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Background of the study and objectives

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communication has launched a review of the synergies among its outreach networks. The
analysis is carried out by EY.
The objective of this analysis is to prepare a report with a comprehensive mapping of all EU networks, including basic features and communication
The perception and opinion of EU citizens on the functioning, accessibility and visibility of EU outreach networks is extremely important for a thorough
and comprehensive assessment.

Overview of the questionnaire and instructions

The survey is completely anonymous and it requires around 15 minutes to complete.

Please note that should you close the questionnaire without submitting the responses, you will have to start over once you re-open it by clicking on the
link. To this end, we strongly advise you to complete the survey in one take and submit it straight after.

Data usage permissions

As the survey is completely anonymous, no indication of your personal details will be recorded or stored in our systems.
EY will consider the information provided as strictly confidential, to be used only for the purposes of the present study.

Thank you very much in advance for your time and cooperation.

Section 1

* 1. You are responding as:

A student
A researcher
A teacher/professor
A civil servant
A business representative

If other, please specify

Civil servant - NRN expert

* 2. Please, indicate your country of residence

Austria Germany Poland
Belgium Greece Portugal
Bulgaria Hungary Romania
Croatia Ireland Slovak Republic
Cyprus Italy Slovenia
Czech Republic Latvia Spain
Denmark Lithuania Sweden
Estonia Luxembourg United Kingdom
Finland Malta Other
France Netherlands

* 3. Please, indicate your age

Under 18
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* 4. You identify your gender as: Login (/eusurvey/auth/login/runner) | Help | Language
Prefer not to disclose

* 5. How do you usually get information about the EU and its programmes and policies?
 Please, select all that apply
EU information networks
EUROPA website
Other websites
Press (printed/online)
Social media

Section 2 - Questions concerning EU information networks in general

* 6. Are you aware of any of the following EU information networks?

 Please, select all that apply
I am not aware of any EU information network Fin-Net - Financial dispute resolution network
Creative Europe Desks (CED) Green Spider Network (GSN)
European Consumers Centres (ECC) Inform - network of communication officers responsible for communicating
ERDF and Cohesion Fund investments
European Centre of Expertise in the field of labour law, employment Informal Network of ESF Information Officers (INIO)
and labour market policies (ECE)
European Competition Network (ECN) National Academic Recognition Information Centres (NARIC)
Europe Direct – European Documentation Centre (EDC) National Contact points for Horizon2020 (NCP H2020)
Europe Direct – Information Centres (EDIC) National Europass centre
European employment service (EURES) OLAF Anti-Fraud Communicators Network (OAFCN)
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) European Network of Public Employment Services (PES)
European Innovation Partnership Network (EIP-AGRI) Salto-Youth
European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) – Science with and for Society National Contact Points
Erasmus + National Agencies SOLVIT (solutions to problems with your EU rights)
Euraxess Team Europe
Eurodesk Your Europe Advice
Euroguidance Other
EURYDICE (Better knowledge for better education policies)

* 7. How frequently do you contact EU information networks?

Every day
Once a week
Once a month
Couple of times a year
Very rarely

* 9. What are your preferred channels to interact with the EU information networks?
 Please select all that apply
Personal contact with an operator/case handler
Live chats/online communication tools (Skype, Google Hangout, etc.)
Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

* 10. To what extent do you think that the EU information networks are able to communicate on the EU and its programmes and policies to the citizens?
Not at all
Low extent
Moderate extent
Large extent
I do not know

11. To what extent do you agree with the following statements, regarding ALL EU information networks?
 Please select one reply for each statement

Strongly Strongly I do not know/not

Disagree Agree
disagree agree applicable

* The networks and their activities can be linked to the EU (as they use
an EU logo, banner, visual elements..)

* I can easily find the right network to answer my needs

* The services/information provided by the networks are clear

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* The services/information provided by the networks are comprehensive

