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Rossini Di tanti palpiti from Tancredi Hotei c caiira - PIANO es Ree we = My country! dear u country resturnd at last, be- hold'ime! pa- trial dologeingra-ta pa-tria, al-fi- mate ri - tor =n, cree ‘Mee, O tand be-love-ed; O ca-ra ter-ra hismo-ment, for me so calmand peaceful, Calls forth in my heart fond as - pi- 5 perme, giorsno se = re 10, co+min= cia il evr, a egro a ae rations — of pleas-ure, A-me - na-i- de! rar-mi in se = nol A-me - na-i~ del a oa ([ SE BESS ——— == = Text REESE > —__- = 4h: = = SS se See Source of my sweet-est mu-sings, thou Oh mio pen-sier so = a - ve, J 4 Text: PSE 5 Allegro ee I of my brightest hopes, of my ex-ist-ence the on-ly —_ob-ject! lode! mien s0-spir, de’ 09 - ti mie-é co le-ste.og - get - tol text: E SES esa nearthee atiast; I pledgeme that fate I will de- ven- ni al-fin, io v0 = gli, sfi-dandoslmio de - = ar fy now andstrivetowinthee, to de - serve thee, dearest love, or fail-ing, per-ish! sii-no, qua-bin-que si +a, | me-ri- tar ti, 0 pe-rin, a-mi-ma mica! ——s ‘Thou who light-est my de vo > tions, ‘Thou who Tu cheac-cen - di que- slo om - +e, tu che = giv-est bothstrengthand cour age, Glo-rious yearn-ings, and sweet ¢ ~ de sti iva = lor mi 0, al- ma gla ria, dol - ce a= And my wish- my hopes en-cour a Let the se - con-da - fe iL bel devs @ piacere trait - = or be con-found-ed, All my — deedswith glo - 4%; om pio tra - + di fo- 9 co- vo - na- te la mia colla vace Moderato pg deaeat —_dagdd. £ $3 ts: gs: 4% SS = "fel Te) | Te) a ete 2 + —¢ = + all the fan- Hi pains I__ bear, Tals and sor pal- pi - Gi, tans te fe heart still ce mio bor = rows Fresh hopes from thee! be ome, spe - 10 mer = cbt SS o SSSS= —— Shall feed: pe No more to part, ti ri-ve - dro, more to part, Thine eyes, love - light ri- ve - dri, ne tuoi bet ra my heart. O hours. sce - rif De-t - de de. fe P hours dear -.uK oe a ds treas - ured! oO rap - ture wo = meas spi - ri, ac - cen ~ ti, con = ten we 28 2 toe SS shall en = fold me, This. heart hath told me, va ff - - ce, iL_—_—_ cor mel di - ce, fate u - nit-ed______ with____ thine shall mio de - sti -no. vi ck = moe No more to part, rive - dri, No ti more to vis ve - part dri, Shall feed my heart. pa - sco - ri, ed, shall feed my mi pa sce - Thine eyes, love - me’ tuoi bes eyes, love - light tuoi bei ra Soon re-u - nit mi ri-ve - dra ed, No more to i Horie part, Thine eyes love- 7 ve. dri, ne’ tuoi bet = No ti heart Soon re-u-- nit - ed, more to ri-ve-dra- 3, ri - ve light - ed, Shall feed my heart, va - mi paseo - ri, Thy — lov-ing glan - ces shall feed my ne? tuoi bei ra = mi pa - see £ a = glance. shall feed___ my. heart, shall feed_ my rai, mi pa - see - ra, mi. pa - sce heart, shall feed my heart! vo, mi pa- sce - ral heart, Thy heart, shall feed_ x, mi pa - lov-ing tuot bet = my

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