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Research Design

This research work employed the descriptive-correlational method. The

descriptive method entails gathering of data in order to test hypotheses or answer
questions pertaining to the current status of the subject being understudied. Hence, this
method was utilized in describing relationship between social media addiction and student
engagement in school of grade 11 STEM students of Davao Doctors College Inc.


The respondents of the study are the Grade 11 STEM students of Davao
Doctors College and will be using non-random sampling. The total sample of the research
is 266 and the total population is 790. The total sections are 15 sections: the sections
are Barton-C6B, Benner-C418, Bobath-C6A, Curie-C6C, Dunton-C417, Henderson-C6E,
King-C416, Orem-C213, Pahl-A104, Peplau-C317, Petroski-A101, Roentgen-C315,
Roger-C420, Roy-C313, Watson-C314. The researchers will be only asking 18 students
each section by using accidental sampling.

Data Gathering Tool

In this study, the data was gathered by administering two adapted instruments
namely: Social Media Addiction Scale Student Form (SMAS-SF) and Student
Engagement in Schools Questionnaire-Engagement Composite (SESQ-ENG)

Social Media Addiction Scale Student Form (SMAS-SF) contained four indicators
namely: Virtual Tolerance, Virtual Communication, Virtual Problem, and Virtual
Information. The Virtual Tolerance indicator has 5-item statements, the Virtual
Communication has 9-item statements, Virtual Problem has 9-item statements and the
Virtual Information has 6-item statements with a total of 29-item statements. This
instrument measured the Social Media Addiction of the students. The respondents
respond to each statement on a 5-point Likert Scale.

The responses of the respondents in all statement indicators of the questionnaire

used the following using scale, descriptive equivalent and interpretation below.
Scale in the Descriptive Interpretation

Questionnaire Equivalent

5 Strongly Agree The selected Social Media Addiction

variable predictor statement is at all times
experienced by the Grade 11 STEM

4 Agree The Social Media Addiction variable

predictor statement is oftentimes
experienced by the Grade 11 STEM

3 Seldom The selected Social Media Addiction

variable predictor statement is occasionally
experienced by the Grade 11 STEM

2 Rarely The selected Social Media Addiction

variable predictor statement is not often
experienced by Grade 11 STEM students.

1 Never The selected Social Media Addiction

variable predictor statement is not at all
times experienced by the Grade 11 STEM

The responses on each item statement were interpreted accordingly. Range of

means stated below is the basis of responses in all items of each indicator. This would
provide a typical index of the item statements in the questionnaire.
Range of Means Descriptive Interpretation


4.50-5.00 Very high This indicates that the indicator for Social
Media Addiction is always manifested.

3.50-4.49 High This indicates that the indicator for Social

Media Addiction practices is oftentimes

2.50-3.49 Moderate This indicates that the indicator for Social

Media Addiction is seldom manifested.

1.50-2.49 Low This indicates that the indicator for Social

Media Addiction is rarely manifested.

1.00-1.49 Very low This indicates that the indicator for Social
Media Addiction is never been manifested.

On the other hand, Student Engagement in Schools Questionnaire-Engagement

Composite (SESQ-ENG) contained five indicators namely: Cognitive Engagement,
Behavioral Engagement (Effort and Persistence), Affective Engagement (Liking for
Learning), Affective Engagement (Liking for School), and Behavioral Engagement
(Extracurricular Activities). Cognitive Engagement indicator has 12 test- items, Behavioral
Engagement (Effort and Persistence) indicator has 8 test- items, Affective Engagement
(Liking for Learning) indicator has 4 test-items, Affective Engagement (Liking for School)
indicator has 4 test-items and Behavioral Engagement (Extracurricular Activities)
indicator has 3 test-items with a total of 31 test-items. This instrument measured the
Student Engagement in Schools.

The responses of the respondents in each indicator of the test used the following
the following parameter limit that includes scale, descriptive equivalent and interpretation

Scale in the Descriptive Interpretation

Questionnaire Equivalent
5 Always The selected Student Engagement variable
predictor statement is at all times
experienced by the Grade 11 STEM
4 Oftentimes The selected Student Engagement variable
predictor statement is oftentimes
experienced by the Grade 11 STEM
3 Seldom The selected Student Engagement variable
predictor statement is occasionally
experienced by the Grade 11 STEM
2 Rarely The selected Student Engagement variable
predictor statement is not often
experienced by the Grade 11 STEM
1 Never The selected Student Engagement variable
predictor statement is not at all times
experienced by the Grade 11 STEM

Range of Means Descriptive Interpretation

4.50-5.00 Very high This indicates that the indicator for Social
Media Addiction is always manifested.

3.50-4.49 High This indicates that the indicator for Social

Media Addiction practices is oftentimes

2.50-3.49 Moderate This indicates that the indicator for Social

Media Addiction is seldom manifested.

