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Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Establishing effective study habits

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Learning and Performance
▪ Learning refers to change in
behavior potentiality

▪ Performance refers to the translation

of this potentiality into behavior.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Brain Changes during Learning

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stress and Performance
▪ A low degree of stress is
associated with low
▪ High stress can set the
system into fight-or-flight
mode which leads to less
brain activity in the cortical
areas where higher-level
learning happens
▪ Moderate levels of cortisol
tend to correlate with the
highest performance on
tasks of any type.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Learning Types
Rote Learning
learning without understanding
e.g. memorization

Rational Learning
learning with understanding

Motor Learning
the adaptation of movement to stimuli
relating to speed and precision of

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Learning Types
Associational Learning
is learning through

Appreciational Learning
process of acquiring attitudes, ideas,
satisfaction and judgment concerning
values as well as the recognition of worth
and importance which learner gains from

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Basic Principles of Learning
Recency . Most recent Frequency. Knowledge Vividness. Learning is
impression or encountered most proportional to
association is more often is more likely to vividness of the
likely to be recalled. be recalled. process.

Exercise. Using what Readiness. Readiness

has learned will help to learn is proportional
its likelihood to be to the efficiency of
recalled. learning.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Improving One’s
Study Habits
1. Attend all classes.
2. Take good notes.
3. Study your lessons and other
reading materials daily.
4. Research to improve your
background in the course.
5. Develop a list of possible
6. Ask questions in class.
7. Avoid a last minute cram session,
and sleep at least 8 hours the
night before the exams.
8. Eat nutritious food.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Determining the sense of goal-setting, motivation, self-efficacy and good mindset

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
▪ Observable and measurable end result of
several objectives that are to be accomplished
in a given time frame
▪ Desired results or outcomes one wishes to

Vision vs. Goals

▪ Vision is an idea of what you want to be or
what you want to do
▪ Goals are more specific:“what do I need to do
to reach my vision”

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Are GOALS important?
❖ Guide to act
▪ They determine, what you
want to do, where you
want to go.

❖ Motivates one’s behavior

▪ Energizes people to move.
▪ No goal = No motivation
(They give us direction and

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Goal Setting Theory
(Edwin Locke and Gary Latham)
❖Goal setting is essentially linked to task
❖Specific and challenging goals along with
appropriate feedback contribute to
higher and better task performance.
❖Goals indicate and give direction to a
person about what needs to be done and
how much effort is required to be put in.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
S - Specific
Your goal should be clear and specific, otherwise you
won't be able to focus your efforts or feel truly motivated
to achieve it.

Six “W” questions:

▪ Who: Who is involved?
▪ What: What do I want to accomplish?
▪ Where: Identify a location.
▪ When: Establish a time frame.
▪ Which: Identify requirements and constraints.
▪ Why: Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of
accomplishing the goal.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
M - Measurable
Setting measurable goals is important in order to track
your progress and stay motivated.

When you measure your progress, you stay on track,

reach your target dates, and experience the exhilaration
of achievement that spurs you on to continued effort
required to reach your goal.
To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions
such as:
▪ How much? How many?
▪ How will I know when it is accomplished?

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
A – Action Plan
▪ Goals need to be realistic and
achievable for it to be successful.
▪ Goals should also motivate you to
stretch your abilities towards proper
▪ You will further begin to identify
different resources that can bring you
closer to it.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
R – Relevant
▪ Relevant goals must also be
applicable to the present
situation and aligned to the
vision you set.

▪ Your goal matters to you

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
T – Time Bound
▪ Every goal needs a
deadline, this will motivate
you and help you focus
toward your goal.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Human Motivation
(Abraham Maslow)
❖Maslow describes these needs as
“being arranged in a hierarchy of
prepotency”, with physiological
needs making up the bottom of the
❖PREPOTENT: they must be satisfied
or mostly satisfied before higher
level needs become activated

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
(Basic, Psychological and Self-fulfilment needs)

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
(Deficiency and Growth Needs)

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Social Cognitive Theory
(Albert Bandura)
❖Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory
emphasizes how cognitive, behavioral,
personal, and environmental factors
interact to determine motivation and
❖Self-efficacy is the belief we have in our
own abilities, specifically our ability to
meet the challenges ahead of us and
complete a task successfully.
Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Social Cognitive Theory
Process of Goal Realization

