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Anatomy of the Trigeminal Nerve.

Key Anatomical Facts for MRI Examination of Trigeminal
Sgarbi Nicolás, Saibene Andrés, Telis Osmar, Doassans Inés, Boschi Jorge, Soria Víctor

Radiology Department – Hospital de Clínicas (Montevideo)

Magnetic Resonance Service – Sanatorio Americano
Anatomy Department
School of Medicine – Universidad de la República Oriental del Uruguay

Introduction A detailed knowledge of the trigeminal

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) is currently a nerve (V) anatomy, including its origin,
frequent reason for carrying out a craneo- course, relationships and distribution
encephalic Magnetic Resonance Imaging branches, is essential for a correct
(MRI) examination in Neuroradiology interpretation of the images, and
Departments. correspondingly for an accurate diagnosis.
It is a precise clinical diagnostic entity,
although its pathophysiology and treatment Objectives – Materials – Methods
are under discussion and permanently To revise the anatomy of the V cranial nerve
revised. and its different segments, with a special
Multiple disorders may produce TN, but in interest in those of fundamental
most patients it is not possible to identify a importance for the correct interpretation of
specific cause to account for the clinical high resolution MRI studies.
condition. MRIs, carried out with a closed-system field
Certain anatomical relationships have 1.5T power resonator with conventional
likewise been indicated as probably related sequences and high resolution protocols
with facial pain, giving rise to neurovascular (FIESTA), were used to analyze the
conflict conditions. trigeminal nerve anatomy in its different
Micro-dissections with multiple approaches
and fine sections in the 3 planes of space in
5 adult cadaver heads (Department of
Anatomy, School of Medicine,
Neuroanatomy Laboratory), dissected with
the aid of a neurosurgical microscope with
x4 and x8 magnification, registered
photographically the disposition and
anatomical relationships of the structures in
the 3 planes of space.
Next, anatomical sections of the previous
frozen sections, in the axial, coronal and
sagital planes were carried out.

Rev Imagenol, 2009, 12(2):28-33.


Anatomy or the Trigeminal Nerve. Key Anatomical Facts for MRI Examination of Trigeminal Neuralgia

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Results The sensitive nucleus is the largest,

Descriptive Anatomy of the Trigeminal comprising 3 true sub-nuclei, each
Nerve responsible for each aspect of the general
The VTh is the most developed and sensitivity.
extensive cranial nerve, with a broad The highest is the mesencephalic nucleus,
distribution territory. It is a mixed nerve located in the tegmentum close to the
conducting sensitive and motor somatic midline and to the grey matter close to the
fibers to the face, and is conceptually Sylvian aqueduct. The neurons that form
responsible for all its sensitive innervation this nucleus are in charge of the
(touch, pain, temperature and propioceptive integration in the Vth nerve
propioception) together with the motor territory, high level information for correct
innervation of the mastication apparatus. mastication.
Originating in the posterior fossa of the The main nucleus is in the pons, it is also
brain stem, it follows a long and complex situated in the depth of the tegmentum,
course towards its distribution territory, and is responsible for the tactile integration
crossing several regions with a complex of the territory of this nerve.
anatomy and establishing important Finally, the inferior nucleus occupies the
relationships with several structures. tegmentum of the medulla, extending
The nerve fibers originate in the brainstem caudally to the first segments of the cervical
and are part of several grey matter nuclei spine, and is in charge of thermal and pain
occupying all the brainstem and even the information. Its location explains the
first spinal cervical segments. possible appearance of symptoms in the
Each of these sensitive and motor nuclei facial territory in patients with a
represents different processing centers, and degenerative/inflammatory disorder of the
there is a true systematization of the upper cervical spine.
information this nervous tract is responsible There is one single motor nucleus, located
for conducting. Figure 1 in the pons tegmentum, supplying the

Rev Imagenol, 2009, 12(2):28-33


mastication muscles, and is correspondingly the temporal bone, where it finds Meckel´s
called mastication nucleus. space region. During this course,
The fibers related with all these nuclei surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, it
gather in the pons and emerge through the presents distant relations with cranial
lateral sector of its anterior aspect, forming nerves VI, VII and VIII, and vascular
a thick nervous tract with two roots: a relations, with the superior petrous vein
thicker and lateral sensitive root and a (Dandy), and more especially arterial
thinner more medial motor root. relations. Figures 2 and 4
The only intra-axial segment of the Vth ends This is the point where the variants in the
there and initiates its long course to its trajectories and the resulting arterial loops,
distribution territory; it is formed by may generate sites of close contact
different sub-segments before dividing between the arterial, pulsating vessels and
itself into its terminal branches (the the nervous tract which may result in
cisternal and Gasserian or transdural neurovascular conflict.
segments). Figure 2 Two arteries may be related: the middle
The point where the roots emerge in the and the superior cerebellar arteries,
brainstem is called “REZ” (Root Entry Zone), according to the height of its origin in the
an anatomical landmark of great functional basilar trunk and the direction of its initial
hierarchy. Figure 3 portion. Figure 5

3a 3b

The cisternal (Vc) or pre-ganglionar It later enters Meckel´s space, the region
segment occupies the upper floor sector of where the Gasserian ganglion is located, a
the cerebellopontine angle, above the ganglionar station relaying sensitive
acoustic-vestibulo-facial bundle, heading information, and following which its three
upwards and laterally, from the posterior terminal branches originate: the ophthalmic
fossa to the apex of the petrous portion of

Rev Imagenol, 2009, 12(2):28-33.


