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Any accomplishment requires the effort of many people and this work is not different. Regardless of the
source, I wish to express my gratitude to those who may have contributed to this work, even though

First I would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to AKSH OPTIFIBRE LTD for providing me
an opportunity to conduct this work.

I would like to pay my sincere thanks to my guide, Mr. KAPIL SHARMA Technical Sales Support under
whose guidance I was able to complete my assignment successfully. I have been fortunate enough to
get all the support encouragement and guidance from him needed to explore, think new and initiate.
My final thanks go out to my parents, family members, teachers and friends who encouraged me
countless times to persevere through this entire process

Someone has rightly said that practical experience is far better and closer to the real world than mere
theoretical exposure. The practical experience helps the student to view the real business world
closely, which in turn widely influences his/her perceptions and understanding of the real situation.
Practical work constitutes the backbone of any technical education program.

The present report is a part of the Summer industrial training that contains the work done by Akshit
Dhyani (B.Tech 2016-2020) and Kartik Patwal (B.Tech 2016-2020) during the training period at Aksh
Optifibre Ltd. (Division), Delhi

True to the core, a properly and executed industrial training helps a lot in providing linkage between the
student and the industry. It develops the awareness of industrial approach to problem solving based on
a broad understanding of the mode of operation of industrial organization. This vocational training has
offered me an opportunity to put all my efforts and the theoretical knowledge to practice and enhance
my knowledge. It is surely going to help me in my future too. In the preparation of this report, I have
made every effort to ensure that all steps involved in competitive and export analysis al Aksh are
adequately covered and the report be completed in it .Any suggestions for improvement, if rendered,
will be gratefully accepted I sincerely hope that this training will prove pure knowledge imparting and
would prove fruitful for me in my near future.

We approached the company with a lot of enthusiasm to learn something new, Mr Kapil Sharma were
designated to be our project manager . He guided us through the project and its working. Mr Kapil
provided us with essential of work to be completed within a span of x weeks. We were told to develop
an android mobile application so that the company managers can approve payment requests made by
company employees on behalf of any Vendor. Further to send the request for accounts department to

So finally, Kapil Sir asked us about our opinion on doing this project on Android Development . At first,
we were not sure and nervous as this was going to be a live project and taking this as a summer
project would mean it should be bugless and should work perfectly. Also we were not used top coding
and working on laptops for the whole day. But finally we moved ahead with the project and completed it
with our best efforts. Kapil Sir guided us throughout the project with database entries, layouts and
helped in solving several errors to cope with product quality.

Origin of the industry

● The concept of light transmission existed since the early 1840's when French inventors Daniel
Colladon and Jacques Babinet demonstrated the guiding of light over distance by refraction.

● In the mid 1850's Irish inventor John Tyndall performed a similar demonstration using water

● In 1952, UK based physicist Narinder Singh Kapany invented the first actual fiber optical cable

● Thirteen years later in 1965 two British research scientists, Charles Kao and George Hockman
working with Standard Telephones and Cables discovered that attenuation of fiber optics was caused
by impurities in manufacturing

● The attenuation barrier was broken in 1970 by four research scientists, Robert Maurer, Donald Keck,
Peter Schultz, and Frank Zimar

● Within two decades, innovative research pushed the attenuation rate low enough for fiber optics to
become the dominant carrier of electronic information

● By the early 1990's as the Internet was becoming popularized in the

public realm, fiber optics cables started to be laid around the world

Development of the industry

● India is leading digitally, according to a global survey conducted by CA Technologies with Coleman

● digital-ready economy with new technological developments in the realm of IoT, augmented reality,
multi-person video calls, machine-to-machine

● Transforming business and economy through the perfect alignment between digital leadership and
digital capabilities

● Smart Cities projects developed across various cities in India paired with the Digital India initiative

● India is steadily becoming a staple for manufacturing optical fibre cables

● a variety of industries including the medical,military telecommunications, etc are able to apply and
use fibre optic technology in a range of applications

● companies are making digital investments in social media, mobile computing, cloud embedded
technologies, and big data)

Growth and present status of industry :

● The global fiber optic connectors market was valued at US$29 bn in 2015

● Global fiber optics market was valued at around USD 2.75 billion in 2016 and is expected to reach
approximately USD 3.72 billion in 2022, growing at a CAGR of slightly above 5.2% between 2017 and

● Growing demand for the smartphone which uses optical fiber for LED light is spurring demand of
fiber optics market.

