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Odysseus begins his adventure at Troy. As a general, he

went to go command in the Trojan War and the war raged
1. Troy on for ten full years with no end in sight. After the victory
Odysseus’ men
at Troy, Odysseus and his men begin their journey home
from here.
Odysseus landed on the Island of the Cicones after the
Trojan War where in his men raided the island and
pillaged its luxuries. Odysseus urged his men to take
2. The Island of the Cicones Odysseus’ men
what was needed and leave quickly, but they did not
listen; their greed kept them on the island. The Cicones
attack on horseback, and Odysseus lost 72 of his men.
After the Island of the Cicones, Odysseus landed on the
Island of the Lotus Eaters. The Lotus is a plant that
forces the eater to lose all grip on reality and once it is
Odysseus eaten, the person knows nothing nor cares for anything
3. The Island of the Lotus Eaters
Odysseus’ men other than eating the lotus plant. Odysseus sent in two
men to scout out the area. When they did not come back,
Odysseus found the two men hopelessly addicted to
eating the lotus plant.
Odysseus and his men find a Cyclops' cave, lured by his
cheese and wine. The cyclops, Polyphemus, traps them
4. The Island of the Cyclopes Odysseus’ men
inside the cave. Odysseus and his men blind the cyclops,
and then sneak out under his heard of sheep.
Aeolus, the god of the winds, gives Odysseus all of the
bad winds, so he can safely sail home. Odysseus' men go
5. The Island of Aeolus Odysseus’ men
against his orders and open the bag, and all of the winds
Odysseus’ men The Laestrygonians, a race of cannibals, eat the Greeks.
6. The Island of the Laestrygonians
Laestrygonians Only the men on Odysseus' ship and himself survive.
Circe turns Odysseus' men to swine, but Odysseus is
Odysseus protected from her magic with the help of Hermes, who
Odysseus’ men gave him a magical herb called Moly. Odysseus ends up
7. Circe's Island Circe staying there for what seems like a short time, but ended
Hermes up being a couple years. Before Odysseus departs, Circe
Teiresias finally tells him that he needs to find the blind prophet
Teiresias in the Underworld.
Odysseus consults the prophet Teiresias to ask how he
can get home, he told Odysseus to sail towards Scylla and
Odysseus’ men
Carybdis, but to take the route of Scylla. Only six men
8. Erebus (The Underworld) Teiresias
will be lost as opposed to all of them. Odysseus also met
Odysseus’ mother
his mother there, who has committed suicide in

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