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Special Populations Philosophy of Education

Chloe’ Hindman

EDUC. 2301.140

Dr. Marian Ellis

Everyone deserves an education, no matter their age, disability, ethnic background,

intelligence level, or race. It is the job of a teacher to ensure that every student gets the education

that they deserve, as well as the appropriate accommodations and modifications. Teachers have

an incredible and extremely important job; it is also the most amazing and rewarding job that a

person can have.

Classrooms in the United States are incredibly diverse, this means there are students from

all types of ethnicities, races, and religions. Because of the diversity in the United States teachers

have the privilege of molding the minds of these intelligent and unique individuals. Some of

these students are diverse in other ways such as being gifted and talented, ESL (English second

language), or as having mental/ physical disabilities. Curriculums are modified and

accommodated to benefit and increase the success of every students that walks in the classroom.

Curriculums in different classrooms are catered to students in the different classifications so that

those students can thrive and be successful.

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One example of a special population is to be gifted and talented, which means the student

has extraordinary abilities in one or more areas. GT is a special population because the students

who qualify are the small percentage that rank above average, because of this GT students are

often inserted into GT only classes where they get a special and more challenging education.

ESL or English second language means that students in this classification are learning English in

school but in most cases that is not the language spoken in their home, because of this they may

require more attention and one on one time in certain subjects. A physical disability could be a

student that requires a wheelchair to move from place to place, this means they may require

assistance from a nurse or physical therapist. There are many different types of special

populations and every type receive their own appropriate modifications and accommodations.

The student’s job in a classroom is to be responsible for themselves and the effort that

they put into their education. A teacher cannot successfully educate a student if the students do

not put forth the effort to learn. Students cannot and will not learn from a teacher they do not

respect and care for. Every student deserves an equal opportunity to learn, and it is my intention

to give them that.

Every student whether they be physically impaired, ESL, or GT deserve the education that will

benefit them the most and help them to thrive. In my future classroom I intend to do everything

necessary and possible to make my students successful. As a teacher it is my job to ensure my

students get proper one on one time, they are challenged enough, they get the physical aid they

may need, and they receive every tool possible to further their education. Teachers are meant to

shape the minds of every student that passes through their classroom, whether they are

physically/ mentally impaired, Gifted and Talented, ESL, or SPED teachers are meant to educate

and inspire their students. A teacher’s job is more than to just teach their students what the
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curriculum says, we teach them manners, how to treat others, how to take care of themselves,

and how to be good people. Teachers are responsible for the amazing and unique children that

walk into their classrooms.

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