● Telecom sector is witnessing highest growth and expected to maintain healthy growth over the
forecast period.

● North America held the largest share in fiber optics market in 2016. Asia Pacific is expected to
flourish growth of fiber optics market in coming years due to technological advancement in the telecom

● Economically emerging countries in Asia-Pacific such as India, Japan, and China are heavily
investing in ICT sector which will prompt demand of fiber optics market


● According to a recently published report by TechSci Research "India Optical Fiber Cables Market
Forecast and Opportunities, 2020", the OFC market in India is projected to reach USD424 million by

● The market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 17% through 2023 in India.

● Talking from India perspective, the IoT market is estimated to rise by about 28% through 2020,
corresponding with key drivers of growth like
● About 1.9 billion devices are likely to be connected in India by 2023 further increasing the demand of
data consumption across connected devices

● Developments in Datacom and high speed broadband markets have pushed the Indian telecom
sector to the next phase of growth

● With increase in rural penetration, scarcity of spectrum is likely to increase further and consequently
the demand of fibre opc cables will also increase.
Project Objectives And Methodology


● To create a payment approval android app for managers, so that they can approve and
forward a vendor request from their phones.

● To study the structure of the online website portal that carries out the same task and
generate an efficient and similar android application.

● To connect with the company's private database and fetch manager login for secure usage
and limited access.

● To add the given apk in playstore for usage.


The project we received was to create an android application that performs in similar like
company’s online payment approval website. The task is to receive request from employee and login
as the manager to accept or reject the request and then again update the entry back in database. We
were asked to implement certain features like search, readable pdf etc.

We started by laying out a flowchart of the process working.


IDE Used ​: We used Android Studio IDE to create the android application. Android Studio is the official
integrated development environment for Google's Android operating system, designed specifically for
Android development. It is available for download on Windows, macOS and Linux based operating
systems.Android Studio supports all the same programming languages of e.g. Java, C++, and more
with extensions, such as Go and Android Studio 3.0 or later supports Kotlin.It also supports all Java 7
language features.

->version used - 3.4.1 (latest as far june 2019)

-> Gradle-based build support

->Android-specific refactoring and quick fixes

->Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility and other problems

->App-signing capabilities

->Template-based wizards to create common Android designs and components

->A rich layout editor that allows users to drag-and-drop UI components, option to preview
layouts on multiple screen configurations.

->Android Virtual Device (Emulator) to run and debug apps in the Android studio.

Backend language info (JAVA) ​: Android applications are developed using the Java language. Java
is a very popular programming language. Java incorporates many of the powerful features of powerful
languages like C, C++ while addressing some of their drawbacks. Still, programming languages are
only as powerful as their libraries. These libraries exist to help developers build applications.

Some of the Java’s important core features are:

->It’s easy to learn and understand

->It’s designed to be platform-independent and secure, using virtual machines

->It’s object-oriented

Android relies heavily on Java fundamentals. The Android SDK includes many standard Java libraries
like data structure libraries, math libraries, graphics libraries, networking libraries and everything else
you could want as well as special Android libraries that will help you develop awesome Android

Database info(MySQL) ​: phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP that is intended to handle
the administration of a MySQL database server. Android cannot connect with the database directly so if
MYSQL is to be used as a database at the webserver the PHP is used to fetch data from the database
by running the php script from the application itself.

