƕ Cardiomyopathies

‡ Valvular heart disease-

ƕ Congenital & acquired

ƕ Rheumatic heart disease

ƕ Mitral stenosis

‡ Conduction system

5 ƕ Cardiac dysarthmias & heart blocks 15% 30

‡ Vascular systems

ƕ Hypertension

ƕ Hypotension

ƕ Raynaud¶s disease

ƕ Aneurism and Perpherial vascular disorders

ƕ Cardiogenic shock

‡ Cardiac arrest- ACLS, BLS

‡ Blood

ƕ Anaemias

ƕ Polycythemia

ƕ Bleeding & coatings disorders

ƕ Thrombocytopenia

ƕ Hemophilia

ƕ Thalassemia

ƕ Leukemia

ƕ Leucopenia

ƕ Agranulocytosis

ƕ Lymphomas & Myelomas

‡ Blood bank functioning & Biosafety management related to

blood transfusion

ƕ Role of nurse in organ donation, transplant, retrieval &


ƕ Drugs used in cardiovaxular system.

ƕ Alternative therapies

‡ Demonstration- ECG-3 & 12 lead,

ƕ Holter monitoring

ƕ 2DEcho,Doppler


‡ Nursing management of patient (Adults including elderly) with

genitio-urinary problems

‡ Review of Anatomy & Physiology of genito-urinary systems

‡ Nursing Assessment ±history & physical assessment.

‡ Etiology, patho-physiology, clinical manifestation, diagnosis,

treatment modalities and medical, surgical, dietetics & nursing
management of -

ƕ Nephritis

ƕ Nephrotic syndrome

ƕ Nephrosis

ƕ Renal calculus

ƕ Tumours

ƕ Acuterenal failure

ƕ Chronic renal failure

6 10% 10
ƕ End stage renal disease

ƕ Dailysis, renal transplant

ƕ Congenital disorders, urinary infections

ƕ Benign prostate hypertrophy

‡ Kidney

ƕ Polycystic kidney

‡ Disorders of ureter, urinary bladder- urethera- inflammation

infections, calculus stricture, obstructions, tumors, prostrate.
Drug used intro treatment of Genic.

‡ Demonstrations

ƕ Bladder wash / Irrigation

ƕ Demonstration care of Indwelling catheterization male /


ƕ Condom catheters (external)


‡ Nursing management of disorders of male (adults including

elderly) reproductive system

ƕ Review of anatomy and Physiology of male reproductive


ƕ Nursing assessment-history and physical assessment

ƕ Etiology, patho-physiology, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical
dietetics and nursing management of disorders of male
reproductive system

ƕ Congenital malformations; cryptorchidism

ƕ Infections

ƕ Hypospadiasis, Epispadiasis
7 6% 5
ƕ Infection Testis and adjacent structure

ƕ Penis

ƕ Prostate: inflammation, infection hypertrophy, tumor

ƕ Sexual Dysfunction

ƕ Infertility

ƕ Contraception

ƕ Breast, gynecomastia, tumor

ƕ Climacteric changes special therapies, alternative


ƕ Nursing procedures drugs used in treatment of disorders

of male reproductive system

‡ Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with

disorders of endocrine system

ƕ Review of anatomy and physiology of endocrine system

ƕ Nursing assessment-history and physical assessment

ƕ Etiology, patho-physiology, clinical manifestation,

diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical,
dietetics and nursing management of

8 ƕ Disorders of pituitary 8% 10

ƕ Disorders of thyroid and parathyroid

ƕ Adrenal tumour

ƕ Diabetes mellitus

ƕ Diabetes insipidus

ƕ Special therapies, alternative therapies

ƕ Nursing procedures


‡ Nursing management of patients (adults including elderly) with

disorders of Integumentary system

ƕ Review of anatomy and physiology of skin and its


ƕ Nursing assessment-history and physical assessment

ƕ Etiology, Pathphysiology, clinical manifestation,

diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical,
dietetics and nursing management of disorders of skin
and its appendages

ƕ Lesions and abrasions

ƕ Infection and infestations: Dermatitis

ƕ Dermatoses; infectious and non-infectious ³inflammatory

9 5% 10

ƕ Acne vulgaris

ƕ Allergies and Eczema

ƕ Psoriasis

ƕ Malignant melanoma

ƕ Alopecia

ƕ Leucoderma

ƕ Care of patient with Skin surgery Special therapies,

alternative therapies

ƕ Nursing procedures, drugs used in treatment of disorders

of Integumentary system.