* I can easily contact the networks

* The networks provide timely answers to my queries

* When answering my queries, the networks provide relevant information

* The services/information provided by the different networks are

coherent and not contradictory

Section 3 - Questions concerning a selected EU information network

* 12. Please, select ONE EU information network from the networks you indicated to know and answer all questions below in relation to the selected
Creative Europe Desks (CED) Fin-Net - Financial dispute resolution network
European Consumers Centres (ECC) Green Spider Network (GSN)
European Centre of Expertise in the field of labour law, employment Inform - network of communication officers responsible for communicating
and labour market policies (ECE) ERDF and Cohesion Fund investments
European Competition Network (ECN) Informal Network of ESF Information Officers (INIO)
Europe Direct – Documentation Centre (EDC) National Academic Recognition Information Centres (NARIC)
Europe Direct – Information Centres (EDIC) National Contact points for Horizon2020 (NCP H2020)
European employment service (EURES) National Europass centre
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) OLAF Anti-Fraud Communicators Network (OAFCN)
European Innovation Partnership Network (EIP-AGRI) European Network of Public Employment Services (PES)
European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) Salto-Youth
Erasmus + National Agencies – Science with and for Society National Contact Points
Euraxess SOLVIT (solutions to problems with your EU rights)
Eurodesk Team Europe
Euroguidance Your Europe Advice
EURYDICE (Better knowledge for better education policies) Other

* 13. How did you find the selected EU information network?

Through an internet search
By visiting an official EU website
It was recommended by a friend/family member
It was recommended by a public authority
It was recommended by another organisation/network

If other, please specify

As NRN we keep contact with both ENRD and EIP-AGRI . Same remark as regards question 12 - can t say
that 1 networks helds all the right answers. Answers depend on the specificity of the questions and it wouldn t
be fair to say that 1 knows ALL the answers!

* 14. What kind of information do you search for at the selected EU information network?
 Please, select all that apply
Information on the EU in general
Information on specific EU programmes/policies
Specialist/technical information or services within the scope of the network

* 15. How often do you provide a feedback to the selected EU information network?
Each time I get in contact with the network
When required by the network

* 16. What is your preferred way to communicate with the selected EU information network?
Personal contact with an operator/case handler
Live chats/online communication tools (Skype, Google hangout, etc.)
Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

17. To what extent do you agree with the following statements concerning the selected EU information network?
 Please, select one reply for each statement

Strongly Strongly I do not know/Not

Disagree Agree
disagree agree applicable

* The selected network is easy to find for people not previously aware of it
network has a user-friendly website All public surveys (/eusurvey/home/publicsurveys/runner)

* The selected network has a user-friendly social media site (Facebook, Login (/eusurvey/auth/login/runner) | Help | Language
LinkedIn, etc.)

* The link between the network and the EU is clear, thanks to the EU
logo/title/banner/other visual elements used by the network

* The role/mission of the selected network is clear to me

* The services provided by the selected network are clear

* The selected network provides clear information

* The selected network provides exhaustive information

* The selected network provides timely answers to my queries

* The selected network provides good quality information on the EU in


* The selected network provides good quality information on specific EU


* The selected network provides good quality technical/specialist


* I can easily provide my opinion/complaints and/or feedback to the

selected network

* The selected network provides support to find additional information/other

services for my queries

* 18. What would happen if the selected EU information network disappeared?

I would have no alternative sources to replace the services/information provided by the network
It would become harder to obtain the same services/information provided by the network
It would cause no major changes for me/I would have alternative sources

Section 4 - Concluding remarks

19. Do you have any practical suggestions to improve the communication activities of the EU information networks?
 Please, describe
As NRN , I would say that communication activities (and not only) should be in close cooperation with national

20. Do you have any practical suggestions to improve access to EU information networks?
 Please, describe
Access on site should be easy and maybe a short clip of the site. The problem comes when old sections are

21. Do you have any practical suggestions to increase the visibility of the EU information networks?
 Please, describe
I know that both the networks I know about (ENRD and EIP) are present on social media (linkedin, twitter,
facebook). Still, I appreciate a more direct with them, via e-mail and by phone.I have recently seen, tv
channels using whatsapp numbers/or whatsapp grpups.

22. Do you have any practical suggestions to improve the listening function (collection of complaints, user opinions, user feedback) of the networks?
 Please describe
One practicall suggestion would be using Google Forms or a similar system /program , that would allow to
design also graphics on number of complaints, opinions, feedback. I would say also viima, but I am not 100%
sure it would fit for collection of complaints, opinion, feedback).

23. Would you be available to further discuss your responses during an online meeting? If yes, please leave your email address in the box below. This
e-mail address will only be used to contact you in relation to this research

24. Are you willing to take part in further surveys and testing of European Commission websites? If yes, please leave your email address in the box
below. This e-mail address will only be used to contact you for the purposes indicated above


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supported by the European Commission's ISA programme (, which promotes interoperability solutions for European public

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