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Lecture No.

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 38:22

Line / Page no.

The concept of lvalue is difficult to understand at given time line. See the comments given
below to understand it easily

Constant, array and class objects are not lvalue while different types of variables are lvalue.

int x;

Here variable x is lvalue. We can assign integer value to variable x just like

x = 10;

x is lvalue because we know the memory location of it. If we know the memory location
variable we can use it as lvalue. Actually x is label of a memory location.

Constant just 2 cannot be used as lvalue. The reason is we don’t know the memory location of

Similarly array is also not lvalue. Array is collection of contiguous memory location.

int data[10] ;

Given array have space for 10 integer elements.

We cannot write data = 5;

Because compiler doesn’t know on which place in array the value 5

should be saved.
Lecture No. 4

Suggestion type Missing Concept

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 24.22

Line / Page no.

Diagram of doubly link list in video lecture at given time line is not showing which one is
preNode and nextNode. For better understanding see the diagram given below for given time

Head This is a doubly link list. The arrows pointing towards right
side are representing nextNode while those pointing towards
left side are representing prevNode.


2 6 8 7 1


Lecture No. 4

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 29.07

Line / Page no.

During verbal explanation looking at diagrams of doubly and circular link will help to
understand the concept easily.

While listening the video lecture during given time line. See diagrams of doubly and circular
link list given at page number 41 in handouts.
Lecture No. 4

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 37.3

Line / Page no.

Diagram of Josephus Problem in video lecture is showing at given time line. Counting in this
diagram will clockwise as given in diagram below.



0 8

Lecture No. 5

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 11.22-13.20

Line / Page no.

At given time line see the diagrams given below. These diagrams will help you to understand
the concept easily.
Singly Link List

Head Current

2 6 8 7 0


Doubly Link List


2 6 8 7 1


Circular Link List

Head Current

2 6 8 7 0

Lecture No. 7

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 07.42-12.25

Line / Page no.

At given time line Pseudo code and explanation of evaluating infix expression is given. During
this time line see the table given at page 66 of handouts. I will help you to understand the
concept and pseudo code easily.

Lecture No. 7

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 27.00-33.00

Line / Page no.

Verbal explanation of converting infix expression into postfix in given in mentioned time line.
During this verbal explanation and pseudo code see the table given below. It will help you easily
understand the procedure of conversion.

Symbol Postfix Stack


+ A +

B AB +

* AB *


ABC* +


Lecture No. 12

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 44:39 - 48:02

Line / Page no.

The procedure of inserting a node into binary search tree is given at mentioned time line. To
understand given procedure easily look the code given below during explanation.

void insert(TreeNode<char> * root, char * info) {

TreeNode<char> * node = new TreeNode<char>(info);
TreeNode<char> *p, *q;
p = q = root;
while( strcmp(info, p->getInfo()) != 0 && q != NULL ) {
p = q;
if( strcmp(info, p->getInfo()) < 0 )
q = p->getLeft();
q = p->getRight();
if( strcmp(info, p->getInfo()) == 0 ) {
cout << "attempt to insert duplicate: " << * info << endl;
delete node;
else if( strcmp(info, p->getInfo()) < 0 )
p->setLeft( node );
p->setRight( node );

Lecture No. 15

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 7:10 – 12:10
Line / Page no.

During given time line the concept of level order traversal is explained. During this
explanation see the code given below to understand the concept easily.

void levelorder( TreeNode <int> * treeNode ) {

Queue <TreeNode<int> *> q;
if( treeNode == NULL ) return;
while( !q.empty() ) {
treeNode = q.dequeue();
cout << *(treeNode->getInfo()) << " ";
if(treeNode->getLeft() != NULL )
q.enqueue( treeNode->getLeft());
if(treeNode->getRight() != NULL )
q.enqueue( treeNode->getRight());
cout << endl;

Lecture No. 26

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 31.55-34.10

Line / Page no.

At given time line the concept of how receiver will decode the bits back into characters is
explained. Comments given below will help you to understand the concept easily.

First sender will send then encoded tree to receiver. So receive following tree and save it at its
When receiver it will receive any character in the form of bits. Receiver will pass bits from
given tree and will reach at desired character. By following this procedure receiver will decode
all characters.

Lecture No. 34

Suggestion type Supportive Material

Artifact Video lecture

Placement on Time 21.28-23.45

Line / Page no.

At given time line see the matrix given at page 389 of handouts. This will help you to
understand the concept easily. The screen shot of that matrix is given below.

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