‡ Nursing management of patients (adults including elderly) with

musculoskeletal problems

ƕ Review of anatomy and physiology of musculoskeletal


ƕ Nursing assessment-history and physical assessment

ƕ Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestation,

diagnosis, treatment modalities and medical, surgical,
dietetics and nursing management of

ƕ Disorders of:

ƒ Muscles, ligaments and joints- inflammation,

infection trauma

ƒ Bones-inflammation, infection, dislocation, sprain,

fracture, tumour & trauma

10 ƒ Osteomalacia and osteoporosis 6% 15

ƒ Arthritis

ƒ Congenital deformities

ƒ Spinal column ±defects and deformities, tumor,

Prolapsed inter vertebral disc. Pott¶s spine

ƒ Paget¶s disease

‡ Amputation

‡ Prosthesis

‡ Transplant and replacement surgeries

‡ Rehabilitation special therapies, alternative


‡ Nursing procedures, drug used in treatment

of disorders of musculoskeletal system

‡ Nursing management of Patient (adults Including elderly) with

Immunological problems

ƕ Review of Immune system.

ƕ Nursing Assessment-History and physical assessment

ƕ Etiology, Pathophysiology, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis treatment modalities and medical, surgical,
dietetics and nursing management of-

ƕ Immunodeficiency disorder

ƕ Primary immuno deficiency

ƕ Phagocytic dysfunction

ƕ B-cell and T-cell deficiencies

ƕ Secondary immunodeficiencies
11 5% 10
ƕ Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

ƕ Incidence of HIV & AIDS

ƕ Epidemiology

ƕ Transmission-prevention of Transmission

ƕ Standard safely precautions

ƕ Roll of nurse, counseling

ƕ Health education and home care consideration

ƕ National AIDS control program NACO various National

and international agencies.

ƕ Infection control program

- Rehabilitation, Special therapies, alternative

therapies Nursing procedures Drugs used in treatment of
disorders of immunological systems.

‡ Nursing management of patient (adults including elderly) with

Communicable Diseases

ƕ Overview of infectious disease, the infectious process

ƕ Nursing Assessment-History and physical assessment

ƕ Epidemiology, infectious process, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis, treatment, prevention and dietetics. Control
and eradication of common communicable diseases

ƒ Tuberculosis

ƒ Diarrhoeal diseases

ƒ Hepatitis A-E

ƒ Herpes

ƒ Chickenpox

ƒ Smallpox

ƒ Typhoid

ƒ Meningitis

ƒ Gas gangrene

ƒ Leprosy

12 ƒ Dengue 6% 20

ƒ Plague

ƒ Malaria

ƒ Diphtheria

ƒ Pertussis

ƒ Poliomyelitis

ƒ Measles Mumps

ƒ Influenza

ƒ Tetanus

ƒ Yellow fever

ƒ Filariasis

ƒ HIV, AIDS communicable diseases

ƕ Reproductive Tract Infections

ƕ Special infection control measures; Notification, Isolation,

Quarantine, Immunization, Infectious Disease Hospitals
Special therapies, Alternative therapies

ƕ Nursing procedures

ƕ Drugs used in treatment


‡ Peri Operative nursing:

ƕ Organization and physical set up of the operation theatre


ƒ Classification


ƒ Staffing

ƒ Members of the OT team.

ƒ Duties and responsibility of nurse in OT

ƒ Principles of health and operating room attire.

