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Process Recording

Nurse Patient Interaction

Orientation Phase (October 23, 2019 5Pm)

Goals: Establish a good impression and gain patient’s trust

Make known to patient the therapeutic contract
Ask about client’s basic information

Student Nurse Patient ANALYSIS

Hello Good afternoon po? “Hello! Good afternoon din.” Building rapport.
I’m Daniel Student nurses from “Okay.”
manila Adventist school
I will be here for 3 days.
Wednesday to Friday morning

How are you po? “I’m good. “

Where do you came from po? “I came from Quezon city.” To Obtain Information.

When is your birthday po? “My birthday is August To Obtain Information.


When did you came here po? “I came here July 10, 2016.” To Obtain Information and
start rapport.
Is it okay for you to be here po? “No. I don’t have another It allows the patient to take
choice, that’s why I’m here.” the initiative to introduce the

How do you feel to live here po? “Sometimes I feel bad, It allows the patient to take
because I want to go home the initiative to introduce the
and spend time with my topic. It also simplifies that
family and daughters. I’m the patient has the lead in the
very lonely here.” interaction and think of an
interesting topic for him.
Working Phase (October 24, 2019, 4pm)

Goals: to promote change

Is the period when solutions are explored, tried, and evaluated.

Student Nurse Patient Analysis

Hello, Good afternoon po “Good afternoon din.” It shows the Student nurse
lolo Maxino? recognizes the client as a
person, an individual that gives
the client fulfillment of his

How are you po? “I’m good. How about you It shows the patient recognizes
Daniel?” the student nurse by calling the
name of the student nurse.
Can you tell me more about “Sure. What do you want to Initiating the patient to start
yourself please po? know about me?” the topic and exploring the
The patient is willing to share
about himself.

Where is your birthplace po? “I was born in Manila Pasay To obtain information
How many years you lived in “I Lived in Pasay almost for It shows the patient is willing
Pasay city po? 25 years and after I graduate to share about his life and
from college my Family family and the patient is closer
moved to Quozen city.” to his family.

Do you have family po? “Yes, I have two children.” To obtain or get more
information and the patient is
willing to tell about his family.

Where are there now po? “They are living in Manila. To obtain information.
They already married and
they have their own family

Are they visiting you here “yes, every Christmas they It shows the patient has a
po? come here to visit me. strong relationship with his
Sometimes my daughter children and the patient is
come here before Christmas, longing to see his Son and
I missed them a lot, daughters
I can’t wait till the Christmas
will come to see my son and
daughters, they have their
own family, I think that’s why
they don’t often come here
in Anawin to visit me. Hope I
will see them soon.”
How do you feel to separate “Actually, I feel bad to It shows the patient wants to
from your children po? separate from my Children live with his Children and He
because I love them but they accepted that his children have
have their own family and their own life and family. And It
they are busy, since they indicates that the patient
have their own life, I don’t understands the meaning of
have someone who will take life.
care of me, I understand
them, I’m not mad at them.
I’m okay to be here in
Anawin, even though
sometimes I feel bad.”

From what university you “I started my college in Della To obtain more information
graduated po? salle university. I studied
there for two years and I
transferred to University of
the Philippines in manila.”
What course did you take in “I graduated as Business To obtain information
university of the Philippines management and Accounting
po? major in Banking.”

Where were you working po? “I hadn’t any chance to work It shows the patient had strong
in my life in company or relationship with his mother
bank. Right after my and it indicates the patient is
graduation my mother got close to his mother and father
sick and she was diagnosed and he is very happy for what
with Cancer and I was taking he has done for his mother.
care of my mother until the
day she passed away. Since
I’m only the child my father
asked me to take care of my
mother because he is very
busy at work and he travel
abroad many times. I took
care of my mother for 7
years. I don’t regret for that.

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