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The First Amendment ensures a few fundamental opportunities in the United States

including opportunity of religion, the right to speak freely of discourse, opportunity of the
press, the privilege to gather, and the privilege to appeal to the legislature. It was a piece of
the Bill of Rights that was included to the Constitution December 15, 1791.

For Kala’h the first amendment applies because she’s a US Citizen and it is a law designed
to protect her and others various freedoms. In her department, She fights for other voices
to be heard during times of injustice and uses her right to freedom of expression to the
fullest extent. The first Amendment protects Kala’h as an Artist, Journalist, and A Citizen.

As a student, she voices her concerns for not only the classroom but the university as well
to make them noticed. Pushing other students to use their right to freedom of press and
expression to pursue their dreams. As a journalism major she strives to use the first
amendment to the fullest extent. She believes it’s beneficial to have laws to protect you
from others under the law. Kala’H also tries to shed as much light as possible about the
usage and importance of the First Amendment in the journalism field.

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