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Introduction: I chose written numerals from 1-10 in correctly English/Arabic because the kids
in KG1 should identify how to write the numbers it’s the most important thing to help them to
count as well.

Reflection: K1NS 4Term1: find and identify written numerals from 1-10 correctly.
I started my lesson by choose one of the student to count the number of student in the
classroom and the number of kids is absent, after that I let them to count from 1-10 by using
their fingers then I let them to stand up and sing a song of numbers to let them wake up and
warm up and these went well. I wrote the numbers in a small board then I asked the student
what is these numbers and sing “ where is 1/2/3/4/5” that was excited activity and they feel
fun while they are sing and search for the number, I wrote number from 1-3 for emerging
student, 1-5 for developing student and 1-10 for master student. I think in next time I need to
put more activity I think I finished early so I will take 15 minutes to let the student have more
information and background about the lesson.

Before the student go to different center I remined them about the classroom rules, we sing
the song of classroom rules “we follow the rules, be safe be kind do our best work” these went
well they go to their centers without making any miss or run so that was good.

I let purple group to go to the writing center because most of the student in this group are
talented in writing, so they have a flashcards of letter “E” and they have to draw the photo in
the card and write letter “E” and they will count as well how many items in their drawing, for
instance, when they will draw elephant and finish writing the letter they will count how many
legs did the elephant has and write the number down. In art center I let yellow group to follow
the steps I put it for them, step1 draw vase, step2 draw flower, step3 count how many flowers
did they draw and write the number. Emerging student only draw flowers and color it,
developing student follow each step and count the number of flowers they draw and write it,
master student did all the steps and they wrote the word “Vase, flower” without telling them
which is great! Pink group, I separated them two of them I let them to go to the building center
and build a garden “related to the theme” then they count the number of blocks while they are
building, two of student I let them to use the computer to write the numbers from 1-5 by using
the website in the computer, these activity went well because it’s for emerging student and its
simple for them.

In focus group, I take blue group before they start doing the activity I did it, first I take a card of
number I asked them what is the number, then I put the manipulatives on the number after
that I put my finger in oil color then pint the number in a white paper. After that the student
follow what did I told to them, and they did as I did.

In focus group I feel I did very well because the kids respond and feel fun in these activity, I gave
each student a card of numbers then they put the manipulatives on the number after that they
talk and share what is the number that they have it then they take a white paper and pint by
using their finger to pint the number that they trace it, then they hold their numbers and say
what is these number. I think it worked well because, they were excited and happy when they
are painting, also when they use the manipulatives, they were concentrated to follow the
number so these is will help them to identify to write the number but in a fun way. The
differentiation I used it in these activities is, I let the emerging student to pint and match the
manipulatives with number from 1 to 3, developing student did 1-5, master student did from 1
to 10.

The successful strategy I would share with other teachers is management, when I sing the song
of classroom rules before the student going to the centers and remind them about the
classroom rules but in a fun way they will follow it and tell to them who is will follow the rules
will have a sticker and the one student will have a lot of stickers I will give them a gift, and it
works, their behavior was good.

I think one aspect that requires attention is to focus in my voice, by these I mean I have to
change the level of my voice to motivate the student more and let the student bay attention
and interested to participate in the activity that I showed it to them. Some student was not
attentive they were a little bit sleepy, it occurred because I didn’t raise my voice very well
maybe they didn’t hear my voice or maybe I didn’t attract them because I keep my voice in the
same level. So, to be more successful in the next lesson I will keep changing the level of my
voice, sometimes I will raise my voice sometimes I will speak normally, and I will make a funny
sound related to the activity to motivate them and let them to be happy.
I think I achieved the learning objectives, I know that because in conclusion I let some of
students from each center to come in front and talk what did they did in their center and what
did they learned, also I let them to show other student their work, and that went well each
student say what did they learned and what did they did in their center correctly.

I have learned a lot in this lesson to manage the students and make the lesson more
interesting. It’s means to my future to make it better and more professional in the next time.

Jerome Bruner believes Manipulatives are necessary when learning math in order to jump from
one stage of learning to another- Stage Iconic – learn through pictures. In my lesson I followed
Jerome Bruner theory, in the main activity I gave each students a card of number then they put
manipulatives on the number then they take the oil color and pint the number on a white paper
by using their finger, then they shared and talked with each other about what is the number did
they have it.

Jean Piaget:
Symbolic function substage - (Ages 2-4) able to understand, represent, remember, and picture
objects in their mind without having the object in front of them
Symbolic play is when children develop imaginary friends or role-play with friends. Children’s
play becomes more social and they assign roles to each other. Some examples of symbolic play
include playing house or having a tea party. Interestingly, the type of symbolic play in which
children engage is connected with their level of creativity and ability to connect with others.
(Smith, 1981)

When the student was in different center the pink group was in building center to build a
garden by using blocks, so they were pretending they are creating a garden and they was
talking with each other about the garden and about the flowers. This activity tends to Jean
Piaget theory.