ƒ Instruments

ƒ Sutures and suture materials

ƒ Equipments

ƒ O.T. tables and sets for common surgical


ƒ Scrubbing procedures

ƒ Gowning and gloving

13 ƒ Preparation of O.T. sets 4% 25

ƒ Monitoring the patients during surgical procedures

ƕ Maintenance of therapeutics environment in O.T.

ƕ Standard safely measures

ƒ Infection control: fumigation, disinfection and


ƒ Biomedical waste management

ƒ Prevention of accidents and hazards in O.T.

ƕ Anaesthesia

ƕ Types

ƒ Methods of administration

ƒ Effects and stages

ƒ Equipment

ƒ Drugs

ƕ Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

ƕ Pain management techniques

ƕ Legal Aspects

*Continuous Evaluation:
It consists of Assignments/Seminars/Presentations/Quizzes/Surprise Tests (Summative/MCQ) etc.

Reference Books:
1. Medical Surgical Nursing Clinical Management for Positive Outcomes. (TextBook)
Black J.M. Hawk, J.H.; 7th
2. The Lippincott Manual of Nursing practice
Brunner S. B., Suddarth D.S.; J.B.Lippincott. Philadelphia
3. Medical Surgical Nursing: an integrated approach (TextBook)
; White, L, Delmar Thomson learning (2002) United States; 2nd ed,
4. Medical Surgical Nursing Assessment and Management of Clinical Problem
Lewis, Heitkemper & Dirksen; Mosby; 6 th
5. Moroney¶s Surgery for Nurses (TextBook)
Colmer R.M.; ELBS; 16 th
6. A P I textbook of Medicine, The Association of Physicians of India Mumbai. (TextBook)
Shah N.S.
7. Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics (TextBook)
Satoskar R.S., Bhandarkar S.D. & Rege N.N.; Popular Prakashan, Mumbai.; (19 thed)
8. Shaffer¶s Medical Surgical Nursing
Phipps W.J., Long C.B. & Wood N.F.; B.T.Publication Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
9. Fundamentals of Operation Theatre Services, (TextBook)
Datta T.K.; Jaypee, New Delhi.
10. Essentials of Orthopedics (TextBook)
Maheswari J; Mehta Publication, New Delhi; (3rd ed)
11. Illustrated Text book of Dermatology (TextBook)
Pasricha J.S., Gupta R.; Jaypee brothers New Delhi; (2nded)
12. Davidson¶s Principles and Practice of Medicine (TextBook)
Haslett C., Chilvers E.R., Hunder J.A.A. &Boon, N.A.; Churchill living stone. Edinburgh; (18 thed)
13. Watson¶s Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences (TextBook)
Walsh M.; Bailliere Tindall Edinburgh; (6thed)
14. Medical Surgical Nursing: A Nursing process approach Vol. I & II
Donna & Workman, Linda,; W. B. Saunders company, Philadelphia (1995)
15. The Lippincott Manual of Nursing practice (TextBook)
Nettina, Sandra, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins,; 7th ed
Department of Nursing
Pharmacology, Pathology & Genetics (09101203)

Type of Course: BSCN


Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme
Examination Scheme
Credit External Internal Total
Lect Tut Lab
3 - 1 - 75 - 25 - - 100
Lect - Lecture, Tut - Tutorial, Lab - Lab, T - Theory, P - Practical, CE - CE, T - Theory, P - Practical

Sr. Topic Weightage

Introduction to Pharmacology

‡ Definitions

‡ Sources

‡ Terminology use

‡ Types: Classification

‡ Pharmaco-dynamics: Actions, therapeutic

‡ Adverse, toxic
1 4% 3
‡ Pharmacokinetics: Absorption, distribution, metabolism,
interaction, excretion

‡ Review: Routes and principles of administration of drugs

‡ Indian pharmacopoeia: Legal issues

‡ Storage of various drugs

‡ Calculation of drug dosage

‡ Rational use of drugs

‡ Principles of therapeutics

General Pathology

‡ Introduction to pathology

‡ Review of cell and tissues

‡ Definition of terms

‡ Methods & techniques

‡ Cellular & tissue changes

‡ Infiltration and regeneration

‡ Inflammations and infections

2 ‡ Wound healing and repair 3% 3

ƕ Nature of injuries, adaptive responses, reversible &

irreversible cell injury

‡ Cell accumulations

ƕ Vascular changes

ƕ Cellular growth and neoplasms

‡ Normal and cancer cell

‡ Benign and malignant growths

‡ In situ carcinoma

‡ Disturbances of fluid and electrolyte balance, role of nurse.