Scripting language(php) ​: PHP is a server site scripting language. Full form of php is Hypertext
Preprocessor. It is an open source scripting language. It is widely used all over the world. Some of its
core features are :

-> Simple

-> Faster

-> Interpreted

-> Open Source

-> Case Sensitive

-> Simple

-> Efficient

-> Platform Independent

-> Secure

-> Flexible

● We approached this project to test our knowledge about the android development environment not
merely to sneak the code from tutorials and copy-paste to build something.

With this in mind, first we took the easiest approaches and then moved on to enhance it with
optimization by implementing different aspects of android ability which were related to our project.

Now, after getting enough prepared in android development with android studio, we decided to go
ahead with our project app. Ignoring the futile attempts to add many features in our app,which
unfortunately could not be made possible,the work of our final app can be divided into the following
● User and Password Login

● User Friendly UI

● Drawer Navigation

● Less complicated features

● Database usage

1. Bug Name ​: No data visible after running the application.

Bug Type : ​Null Pointer Exception

Priority ​: Medium (High/Medium/Low)

Reported By ​: Akshit Dhyani

Reported On ​:​ ​20/06/2019

Reason ​: Minor logical/scripting error while writing the code.

Log Status ​: "fetch *data details*"Unable to fetch data.

Description​: Application crash crash while fetching the data via script.

Expected result ​: On starting any task that requires fetching details from the database by
running a pHp script, correct data should be reported back.

2. Bug Name ​: Application crash on clicking the ACCEPT/REJECT button while trying to approve
a request.

Bug Type : ​Database connection fail

Priority ​: Medium (High/Medium/Low)

Reported By ​: Akshit Dhyani

Reported On ​:​ ​20/06/2019

Reason ​: unable to update values in database table

Log Status ​: no message in log

Description​: Application crash on clicking the ACCEPT/REJECT button while trying to approve
a request instead should update database and intent back to request status list activity

Expected result ​: On clicking ACCEPT/REJECT button, should be prompted to a success

toast message “Accepted/Rejected successfully” and request status list activity starts

3. Bug Name ​: Asynchronous Background task running slower than activity intent.

Bug Type : ​Null pointer exception

Priority ​: HIGH (High/Medium/Low)

Reported By ​: Akshit Dhyani

Reported On ​:​ ​20/06/2019

Reason ​: Android application's intent to a new activity is faster than fetching of data by running
a script in background

Log Status ​: no message in log

Description​: No data is displayed while a Null pointer exception is prompted

Expected result ​: Background task should work before intent, to overcome this an additional
intent is placed to fetch the data

4. Bug Name ​: Application crash while searching for a specific request.

Bug Type : ​Null Pointer Exception

Priority ​: HIGH (High/Medium/Low)

Reported By ​: Kartik Patwal

Reported On ​:​ ​20/06/2019

Reason ​: Passing <String> Arraylist in a object of <CustomStringClass> Arraylist.

Log Status ​: "searched string contain", *Any entered *

Description​: Application crash as soon as any character was entered in the search box.
Expected result ​: On typing any character in the search box, dynamically filtered results must
show up.

5. Bug Name ​: Unable to distinguish between requester and approver.

Bug Type : ​Logical Error

Priority ​: Medium (High/Medium/Low)

Reported By ​: Kartik Patwal

Reported On ​:​ ​20/06/2019

Reason ​: inappropriate update of data in database

Log Status ​: No error messages in log

Description​: At several points like not providing accept/reject features to the requestor or
prompting requester name on rejection were updating incorrect information in the database

Expected result ​: On rejection requester name must be updated back into the database and
requester is not supposed to see accept/reject buttons and so on.


​After most of the work was done we tried to enhance our project by adding attractive layouts and
creating a beautiful UI to promote better increase user experience. Some examples of the UI features
are given ahead.
● StackOverflow

● Android developers

● GitHub

We approached this as a project and not a product. It was fun working over here during summers and
doing a project under Aksh Optifibre Pvt Ltd. We learned a lot and now could confidently usher into the
app development field.

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