1.50-2.49 Low This indicates that the indicator for Social

Media Addiction is rarely manifested.

1.00-1.49 Very low This indicates that the indicator for Social
Media Addiction is never been manifested.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering data for this study, the researchers followed the following procedure:

The researchers have sent a letter to the Davao Doctors College Registrar’s Office
asking for the list of the Grade 11 STEM student. The said letter asked for the complete
class list of Grade 11 STEM students.
Another letter was sent to Davao Doctors College Principal, asking permission
for the conduct of the study in the fifteen respective sections of Grade 11 STEM
students. The Principal had duly signed the letter allowing the researchers to conduct
the study.

Upon approval, the researchers distributed and administered the questionnaire for
the Social Media Addiction and the Students Engagement in Schools.

The data were retrieved, collected, tallied, tabulated, and interpreted confidentially
and accordingly.


In the analysis of the data, the following statistical tools were engaged:

Mean. This was used to answer statement problems 1 and 2 which is to determine the
Social Media Addiction and Engagement in School among Grade 11 STEM Students of
Davao Doctors College Inc.

Pearson r. This was used to answer statement problem 3 to verify if there is a significance
relationship between Social Media Addiction and Engagement in School of Grade 11
STEM Students of Davao Doctors College Inc.

Student Engagement in Schools Questionnaire-Engagement Composite (SESQ-


LEGEND: (1) – Never (3) – Seldom (5) – Always

(2) - Rarely (4) – Oftentimes

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Affective Engagement (Liking for Learning)

I think what we are learning in school is


I like what I am learning in school.

I enjoy learning new things in class.

I think learning is boring.

Affective Engagement (Liking for School)

I like my school.

I am proud to be at this school.

Most mornings, I look forward to going to school.

I am happy to be at this school.

Behavioral Engagement (Effort & Persistence)

I try hard to do well in school.

In class, I work as hard as I can.

When I’m in class, I participate in class activities.

When I am in class, I just act like I’m working.

In school, I do just enough to get by.

When I’m in class my mind wanders.

If I have trouble understanding a problem, I go

over it again until I understand it.

When I run into a difficult homework problem, I

keep working at it until I think I’ve solved it.
Behavioral Engagement

( Extracurricular Activities)

I am an active participant of school activities such

as sport day and school picnic.

I volunteer to help with school activities such as

sport day and parent day.

I take an active role in extracurricular activities in

my school.

Cognitive Engagement

When I study, I try to understand the material

better by relating it to things I already know.

When I study, I figure out how the information

might be useful in the real world.

When I learn new information, I try to put ideas in

my own words.

When I study, I try to connect what I am learning

with my own experiences.

I make up my own examples to help me

understand the important concepts I learn from

When learning things for school, I try to see how

they fit together with other things I already know.

When learning things for school, I often try to

associate them with what I learnt in other classes
about the same or similar things.

I try to see the similarities and differences

between things I am learning for school and the
things I know already.
I try to understand how the things I learn in
school fit together with each other.

I try to match what I already know with things I

am trying to learn for school.

I try to think through topics and decide what I’m

supposed to learn from them, rather than
studying topics by just reading them over.

When I’m studying, I try to combine different

pieces of information from course material in new

Social Media Addiction Scale Student Form (SMAS-SF)

LEGENDS: (1)- Strongly disagree (2) – Disagree (3) – Neither agree nor disagree

(4) Agree (5) - Strongly agree

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Virtual Tolerance

I am eager to go on social media.

I look for internet connectivity everywhere so as

to go on social media.

Going on social media is the first thing I do when

I wake up in the morning.

I see social media as an escape from the real


A life without social media becomes meaningless

for me.

Virtual Communication

I prefer to use social media even there are

somebody around me.

I prefer the friendships on social media to the

friendships in real life.

I express myself better to the people with whom I

get in contact on social media.

I am as I want to seem on social media

I usually prefer to communicate with people via

social media.

Even my family frown upon, I cannot give up

using social media.

I want to spend time on social media when I am


I prefer virtual communication on social media to

going out.
Social media activities lay hold on my everyday

Virtual Problem

I pass over my homework because I spend much

time on social media.

I feel bad if I am obliged to decrease the time I

spend on social media.

I feel unhappy when I am not on social media.

Being on social media excites me.

I use social media so frequently that I fall afoul of

my family.

The mysterious world of social media always

captivates me.

I do not even notice that I am hungry and thirsty

when I am on social media.

I notice that my productivity has diminished due

to social media.

I have physical problems because of social


Virtual Information

I use social media even when walking on the

road in order to be instantly informed about

I like using social media to keep informed about

what happens.
I like using social media to keep informed about
what social media groups share.

I spend more time on social media to see some

special announcements (e.g. birthdays).

Keeping informed about the things related to my

courses (e.g. homework, activities) makes me
always stay on social media.

I am always active on social media to be instantly

informed about what my kith and kin share.

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