‡ Practical application of genetics in Nursing

‡ Impact of genetic condition on families

‡ Review of cellular division mitosis and meiosis

‡ Characteristics and structure of genes

‡ Chromosomes ±sex determination

3 5% 3
‡ Chromosomal aberrations pattern of inheritance

ƕ Mendalian theory of inheritance

ƕ Multiple allots and blood groups

ƕ Sex linked inheritance

ƕ Mechanism of inheritance

ƕ Errors in transmission (Mutation)


‡ Maternal, prenatal and genetic influences on development of

defects and diseases

ƕ Conditions affecting the mother: genetic and infections

ƕ Consanguinity atopy

ƕ Prenatal nutrition and food allergies

ƕ Maternal age

ƕ Maternal drug therapy

4 5% 3
ƕ Prenatal testing and diagnosis

ƕ Effect of radiation, drugs and chemicals

ƕ Infertility

ƕ Spontaneous abortion

ƕ Neural tube defects and the role of folic acid in lowering

the risks

ƕ Down syndrome (Trisomy 21)


Systemic Pathology

‡ Pathological changes in disease conditions of various systems:

‡ Respiratory tract

ƕ Tuberculosis, Bronchitis,

ƕ Pleural effusion & Pneumonia

ƕ Lung abscess, emphysema, bronchiectasis

ƕ Bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

and tumours.

‡ Cardiovascular system

ƕ Pericardial effusion

ƕ Rheumatic heart disease

ƕ Infective endocarditis, atherosclerosis

ƕ Ischemia, infarction & aneurism

ƕ Gastointestinal tract

ƒ Peptic ulcer, Typhoid

ƒ Carcinoma of GI tract ±buccal, esophageal,

gastric and intestinal

ƕ Liver, Gall bladder & pancreas

ƒ Hepatitis, chronic liver abscess, Cirrhosis

ƒ Tumours of liver, gall bladder and pancreas

ƒ Cholecystitis

5 ƕ Kidneys & Urinary tract 15% 16

ƒ Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis

ƒ Calculi, Renal failure, renal carcinoma & Cystitis

ƕ Diabetes Mellitus

ƕ Male genital system

ƕ Cryptorchidism, testicular atrophy

ƕ Prostatic hyperplasia, Carcinoma penis & prostate

ƕ Female genital system

ƒ Fibroids

ƒ Carcinoma cervix & endometrium

ƒ Vesicular mole, choriocarcinoma

ƒ Ectopic gestation

ƒ Ovarian cyst & tumours

ƕ Cancer breast

ƕ Central Nervous System

ƒ Vascular disorders ±thrombosis, embolism

ƒ Stroke, paraplegia, quadriplegia

ƒ Tumours, meningiomas- gliomas

ƕ Metastatic tumour

ƕ Skeletal system

ƒ Bone healing, osteoporosis, osteomyelitis

ƕ Arthritis and tumours



Pharmacology of commonly used:

‡ Penicillin

‡ Cephalosporins

‡ Aminoglycosides

‡ Macrolide & Broad Spectrum Antibiotics

‡ Sulfonamides

‡ Quinolones

‡ Antiamoebic
6 ‡ Antimalarials 5% 6

‡ Antihelmintics

‡ Antiscabies agents

‡ Antiviral & Antifungal agents

‡ Antitubercular drugs

‡ Antileprosy drugs

‡ Anticancer drugs

‡ Immuno-suppressants

Composition, action, dosage, route, indications,

contraindications, drug interactions, side effects, adverse
effects, toxicity & role of nurse.