According to Zoltan P. Dienes, learning mathematics does not have to be perceived as a difficult
should be introduced to students, especially to young children, through fun and exciting games
(Dienes, 1973).
I related my lesson with Zoltan P. Dienes by using a fun task, I used a finger-painting technique
the kids feel fun with this activity.

Pink group: In computer center

In writing center: purple group they have I let emerging student to write
flashcards of letter “E” then they draw
numbers from 1 to 5 and it
depends of what is in the flashcards,
emerging student only draw the photo and
color it, developing student draw and write
letter “E”, master student draw, write letter
”E” then count the number of item that they
draw and write it

Pink group: building center, they

were creating a garden, this
activity for emerging student
after that they put the flowers
inside the garden then count the
number of leaves
Art center: yellow group, they Emerging student can only draw a
follow the steps to draw a flower. vase

Developing student follow the

steps. 1. Draw vase, 2. Draw
flowers, and write the number
of flowers.

Master student write the In focus group: blue group, I let

Additional center: when the
sentences, draw flowers, draw emerging student put the
student finish they go to the
vase and write numbers. manipulatives and pint it in a
board and write the numbers
paper from 1-3.
Developing student pint numbers Master student, pint from 1 to 10
1 to 5

us group

In conclusion: I let each student

to hold their work and say what
did they learned and what did
they did in their centers
Assessment for learning (AFL) strategies I used it
in conclusion, I asked the student who can come
and write number 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10, there are a
lot of student can write the numbers so I know
they understand the lesson and identify how to
write the numbers

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math (1-10 numbers)

Trainee: Razna Topic or Theme: My Garden and plants.

Class: KG1E Date & Duration: 29.10.2019

40 Minutes

Trainee Personal Goals

I’m working on classroom management, and I will focus to raise my voice to manage the

Lesson Focus

Counting the numbers from 1 to 10.

Write the numbers from 1-10.

Identify written numerals from 1-10.

Lesson Outcomes

K1NS 4Term1: find and identify written numerals from 1-10 correctly in Arabic.

find and identify written numerals from 1-10 in correctly English.

Links to Prior Learning
Math: Counting the numbers from 1 to 10.

21st Century Skills

Creativity: The student will create a garden in building centre.
Collaboration: The student will work in group and help each other when they are doing the
activity that I give it to them.
Communication: The student will talk with each other and share their ideas when they will
finish the activity about what did they learn.
Technology literacy: The student will use a computer to write the numbers.
Media literacy: I will play a song of numbers by using the data show.

Key vocabulary

Plastic coin (manipulative), garden, plant, theme, leaf.

Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

1. Student didn’t understand English
very well. 1.I will explain to them in Arabic some words if
2. Student keep shouting to answer. they didn’t understand.
2. I will choose the student who is sitting nicely
to answer.

Resources/equipment needed

Papers, pencils, flashcards of numbers, flashcards of letter “E”, small board, marker, tracing
number on cards, manipulatives, crayon colours, blocks (for building centre).

& Time
One of student will come in front and Teacher will pick one of student to come
count the number of kids in the and count the number of students in the
15 Minutes. classroom and the other student will classroom. The teacher will ask: How many
count as well. students is here? How many students is
Student will say: Eyes looking, Ears
Listening, be quiet, Good sitting. Bloom’s taxonomy, applying: Teacher will
let one of student to come and write the
The student will say: Our theme is my number of students in the classroom, and
garden and plant. the number of students is absent.
Student will answer what is the Teacher will say: Eyes looking, Ears
number that the teacher wrote it in Listening, be quiet, Good sitting. To
White board the board, then one of student will manage the student.
marker, using find the number around the
classroom” in the wall/carpet”, then Bloom’s taxonomy, remembering: Teacher
‘data show’ to the student will write it in the board. will say: who can remember what is our
play the song. theme about? My garden and plant.
Student will sing the song of number
“where is 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10” while Teacher will play song of numbers; teacher
the one of student searching for it. will sing with students the numbers from 1
to 10.
Student will write the number on air
by using their finger. Bloom’s taxonomy, remembering and
applying: Teacher will write some numbers
Student will sing the song of numbers from 1 to 10 in the board and say what is
that the teacher will play it to them in this number? who can find it in the
the screen. classroom? Teacher will sing to the student
where is “1/2/3/4/5/6/7/9/10” and the
Student will sing the song of student will sing as well. Teacher will
classroom rules: “we follow the rules, choose one of student to find the number,
be safe, be kind, do our best work”. then the student will write the number in
the board and say it, then they will use
their fingers to count the number they
wrote it in the board.

Teacher will choose emerging students to

find numbers from 1 to 5, and developing,
master students will find numbers 1 to 10.

