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Assalamualaikum wr.

before we start our lesson today, let's take a moment to pray,
please head of the class for the (revelation) to lead the prayer
1. attention please, lets to pray
2. say greeting

ok, guyyyyyss Good morning, glad today we can meet again in math,
if there are not present?

ok, today we will continue our study, the earlier we have learned about the numbers, today
we will learn about the comparison.
who knows what is the comparison?
Now I will explain:
I want to ask?
Have you drink cup of coffee?
Okay, yes many who ever drank coffee here.
then who ever make your own coffee?
when we make coffee, unknowingly we have implemented the concept of comparison when
we make that coffee .
Okay, I demonstrated, I now incorporate a coffee spoon into the glass, then I insert two
spoons of sugar into the glass, then there is a comparison between the amount of coffee and
the amount of sugar in the glass, that one scoop of coffee and two sugars. So, it was called a
comparison, we will learn today.

then, the purpose of our study today is:


later many benefits after we study the materials of this comparison, for example, you've
helped your mother made the cake?
well, when we make the cake, of course we have to measure and compare the amount of
sugar, flour, butter, and eggs. Fitting comparison would result in a cake that we make good,
then other benefits, this comparison we will use when we practice in the laboratory, for
example, when we mix the chemicals, it would have to use the concept of a true comparison
to avoid mistakes when we practicum.
Well, maybe it's some of the benefits we study the materials of this comparison,
Right now I will explain about the comparison subjects.
Will you see in the following media
1. Well, in the media displayed a ratio of 2 pieces of a ruler, the ruler has a length of 20cm,
while the other ruler has a length of 30 cm,
Now visible on the screen, that in order to determine the comparison we have to divide these
numbers by the greatest common factor of two of the ruler, in this way we will obtain the
ratio of the two rulers.
2. Well, up here, is there anything you want to ask?
3. Okay, now I want to divide you into groups, ye ye ye, one group
Now I will share these student worksheets, and you discuss this student worksheet, fill in the
question that is on the student worksheet. Then, draw conclusions from your work, then I
would call one of the few groups here to read the conclusions that you get from the students'

I give you 5 minutes.

4. Okay, time is up, now you try to read the conclusions of the results diskusimu with your
friends. What is the sense of comparison
Okay, very good, give a big applause.
Then you, trying to read the conclusions, how to determine the comparison of several
Okay, very good, give a big applause.

5. Tests
Looks like you already understand this lesson, now I will share test to test your
understanding. I give you time for 5 minutes to work on the matter.

6. So, once again I conclude that the comparison was a "relationship between measures or
values of two or more objects in the collection.
Then, how to determine the ratio by dividing two numbers is the greatest common factor of
two numbers.

7. Maybe enough until we are learning here today, you try to look at your text book, work a
matter of 1-5. The duty should be collected at the next meeting. See you next time.

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