Pharmacology of commonly used antiseptics, disinfectants and


‡ Antiseptics:

ƕ Composition

ƕ Action

ƕ Dosage

ƕ Route

ƕ Indications
7 4% 2
ƕ Contraindications

ƕ Drug interactions

ƕ Side effects

ƕ Adverse effects

ƕ Toxicity &

ƕ Role of nurse

ƕ Disinfectants

ƕ Insecticides


Haematology & Pathology

‡ Various blood and bone marrow tests in assessment and

monitoring of disease conditions

ƕ Hemoglobin

ƕ RBC, white cells & platelet counts

ƕ Bleeding time, clotting time and prothrombin time

ƕ Blood grouping and cross matching

ƕ Blood chemistry
8 ƕ Blood culture 4% 6

ƕ Serological and immunological tests

ƕ Other blood tests

ƕ Examination of bone marrow

ƕ Methods of collection of blood specimen for various

clinical pathology, biochemistry, microbiological tests,
inference and normal values

- Nurse¶s role in collection and dispatch of various

samples for laboratory tests.

‡ Universal safety precautions


Genetic tests in neonates and children

‡ Screening for

ƕ Karyotype analysis
9 2% 2
ƕ Congenital abnormalities

ƕ Developmental delay

ƕ Dysmorphism


Genetic conditions of adolescents and adults

‡ Cancer genetics ±Familial cancer

‡ Inborn errors of metabolism

10 ‡ Blood group alleles and hematological disorders 5% 2

‡ Genetic haemochromatosis

‡ Huntington¶s disease

‡ Mental illness


Examination of body cavity fluids, transudates and exudates

‡ The laboratory tests used in CSF analysis

‡ Examination of other body cavity fluids, transudates and

exudates- sputum, wound discharge etc.

‡ Analysis of gastric and duodenal contents

11 2% 3
‡ Analysis of semen- sperm count, motility and morphology and
their importance in infertility

‡ Methods of collection of CSF and other cavity fluids specimen

for various clinical pathology, biochemistry, microbiology tests,
inference and normal values.

- Nurse¶s role in assisting and preparing the patient for these

diagnostic tests.

Drugs acting on G I System

Pharmacology of commonly used

‡ Antiemetics

‡ Emetics

‡ Purgatives

‡ Antacids
12 ‡ Cholinergic 4% 2

‡ Anticholinergics

‡ Fluid and Electrolyte therapy

‡ Antidiarrhoeals

‡ Histamines

ƕ Composition, action, dosage, route, indications,

contraindications, drug interactions, side effects, adverse
effects, toxicity & role of nurse.


Drugs used on Respiratory System

Pharmacology of commonly used

‡ Antiasthmatics

‡ Mucolytics

‡ Decongestants

‡ Expectorants
13 4% 2
‡ Antitussives

‡ Bronchodilators

‡ Broncho constrictors

‡ Antihistamines

ƕ Composition, action, dosage, route, indications,

contraindications, drug interactions, side effects, adverse
effects, toxicity & role of nurse.

Urine & Faeces

‡ Urine

ƕ Physical characteristics

ƕ Analysis

ƕ Culture and sensitivity

14 2% 2
‡ Characteristics

ƕ Characteristics

ƕ Stool examination: occult blood, ova, parasite and cyst,

reducing substance etc.

‡ Methods of collection for various tests, inference and normal



Services related to Genetics

‡ Genetic testing

‡ Human genome project

‡ Gene therapy
15 2% 5
‡ The Eugenics movement

‡ Genetic counseling

‡ Legal and ethical issues

‡ Role of nurse


Drugs used on Urinary System

Pharmacology of commonly used

‡ Diuretics and Antidiuretics

‡ Urinary antiseptics
16 4% 2
‡ Cholinergics and anticholinergics

‡ Acidifiers and alkalanizers

ƕ Composition, action, dosage, route, indications,

contraindications, drug interactions, side effects, adverse
effects, toxicity & role of nurse.