Anatomy or the Trigeminal Nerve. Key Anatomical Facts for MRI Examination of Trigeminal Neuralgia

(V1), maxillary (V2) and mandibular (V3) Prior to this, the three sensitive branches
nerves. establish a close relationship with the
This region is a space carved in a dural fold, lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, passing
occupied in nearly all specimens by through the width of the duramater,
cerebrospinal fluid. Here the nervous trunk especially V1 and V2.
is formed by multiple small nerve roots and After going through this sector, V1 reaches
the ganglion is formed actually by a true the superior orbital fissure (sphenoidal
network of minute nerve filaments and cleft) and crosses it to reach the orbit
therefore should be called plexus rather where it is distributed.
than ganglion. Only the sensitive fibers form Its distribution territory encompasses the
part of this structure, the small motor tract sensitivity of the eye-globe and conjunctiva,
passes, in the majority of cases, below the eyelids, frontal region, the skin of the nose
ganglion –as may be clearly observed in the and naso-sinusal mucosa, and the
dissections carried out. Figure 6 vegetative innervation of the lacrimal
After the Gasserian ganglion, the glands.
distribution branches, already separated in The second branch, V2, goes towards the
all cases, run forward seeking for the foramen rotundum in the middle fossa of
different orifices in the skull base though the skull, reaching the pterygo-palatine
which they reach their distribution territory. region where it subdivides into multiple
Figure 7 collateral branches.

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Rev Imagenol, 2009, 12(2):28-33


5a 5b

The main tract of this branch continues in skull through the foramen ovale, and
the floor of the orbit to emerge in the face reaches the deep masticator space.
through the infraorbital orifice and is There it forms multiple sensitive branches
distributed in the skin of the middle facial destined for the lower third of the face and
territory and part of the oral cavity. part of the oral cavity, additionally to the
Finally V3, which travels together with the temporo-mandibular joint, while the motor
motor root of the nerve, crosses the base of branches supply the mastication muscles.

6a 6b

Rev Imagenol, 2009, 12(2):28-33.


Anatomy or the Trigeminal Nerve. Key Anatomical Facts for MRI Examination of Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Imaging Anatomy The Gasserian ganglion was observed within

Meckel’s space and the anatomical findings
In all cases analyzed, each of the were corroborated in all cases. Thus, a
components of the trigeminal system was plexiform structure where the branches of
clearly identified, with the exception of the the nervous trunk converge and where the
previously described nuclei. three terminal branches arise was observed
A thick nerve tract surrounded by in 100% of cases.
cerebrospinal fluid (cisternal portion of the
V) was observed in all cases from its site of Discussion
origin in the brainstem until it enters into The anatomy of the trigeminus is well
Meckel´s space, and in all the specimens it known and has been described in detail by
was possible to identify two differentiated numerous classical and contemporary
components: the sensory and motor authors (1-3).
branches. At present, the advent of new technologies
In all cases it was possible to correctly has enabled a very precise study of the
locate the REZ, and also individualize the anatomy of this complex nervous tract and
main vascular relations the nerve presents the regions it crosses, and this requires a
along this course. deep knowledge of this anatomy and the
In all cases its entry to Meckel´s space was imaging projections (4, 5).
observed and correctly visualized in the 3 The use of high spatial resolution imaging
planes of space, with a higher resolution in allows the study of each of the portions of
the sagital reconstructions and in the axial the trigeminal nerve seeking anatomical
plane. variants and/or pathological elements that

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Rev Imagenol, 2009, 12(2):28-33


could explain the clinical presentation of a portions with great resolution. In the high
relatively frequent syndrome such as the TN resolution sequences the nervous tract and
(6, 7). its portions may be observed in great detail
This may occur, not only with involvement together with the region of Meckel´s space,
of the nervous trunk or its distribution with an excellent correlation with the
branches, but also of its intra-axial portions cadaveric dissections.
or those in the region of Meckel´s space, It is essential to have an accurate
thus, making it necessary to identify them knowledge of the anatomy of the Vth,
correctly (5). together with that of the regions and
Several disorders of different sorts may give spaces it crosses, in order to achieve an
rise to this clinical condition, the majority of adequate anatomic imaging analysis in
which, such as for example tumoral lesions, studies with excellent spatial resolution
may be easily assessed with MRI using such as MRI.
conventional sequences.
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