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Growth Mindset Theory
(Carol Dweck)
❖According to Carol Dweck, individuals can be placed on a
continuum according to their implicit views of "where
ability comes from".
❖Dweck states that there are two categories (growth
mindset versus fixed mindset) that can group individuals
based on their behaviour, specifically their reaction to
❖Those with a "fixed mindset" believe that abilities are
mostly innate and interpret failure as the lack of
necessary basic abilities, while those with a "growth
mindset" believe that they can acquire any given ability
provided they invest effort or study.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Managing one’s health through awareness of the nature of stress and self-care strategies

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
▪ An internal alarm system, the body’s
response to a real or perceived threat
▪ A combination of a (1) stressor and a
(2) stress response
▪ The body’s and mind’s reaction to
everyday demands and threats; a
part of daily life
▪ Can be useful or harmful, energizing
or exhausting
Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Positive vs. Negative Stress
▪ Positive stress ▪ Negative stress
▪ Can help you achieve your goals ▪ Can result when there is too
▪ Research suggest that much pressure or trauma and
acceptable levels of stress may you are unable to cope with it
even help you to focus and
concentrate better

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Categories of Stressors
1. Environmental stressors – poverty,
pollution, crowding, noise, or natural
2. Cognitive / thinking stressors – how a
person perceives a situation (e.g., exams,
3. Personal behavior stressors – negative
reactions in the body and mind caused by
using drugs or not exercising
4. Life situation stressors – having a relative
or pet die, parents who separate or divorce
Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
General Adaptation Syndrome
(Hans Selye)
▪ When you perceive a situation or event to
be a threat, your body begins a stress
▪ How your body and mind react is your

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
General Adaptation Syndrome
(Hans Selye)
▪ The Nervous system and Endocrine
system become active during the
body’s response to stressors
▪ The body’s response is largely
involuntary or automatic
▪ It happens in THREE STAGES and can
occur whether the stress is physical or
emotional, positive or negative:

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
General Adaptation Syndrome
(Hans Selye)
▪ The body and mind go on high alert → FIGHT
▪ Initial symptoms of stress
✓Heart rate, breathing, and energy increase
▪ The Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis
will be triggered
▪ Release of cortisol, adrenaline and

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
General Adaptation Syndrome
(Hans Selye)
▪ If the stressor is prolonged, the stage of
resistance occurs
▪ The body struggles to work against the
stress and cope, trying to repair and return
to its normal state
▪ People in extremely high-stress situations
have been known to accomplish incredible
feats of strength

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
General Adaptation Syndrome
(Hans Selye)
▪ Fatigue resulting in a tired feeling that lowers one’s
level of activity
1. Physical Fatigue may occur at the end of a long day
or after exercise
2. Pathological Fatigue is tiredness brought on by
overworking the body’s defenses in fighting disease
(anemia, the flu, being overweight, and having poor
nutrition can cause fatigue)
3. Psychological Fatigue can result from constant
worry, overwork, depression, boredom, and
Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
The stress response systems’ effects on the body

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stress and Personality Types
▪ Personality is another factor in how you handle stress
Type A & B (Meyer Friedman & Ray Rosenman)
▪ The Type A personality is described as a competitive,
high achieving personality type most likely to develop
heart disease or other significant health problems
▪ The Type B personality is seen as a “laid back”, non-
competitive personality type less likely to suffer from
heart disease

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stress and Personality Types
Type C (Lydia Temoshok & Henry Dreher)
▪ Type C people tend to be very pleasant and try to keep
the peace but find it difficult to express emotions,
especially negative ones.
Type D (Johan Denollet)
▪ Type D people have the tendency to experience
increased negative emotions across time and situations
and tend not to share these emotions with others,
because of fear of rejection or disapproval.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
▪ Psychoneuroimmunology is the study of the
interaction between psychological processes
and the nervous and immune systems of the
human body.
▪ It is based on the prediction that an individual’s
psychological state can influence their immune
system via the nervous system.
▪ This perspective provides a scientific basis for
the ‘mind over matter’, ‘think yourself well’
and ‘positive thinking, positive health’
approaches to life.

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stressed ka na ba?
How Filipinos express “stress”

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
How do I say “im stressed”?