‡ Drugs used in deaddiction

‡ Drugs used in CPR & emergency

‡ Vitamins and minerals

17 4% 4
‡ Immunosuppressants

‡ Antidotes

‡ Antivenom

‡ Vaccines and Sera


Drugs used on skin and mucus membranes

‡ Topical applications for skin, eye, ear, nose, and buccal cavity
18 ‡ Antipruritics 4% 1

ƕ Composition, action, dosage, route, indications,

contraindications, drug interactions, side effects, adverse
effects, toxicity & role of nurse.

Drugs acting on Nervous System

Basic & applied pharmacology of commonly used:

‡ Analgesics & Anesthetics

ƕ Analgesics

ƒ Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) drugs

ƒ Antipyretics

ƒ Hypnotics and sedatives

ƕ Opioids

ƕ Non opioids

ƕ Tranquilizers

ƕ General & local

ƕ Anesthetics

ƒ Gases ±Oxygen, Nitrous oxide, Carbon dioxide

19 4% 8
‡ Cholinergic & anticholinergics:

ƕ Muscle relaxants

ƕ Major tranquilizers

ƕ Anti psychotics

ƒ Antidepressants

ƒ Anticonvulsants

ƒ Adrenergics

ƒ Noradrenergics

ƒ Mood stabilizers

ƒ Acetylcholine

ƒ Stimulants

‡ Composition, action, dosage, route,

indications, contraindications, drug
interactions, side effects, adverse effects,
toxicity & role of nurse.

Cardiovascular Drugs

‡ Haematinics

‡ Cardiotonics

‡ Anti anginals

‡ Antihypertensives & vasodilators

‡ Anti-arrhythmics
20 4% 5
‡ Plasma expanders

‡ Coagulants & anticoagulants

‡ Antiplatelets & thrombolytics

‡ Hypolipidemics

ƕ Composition, action, dosage, route, indications,

contraindications, drug interactions, side effects, adverse
effects, toxicity & role of nurse.


Drugs used for hormonal disorders and supplementation, contraception

and medical termination of pregnancy

‡ Insulin & Oral hypoglycemics

‡ Thyroid supplements & suppressants

‡ Steroids, Anabolics

‡ Uterine stimulants & relaxants

‡ Oral contraceptives

‡ Other estrogen ±progestrone preparations Corticotrophine &

21 4% 4

‡ Adrenaline

‡ Prostaglandins

‡ Calcitonins

‡ Calcium salts

‡ Calcium regulators

ƕ Composition, action, dosage, route, indications,

contraindications, drug interactions, side effects, adverse
effects, toxicity & role of nurse.


Introduction to drugs used in alternative system of medicine

22 5% 6
‡ Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani and Siddha etc.

*Continuous Evaluation:
It consists of Assignments/Seminars/Presentations/Quizzes/Surprise Tests (Summative/MCQ) etc.
Department of Nursing
Community Health Nursing-I (09101204)

Type of Course: BSCN


Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme
Examination Scheme
Credit External Internal Total
Lect Tut Lab
3 - 5 - 75 - 25 - - 100
Lect - Lecture, Tut - Tutorial, Lab - Lab, T - Theory, P - Practical, CE - CE, T - Theory, P - Practical

Sr. Topic Weightage

‡ Introduction

ƕ Community health nursing

ƕ Definition, concept and

ƕ Dimensions of health
1 4% 4
ƕ Determinants of health

ƕ Promotion of health

ƕ Indicators of health

ƕ Maintenance of health


‡ Determinants of health

ƕ Eugenics

ƕ Physical: Air, light

ƕ Environmental factors contributing Health Ventilation,

water, Housing Sanitation; disposal of waste, disposal of
dead bodies, Forestation, Noise, Climate,

ƕ Bacterial & Viral: Agents, host carriers and immunity

Arthropods and Rodents

ƕ Communication; Infrastructure facilities and Linkage

ƕ Insect, Rodent & Parasite Control, Noise Control

ƕ Disposal of refuge/Sewage
ƕ Disposal of human excreta

ƕ Disposal of the dead

ƕ Involvement of governmental and non-governmental

organizations in environmental heath

ƕ Act Regulation the environment: National

ƕ Pollution Control board

ƕ Public health Laws related to environment & health

Food hygiene:

Production, Preservation, Purchase, Preparation,

2 15% 18
consumption Acts Regulating Food Hygiene-Prevention
of food adulteration acts, Drugs and cosmetic act Socio
cultural aspects of nutrition in food hygiene

ƕ Socio-Cultural

ƒ Customs, taboos

ƒ Marriage System

ƒ Family Structure

ƒ Status of special Group; Females, Children

Elderly, Challenged Groups and Sick persons

ƒ Life Style

ƒ Hygiene

ƒ Physical Activity

ƒ Recreation and Sleep

ƒ Sexual life

ƒ Spiritual life philosophy

ƒ Self Reliance

ƒ Dietary pattern

ƒ Education

ƒ Occupation

ƒ Financial Management

‡ Epidemiology

ƕ Definition, concept, Aims, scope uses and terminology

used in epidemiology used in epidemiology

ƕ Dynamics of Disease team submission:

ƕ Epidemiological triad
3 15% 10
ƕ Morbidity and mortality:

ƕ Measurements

ƕ Levels of Prevention

ƕ Methods of epidemiology of Descriptive Analytical:

Epidemic investigation

ƕ Experimental


‡ Epidemiology and nursing management of common

Communicable Diseases

ƕ Respiratory infections

ƒ Small Pox

ƒ Chicken Pox

ƒ Measles

ƒ Influenza

ƒ Rubella

ƒ ARIs & Pneumonia

ƒ Mumps

ƒ Diphtheria

ƒ Whooping cough

ƒ Meningococcal meningitis

ƒ Tuberculosis


ƕ Intestinal Infections

ƒ Poliomyelitis

ƒ Viral Hepatitis

ƒ Cholera

ƒ Diarrhoeal diseases

ƒ Typhoid Fever

ƒ Food poisoning

ƒ Amoebiasis
ƒ Dracunculiasis

ƕ Arthropod infections

ƕ Dengue

ƕ Malaria

ƕ Filariasis

4 ƕ Zoonoses 25% 18

ƕ Viral

ƒ Rabies

ƒ Yellow fever

ƒ Japanese encephalitis

ƒ Kyasnur Forest Diseases

ƕ Bacterial

ƒ Brucellosis

ƒ Plague

ƒ Human Salmonellosis

ƒ Anthrax

ƒ Leptospirosis

ƕ Rickettsial diseases

ƒ Rickettsial Zoonoses

ƒ Scrub typhus

ƒ Murine typhus

ƒ Tick typhus

ƒ Q fever

ƕ Parasitic zoonoses

ƒ Taeniasis

ƒ Hydatid disease

ƒ Leishmaniasis

ƕ Surface infection

ƒ Trachoma

ƒ Tetanus

ƒ Leprosy


ƒ Yaws HIV

ƕ Any other

‡ Epidemiology and nursing management of Non-communicable


ƕ Malnutrition: under nutrition, over nutrition, nutritional


ƕ Anemia

ƕ Hypertension

ƕ Stroke

ƕ Rheumatic Heart Diseases

ƕ Coronary Heart Diseases

ƕ Cancer
5 20% 8
ƕ Diabetes mellitus

ƕ Blindness

ƕ Accidents

ƕ Mental illness

ƕ Obesity

ƕ Iodine Deficiency

ƕ Fluorosis

ƕ Epilepsy

ƕ Asthma

ƕ Arthritis


‡ Demography

ƕ Definition, concept and scope

6 ƕ Demography cycle 6% 6

- Methods of data collection, analysis and interpretation

of demographic data

ƕ Demographic rates and ratios


‡ Introduction to community Heath nursing service

ƕ Concepts, Definition & scope of community health

nursing services

ƕ Introduction to family oriented health care (assessment of

individual & family)
7 15% 9
ƕ Home visit: concepts, steps, principles, advantages

