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Hola a todos los participantes de las Olimpiadas de Inglés:

El día 15 de Noviembre a las 2 y 30 de la tarde nos

reuniremos nuevamente en el ambiente de informática, los
10 clasificados de la segunda fase, en donde definiremos
los 3 mejores participantes de esta primera experiencia del
segundo idioma en nuestro Centro; para lo que les solicitamos
ser puntuales y la actividad se desarrollará solamente a esta
hora en este ambiente de aprendizaje.

Nuestra competencia eliminatoria incluirá: Una prueba

escrita On line y una pequeña entrevista oral, para la
cual hemos diseñado algunas preguntas como se
muestran a continuación.

Successful in this last competence!!!!!

Your tutors, Duris y Raúl



1. What´s your name?

2. Tell me your studies background
3. What is this…………….
4. Where are you studying…………… and what…….
5. Explain me ……………………..
6. What time is it …………………….
7. Where have you learnt English………………
8. Where have you worked?
9. How much time do you need to prepare an oral exam?
10. When is your birthday?
11. Where are you from?
12. How old are you?
13. Where is that?
14. Are you married?
15. How many children do you have?
16. Do you have any kids?
17. Do you live with your parents?
18. What are your expectations of your studies at SENA?
19. How much time have you spent learning English?
20. What are you going to do in December?
21. What kind of books have you read?
22. Who were your instructors?
23. Do you know about online English courses?
24. What´s your opinion about this English Olimpics?
25. Do you know how log is UIS University from here?
26. Can you speak English?
27. Can you repeat please?
28. I could not hear you
29. Please speak slow
30. Speak louder
31. How would you get technical English information
about your studies?
32. What kind of tools do you need in your workshop?
33. What do you need for beginning any procedure in the
34. Have you studied English before?
35. What is the best institute in where you can improve
your English spoken?
36. I need your ID please
37. Can you pass me this………………………………..?
38. How many hours do you study at SENA?
39. Do you know about HSE procedures?
40. Which ones?
41. Where is Barrancabermeja located?
42. Had you participated in an English Olimpics before?,
where?, and how was your experience?
43. Do you think that virtual courses could improve your
knowledge and why?
44. Do you usually use internet?
45. What kind of on line courses did you do?

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