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Definition of Stress in Filipino
Ang tensiyon (stress) ay isang emosyonal at pisikal na reaksiyon sa

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Social & Cultural Dimensions of Stress
among Filipinos

• Exposure to stressful life
events or social
• Negative physical and
psychological outcomes
• Physical illness and
lower mental health

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Social and Cultural:
The Compliant Filipino


Filipinos are very aware of the opinions Debt of gratitude The pressure to conform causes stress
of others and what people think of Can cause stress as it refutes (Zhang, Deng, Yu, Zhao, and Liu, 2016)
them unconditional positive regard

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Social and Cultural:
Filipino Social Values

Karangalan Katarungan Kalayaan

Filipinos are sensitive to attacks Lack of justice causes stress Absence of “Freedom and
on their own self-esteem and mobility” causes stress

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Social and Cultural:
Confronting Stress, Filipino-style

Bahala Na Lakas ng Loob Pakikibaka

"God will take care of things.“ Courage in the face of difficulties Recognizing one’s convictions
Improvisatory skills of Filipinos and uncertainties Resistance or concurrent clashes

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stressors: Filipinos in general (CNN Poll 2017)
4.15 %

14.5 % 12.46%
Money Relationships

1.19 %
2.67 % Social Media
Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stressors: Filipino College Students
Academics (difficulty of subject matter)
Time management
Others: Responsibilities due to being one’s own
Financial problems
Extracurricular activities
Parental pressure on academic performance
After graduation plans
Peer relationships

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stress and Social Media
▪ maintaining network of Facebook friends
▪ feeling jealous of well-documented and
well-appointed lives
▪ addictive crafts on Pinterest
▪ status updates on Twitter
▪ “fear of missing out” on activities in the
lives of friends and family

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stress Responses:
• Most frequent: Fear & Anxiety
• Fear
• thinking that courses in the
university are highly difficult and
thus, easy to fail.
• Anxiety and doubts can be
powerful sources of stress which
can further aggravate one’s state

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stress Responses:
• Most frequent: Worrying &
Catastrophic thinking
• academic expectations
(others / self)
• responsibilities to accomplish
from expectations
• Another Stressor:

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stress Responses:
• negative responses
(smoking, doing drugs,
social withdrawal, over
or under eating, and
escape or avoidance)
• positive behaviors or
resolve it (exercise,
singing, studying)
• physiological stress
Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Strategies in Managing Stress
SELF-CARE is “the practice of
activities that a mature person
initiates and performs, within a
time frame, to promote and
maintain personal well-being,
healthy functioning, and
continuing development
throughout life” (Orem, 2001)

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
What is SELF-CARE?
✓Self-compassion describes a positive
and caring attitude of a person
toward her- or himself in the face of
failures and individual shortcomings
✓It is defined as a healthy attitude
toward oneself and is assumed to
influence individuals’ evaluations of
potentially threatening situations (Neff,
Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Long-term benefits of self-care
1. Self-care boosts resilience
2. Self-care can maximize protective
factors and minimize the risk factors
3. Self-care can strengthen our
4. Self-care is a good preventive

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Why is it difficult to
practice self-care?

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Is self-care selfish?
It is actually
selfish not to
self-care, and by
caring for
ourselves we are
truly caring for

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Is this self-care?

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Is this self-care?

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Caring for
yourself in little

It is simply
looking after and
Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Focus on how you
talk to yourself!

People are already

cruel enough to each
other, please at
least try to be kind
to yourself

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Spending time on the things you Doing yoga or other exercises Give yourself what you need
love Massage + Pampering when you need it
Hobbies / creative time Learning to love your body Serve a higher power
Having solitude Take care of your basic needs
Taking yourself on dates


Investing in yourself Using your words to build yourself up
Spending money on your hobbies Positive self-talk
Buying yourself little gifts Daily affirmations / mantras
Being your biggest cheerleader

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Stop apologizing, start thanking!
I’m sorry that I’m always late Thank you for waiting for me
I’m sorry for being so sensitive Thank you for being accepting of
I’m sorry that I always mess up Thank you for being patient when
I make a mistake
I’m sorry that you have to help Thank you for doing me a favor
me so much
I’m sorry for talking so much Thank you for listening to me

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Things to remember:

You are important

You are so loved and you matter
Your wants and needs are valid.

Your boundaries
are important
You are allowed
and worth It’s okay to ask for help
to say “no”

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self
Types of Self-care

Understanding the Self UNIT 3: Managing and Caring for the Self

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