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Madison Suman

Professor Lewallen

EDT 180A

November 27, 2019

Expression Module Reflection

After putting my video together, I realized that there was a lot of work that needed to

be done to revise it to make it better. One of the things that needs to be fixed is some of the

background pictures that are in the video. Some of the pictures have a lot of lighter colors in it

which makes it difficult to see the white text on top of it. I knew this was going to be an issue

before starting the video; however, I did not thing that the text didn’t show up very clear until I

was able to revise my project. Another thing I need to do in order to fix my project is to include

a reference page. In my video, I added some statistics to show how many kids are struggling in

school and I failed to give the author credit for their work. Lastly, when revising my project, I

need to retake the audio part so that I sound more enthusiastic and professional when talking.

When it comes, to revising work, it is very important to have another person other than

yourself look over it. Even though you may think that everything looks good, there may be

multiple things that another person may catch that you would never notice. Throughout this

process of revision, I learned how important it is to have another peer check over your work.

Overall, Marisol gave me helpful feedback about how to better my project. One of the

pieces of advice that she gave me was that when making the video, I should include a

meaningful song that plays throughout the whole video. Not only does this make the video

seem more professional, but it also adds an emotional side to the topic. Another thing that
Marisol had mentioned is that I should fix the transition sides of the video that way it didn’t

seem too choppy. At the end, I am glad that I was able to have a peer go over my video so that

way I can have useful advice on how to better enhance my project.

In my video, I mentioned that technology can be used in order to help both the teachers

and the students to figure out the style of learning that the learn best with. By doing this,

students will be able to learn better and succeed in school. One of the ways that technology

can help the teachers and students find the right learning style is by creating a well put

together survey that accurately tells you what learning style best fits you after answering a

bunch of questions. Another way technology can help is by providing recourses for teachers so

that way they can have ideas on how to better teach their students in a way that benefits then.

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