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Madison Stallard

EDT 180D
12 November 2019
Construction Module Reflection: Hallmark Movie Quiz
1. Implementation of feedback:
The feedback I received from all of my editors; Gracie, Dani, Blair, and Savanna
were all extremely helpful. Each was unique in their own way, but was centered mainly
around my animations and sound choices. I was able to add audio to the application
and worked hard to incorporate more animations. Both choices, I believe, made the
application more interactive and overall effective in catching the users’ attention.
Additionally, Savanna reminded me to save my presentation as a PowerPoint show
rather than just a regular PowerPoint presentation. Without that feedback and detailed
step-by-step instruction of how to do so, I would’ve neglected that detail and can
imagine that my grade would have suffered from it. Overall, I was able to make most of
the modifications suggested and took my editors feedback seriously. I appreciate them
taking the time to play my quiz and give such detailed edits back to me.
2. Learning Reflection:
When I started this project, I drastically underestimated complexity of the
requirements for this project. I thought that it would just require me to create a simple
PowerPoint presentation. You can imagine my surprise when I was instructed to use
animations, hyperlinks, and incorporate audio into the overall project. Learning how to
do all of these actions of PowerPoint weren’t necessarily difficult, but it was very time
consuming. However, I feel that all of the time put into this project and learning how to
complete each action is extremely beneficial for my future as a student and as an
There is nothing that I would do differently regarding my set-up for the
presentation, I used a template from, downloaded it as a Microsoft
PowerPoint and then proceeded to make all of my animations and hyperlink
adjustments. If given more time, or if I were to duplicate this project again, I might add
more questions for users to answer. But doing that isn’t necessary for users to still get
accurate results, and the short amount of questions is due more to my lack of
knowledge going into the project than anything. Overall, I am proud of the results of this
project and encourage everyone to learn what Hallmark Christmas Classic they should
watch this holiday season.
3. Alternative Use / Future directions
The technology I used to create this project and the concepts needed to
complete it successfully could have beneficial use in a classroom as a method of
reviewing curriculum covered in a specific unit or for review for a big year-end test.
Students would approach reviewing for a test in a different way than what is considered
the traditional ask and answer method. Instead, they would create their own quizzes
that force them and their peers to make decisions that measure their knowledge of the
content taught. Additionally, the presentation can be used to bring users together based
on their shared results. For example, for my specific quiz, two of my peers took the quiz
at different times but had the same result. Because of this, the two bonded and agreed
to have a movie screening of the movie they were matched with. This is just one
example of how the project and quiz has the ability to bring people together. In a
classroom, this would be beneficial in the begging of the semester especially; it would
serve as an ice breaker of sorts and create a good foundation for friendships to be built
off of.

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