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Healthy, Wealthy and Wise!

These three have been the most pursued after goals in the history of
mankind. Lacking any one of these, life can be difficult and daunting! However, I think we must pursue
Wisdom first! A wise person is able to see things more clearly and follow through on his vision better,
thus Health and Wealth usually accompany a wise person!

That said, wisdom seems to be the least seen trait in most people. There are all kinds of people around
us. The easy to get along with kind of individuals as well as the difficult and complicated souls. Wisdom
has nothing to do with whether you are a nice person or not, you can be a very nice yet be unwise in the
way you lead your life!

So how does one know that they are getting any closer to their goal of being wiser? You will see these
differences in your behavior and know when you get these signs!

You no longer see value in Drama- Losing sleep over a fight, holding on to your ego and holding grudges
gives you no pleasure anymore. You realize that you cannot win all the battles and you make peace with
the fact that people are different. Fighting these difference is like swimming against the tide. It doesn't
seem worth the psychological pain you go through. You are able to accept and love others just as they
are. You are more willing to forgive and love.

You pick your battles wisely- While you are more forgiving of others indifference or weaknesses, you
know it when you are being taken for granted or misused by anyone. You do not believe in pleasing
people for the fear of losing them. You know that people who love you will stay no matter what. When
you see signs of being treated unfairly, you speak up fearlessly. A wise person picks their battles wisely,
and knows which battles are worth fighting.

You do not see the worst in every situation- You realize that no matter what is happening in your life
right now, it's going to pass eventually. That nothing lasts for ever, not even the bad times. You try to
focus of what you can do to move forward, rather than questioning why something is happening to you
in the first place.

You know that problems help you grow- Very few people are born wise! Wisdom is usually a result of a
life well lived, of mountains climbed and valleys traversed. This kind of a journey comes with its share of
problems, each one acting as a stepping stone to becoming an aware and evolved person. You know that
no matter how big or painful the problem, it's only making your core stronger!
You believe in delayed gratification- Having faced disappointments many times and losing many small
and big battles, you know that real success is a result of patient and persistent actions taken over long
periods of time. There are no short term guarantees. You look at long term objectives, rather that gains
in the near future. You don’t take anything for granted or as a right. A wise person does not get
disappointed or detailed because of small or momentary setbacks and has her eyes on the horizon,
knowing that they will ultimately get what they deserve.

You speak less and listen more- The need to impress everyone with how much you know becomes lesser
as you become wiser. You don't mind listening to others and letting them take the spotlight they crave.
You know your value is not in what you show but in what you are as a person. You speak only when your
words are better than your silence.

You take better care of yourself- You are aware that you can do the best for yourself and others and deal
with challenges effectively only of you are in the best of state, both physically and emotionally. As a
result of this you are more disciplined in your daily rituals like exercising, eating well, meditating or
reading. These habits help you stay up and running. You have more personal power to take action. You
also encourage and inspire others around you to do the same.

You are aware of your Strengths- As a wise person you are self-aware, you realize how you come across
to others, know when you are liked or disliked and when you are right or wrong. You may not be able to
change yourself right away, buy you constantly watch your thoughts, words and actions and try to
channelize them in a positive way at most times.

Balance becomes your mantra- This is the ultimate sign of wisdom! You no longer obsessively focus on
one goal i.e. money, relationships, or career and give fair importance to every aspect of life, knowing that
they are all interlinked! Others watching may wonder how you do it, managing career, health, children,
home, passion etc. all at once. But usually balance comes easy to a wise person. They take better and
faster decisions because they are clearer about their priorities.

Being wise does not mean being in Zen or being a spiritual person, and No…wisdom is not patented by
leaders, saints and gurus. It lies in each one of us! So let us turn our awareness inward and find our own
guru within!

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