ƕ Functions of urban & rural health center including health

Team Member

ƕ Ethics in community health nursing practice

ƕ Consumers Protection Act

*Continuous Evaluation:
It consists of Assignments/Seminars/Presentations/Quizzes/Surprise Tests (Summative/MCQ) etc.
Department of Nursing
Communication & Education Technology (09101205)

Type of Course: BSCN


Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme
Examination Scheme
Credit External Internal Total
Lect Tut Lab
2 - - - 75 - 25 - - 100
Lect - Lecture, Tut - Tutorial, Lab - Lab, T - Theory, P - Practical, CE - CE, T - Theory, P - Practical

Sr. Topic Weightage

‡ Review of communication process

ƕ Process, elements and channels

1 5% 6
ƕ Barriers and methods of overcoming

ƕ Techniques


‡ Interpersonal relations

ƕ Purpose and types

ƕ Phases
2 10% 5
ƕ Barriers to interpersonal relations

ƕ Methods of overcoming barriers

ƕ Johari Window

‡ Human Relations

ƕ Understanding self

ƕ Social behavior Social attitudes

3 5% 6
ƕ Individual and Group & Groups and individual

ƕ Human relations in context of nursing

ƕ Group Dynamics

ƕ Team Work


‡ Guidance and counseling

ƕ Definition, meaning, purpose, scope & need.

ƕ Basic Principles

ƕ Areas of counseling

ƕ Organization of counseling services

ƕ Approaches to counseling
4 15% 15
ƕ Attributes and skills of counselor

ƕ Issues for counseling in nursing students and nursing


ƕ Counseling process steps & techniques

ƕ Tools for collecting information

ƕ Problem solving approaches

ƕ Management of crisis and referral


‡ Principles of Education & Teaching Learning Process

ƕ Education: meaning philosophy aims, functions, &


ƕ Nature & characteristics of learning

5 10% 18
ƕ Principles and maxims of learning

ƕ Domains of objectives & formulation of general and

specific objective

ƕ Lesson planning

ƕ Classroom management

‡ Methods Of Teaching:

ƕ Lecture, demonstration

ƕ Group discussions, Seminar, Symposium, panel

discussion, role-play.

ƕ Project method field trip, workshop, exhibition

ƕ Computer assisted learning programmed instructions

ƕ Micro- teaching, Evidence based learning

6 20% 15
ƕ Self-instructional module, simulation etc.

‡ Clinical Teaching Methods:

ƕ Bedside Clinics, Case Method Nursing rounds, morning &

afternoon reports

‡ Conferences:

ƕ Individual & group

ƕ Field visits, process recording


‡ Educational Media

ƕ Purpose and types of Audio ±visual and principles and

sources etc.

‡ Graphic Aids:

ƕ Chalk board, Charts graph poster

ƕ Flash cards, flannel Graph,

ƕ Bulletin Board, Cartoon

‡ Three Dimensional Aids:

7 ƕ Objects, specimens, models, & puppets. 15% 10

‡ Printed Aids:

ƕ Pamphlets & leaflets.

‡ Projected Aids:

ƕ Slides overhead projector transparency preparation

‡ Films, T.V. VCR / VCD

‡ Camera, Microscope, LCD, DVD

‡ Audio Aids:

- Tape recorder

‡ Assessment

ƕ Purpose & scope of evaluation & assessment

ƕ Criteria for selection of assessment technique and


‡ Assessment of knowledge:

ƕ Essay Type Questions,

8 15% 10
ƕ Short answer questions (SAQ),

ƕ Multiple-choice questions (MCQ)

‡ Assessment Of Skills

ƕ Observation checklist, Practical exam, Viva, Objective

Structured, Clinical examination (OSCE)

‡ Assessment of Attitudes:

ƕ Attitude Scales


‡ Information, Education & Communication for Health (ICE)

ƕ Health behavior and health education

ƕ Principles of health education

9 ƕ Health education with individuals, groups and 5% 5


ƕ Methods and media for communicating health messages.

ƕ Using mass media

ƕ Planning health education.

*Continuous Evaluation:
It consists of Assignments/Seminars/Presentations/Quizzes/Surprise Tests (Summative/MCQ) etc.

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