I used to differentiate by content by let

the students write the numbers depends
of their level, emerging, developing and

Teacher will let the students to use

their fingers to write the number in air.
Before they will go to the center teacher
will sing the song of the classroom rules
with student: “we follow the rules, be safe,
be kind, do our best work”.
Main activities
& Time
In focus group: Blue/purple group will The student will go to different
put the manipulatives on the card centres.
20 Minutes. number, then they will paint on a Focus group: Blue group then
white paper the number that they rotation with Purple group.
Focus group: trace it. Teacher will have tracing numbers then
Manipulatives, teacher will put manipulatives on the
card of Art centre: Student will draw number, after that teacher will take the
numbers, oil flowers by following the steps and oil colour and pint the number on a
color, paper. colour it, when they will finish, paper.
Art center: they have to write a number of Teacher will say: what is this number
Crayon color, leaves. “show them the card number”? Good so
paper. Writing centre: Student will write now I will put the plastic coin
Writing center: words or letters related with our (manipulatives) on the tracing number.
Flash cards, theme by using flash cards. writing When teacher finish, she will say: Now
I will take the oil colour and I have to
pencils, crayon lines. Letter E e flash cards and
writes numbers. Count the items pint this number on a paper, what is the
color. number did I have to pint it?
Building they draw it, for example: if they
Teacher will say: Now do as I did, you
center: blocks, will draw elephant, they will count have this number card and put the
flower ‘object’, how many legs on elephant and plastic coin on the number when you
paper, pencil. write the number.
finish pint on a paper the number that
Building centre: Student will build
you have it. (Each student will have a
and create a garden then they have card number).
to put the flowers inside it, after If they finish teacher will say: what is
Computer that they will count how many the numbers did you pint it? share and
center: Using flowers inside the garden then they talk with each other about the number,
computer. will write the number on the you pint it.
paper. After that teacher will take the
manipulatives and put 3 manipulatives
Computer centre: Two student will on the table and ask the student count
write a number from 1-5 by using how many plastic coins is here? How
the application in the computer. did you know that? Because we are
counting, now again pint the number of
plastic coins on a paper.
If they will finish early, they will draw
a garden around the number by using
crayon colours.

writing centre: Purple group then

rotation with blue.
write words or letters related with our
theme by using flash cards. writing
lines. Letter E e flash cards and writes
numbers. Count the items they draw it,
for example: if they will draw elephant,
they will count how many legs on
elephant and write the number.
Art centre:
Draw flowers by following steps, then
count how many leaves in the flower
and write the number under their
Building centre:
Build a garden then put flowers inside
it count the number of flowers they
have it then write the number in a
Computer centre: Two student will
write a number from 1-5 by using the
application in the computer.

All these activities are ‘process’,

because I put in each centre activities
to write the numbers but all of them
have it in a different way. Focus Centre
trace numbers by using manipulatives
and play dough. Writing centre, they
have a photo of animals then they
count the part of animal’s body ‘legs,
hands’ then write the number. Art
centre when they draw a flower then
they count the flowers leaves after that
write the number. Computer centre,
write the numbers in computer.
Building centre, when they are building
a garden, they will put flowers on it
count the flowers they have it then
write it, so all of these activities are
writing numbers but in a different way.
Additional activity:
Science centre: discover and observe
plants and draw it, use flash cards to
write names of the parts. Then count
how many items they draw it and write
the number.
Math centre: They will match the
shapes with photo cards to create a
Differentiation activities (Support)

recognize written numerals from 1-5 in Arabic and English.

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

recognize written numerals from 1-10 in Arabic and English.

& Time
5 minutes Student will clean their centers. Teacher will play clean up song to let
the student clean their centres.
The one is sitting nicely will take a Teacher will give a sticker to the
sticker and stick it in their names. student who sit nicely.
Teacher will ask from each group to
Student will come in front and say
come and say what did they draw in
what did they do and learn in the
center. their centre and what did they learn.
Teacher will show the student a
Student will count the finger that number by using her finger, teacher
teacher show it to them. will say: Lets count how many fingers
did I showed you? What is this
Student will write the numbers in the number?
board. Bloom’s taxonomy, evaluating:
Teacher will have a card of names of
The kids will sing a song of numbers. student then teacher will pick one of
these cards randomly without looking
at the cards then, teacher will ask: Can
you come and write in the board
number 1/2/3/4/5?
I used content differentiation, because
I let the students to come and write
the numbers to make sure that did
they know how to write the numbers
depends of their level, I excepted from
emerging students to write the
numbers from 1 to 5, developing
students and master they can be able
to write numbers from 1 to 10.
Teacher will do it many times to make
sure that student identify how to write
After that the teacher will play a song of
Play song of colors and numbers.
Assessment Teacher asses student by asking them to count the numbers and write it to make
Strategies: sure did they know how to write numbers.
☐ Observation ☐ Student self- ☐ Oral ☐ Peer assessment
assessment questioning

☐ Quiz ☐ Student ☐ Written work ☐ Verbal feedback

presentation and feedback

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