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There was a boy who did not know how to value things, either a simple one, expensive or cheaper

He did not care about the people around him. He was a selfish child, he only cared for himself. He belong
to a rich family in the city that is why he did not care about money. He was an only child of Mr. Pappa
and Mrs. Momma. In his entire life, he never got satisfied with the things he has. At his very young age,
he did not have discipline, manners and he did not care about his family at all. He is Bubbha.

One rainy evening, Mrs. Momma was outside of their house waiting for her son. It was late in the
evening and yet her son was not yet home. Suddenly, Mrs. Momma heard a sound of a car coming near.
Her lips had a ghost of smile. She quickly turned around to see and check if that was her son. She felt sad
and dissapointed because it was not her son but it was her husband, Mr. Pappa.

"What are you doing outside? It is already late." Mr. Pappa asked to his wife.

"Your son is not yet home, I am waiting for him." Mrs. Momma said in a worrying tone.

"Did you call him?"

"Yes I did for many times."

Mr. Pappa sighed. "Tsk... That kid always makes us worry."

"It is cold. Let's just wait for him inside before the rain become heavy." Mr. Pappa continued with a
convincing tone.

Mrs. Momma nodded as an answer.

Hours have passed, the rain become heavier and heavier that made the Bubbha's parents more worried.

A few minutes later, Bubbha walked silently and pretended seeing nothing.

"Son, wait a minute. Can we talk to you?" his father said in a calm voice.

Bubbha stopped and faced his parents.

"Where have you been? I have been calling you many times yet you never did answered it." his mother
scolded him. Bubbha remained silent and just stands there like hearing nothing.

His mother got angrier, "I am talking to you? What kind of attitude was that?"

"I am fine. Nothing happened to me so please do not shout. You are so loud Momma" he answered in a
bored tone.
"Then answer me. We are so worried son. We are just doing this for you so please understand it. We are
just asking for your respect, respect us as your parents. Can you underatand it?"

Bubbha smirked, "Can I go to my room now, Momma? Pappa? I am tired."

His parents were about to answer him but he quickly turned around to his room.

Bubbha lay down to his huge comfy blue bed. He played his gadgets because for him, it is a stress
reliever and his way to fell asleep.

The next day, Mr. Pappa and Mrs. Momma did not allow Bubbha to play outside with his playmates. So
Bubbha get his gadgets for him not to get bored. He lay down on their brown cotton sofa and started to
play games wearing his favorite Mobile Legends shirt. Because of going home late yesterday night, he
was half-awake. Minutes have passed, he fell asleep.

"Take a bath now son then we will it our lunch after." his mother said when he awake.

"Let's just eat now Momma. I am going to take a bath later."

After the family ate their lunch, Bubbha continued to play his gadgets. His parents ordered him many
times to take a bath but he always answered "Later". It was before dinner when his father looked really

"When will you take a bath?" Mr. Pappa's voice echoed.

"Lat—I will go now Pappa." Bubbha answered unwillingly.

After taking a bath, Bubbha wearing his pajamas joined his parents for dinner.

"Son, eat first. You have been using your cellphone while eating for the whole time." Mrs. Momma said
to her son.

"Respect your food son" Mr. Pappa added.

"Yes Momma, Pappa, I will just finish my game. I will be killed if I would not focus on this. Do not mind
me. Just eat."

Mrs. Momma was heart broken hearing her son saying those words. Her eyes began to heat and tears
started to fall on her cheeks.

Mr. Pappa's eyes widened when he heard what his son said. He grabbed the phone his son was holding.
Bubbha was shocked.
"You are now grounded." Mr. Pappa said before he put Bubbha's phone in his pocket.

"No!" Bubbha shouted.

"You are really disrespectful now Bubbha. You should be lectured."

"Then I will leave the house!" Bubbha in a louder voice as he left the house. He ran as fast as he could to
stay away from their house. As he ran away, he suddenly heard a long sound of horn. He turned to where
the sound was coming. He was on the middle of the road and a truck was coming to his direction. He
stopped and did nothing because he knew that it will be his end. After a second, he was pushed to the
side of the road. The truck came passed after him but he was not hit by the truck. He felt pain on his
head and body but he stand. Then, he saw two bodies that were bathing with their own bloods, and
Bubbha realized that the two bodies were his parents. He felt numb and tears were falling on his cheeks.
He go near his parents.

"P—Pappa, Momma, please wake up" he said as he shook the bodies of his parents.

He again and again wake them but there were no reponse.

"P—Please...." he said in a shaking voice.

Bubbha in his favorite Mobile Legends shirt suddenly woke up on their brown cotton sofa with tears on
his cheeks. He stand and turned to his parents who are sitting on their another brown cotton sofa. He
quickly hugged and kissed them both. His parents were shocked.

"I am sorry Pappa, Momma." he said as he realized that it was just a dream, a dream he did not want to
encounter again.

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