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ENGL 102


ILA #2

The article ​“This Is the Truth About Vaccines”​ by ​ Brett P. Giroir, Robert R. Redfield and
Jerome M. Adams is published on ​The New York Times.​ I wanted a more debatable and
controversial topic that is more popular than my first topic in ILA 1. Vaccination has been a big
debate in present day where people are either anti or pro vaccinations, and some want the
government to step-in and enforce laws regarding the issue. That is why I search up vaccination
articles that were very current that could explain the stand where the issue is now. The search
engine I used was ​Google ​and ​Bing, ​but Google provided me with the most options and
resources from popular and credible publications. The other sources I reviewed were very
opinionated and biased, and they were not from credible website or a popular publication. I
found this source credible because the article was published by ​The New York Times, ​which is an
extremely credible and popular source. I have used this source many times for other assignments
previously and the information in the articles have always been credible.

The exigence of this article is to justify why vaccinations are extremely important, and how in
the past they have helped our world in so many ways with life threatening and even human race
threatening diseases. In addition, the author demands a call to action because it is very important
to keep the world safe from these diseases that could threaten every human being around the
world not just the USA. The kairos of this article would definitely be the call to action the author
approaches, and the references to other credible articles and affluent people that can corroborate
the author’s claim. The main claim of the article is to argue that vaccinations save millions of
lives, protects children, and keep our world clean and safe. The article provides statistics of
different vaccination cases such as the flu. The article states that vaccinations protect and save
millions of lives, and the author backs this up with data such as the flu, even measles. The article
does address anti vaccinators stance, but also their misconceptions.

The source I used in this ILA is credible because it was published by a popular publication which
is ​The New York Times. ​I believe it is credible because the article used statistics to corroborate
their claims and I checked the sources they used which support the main argument. There is a
huge bias for pro vaccinations, and everyone should continue to vaccinate. The article addresses
anti vaccinators sentiments and why their argument does not have a strong stand. The author
addresses and refutes the anti vaccinators arguments and claims that they wish to clear the
misinformation about vaccinations. The stakeholders can be anyone, even the anti vaccinators
that could read the article and realize the misinformation spread or even disagree. The author
uses logos and pathos to conclude why anti vaccination should not be a thing and that every
single person should get vaccinated to be safe from all the diseases out in our world.

Works Cited
Giroir, Brett P., et al. “This Is the Truth About Vaccines.” ​The New York Times​, The New York
Times, 6 Mar. 2019.​.

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