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The knowledge and behavior about DAGUSIBU drugs on housewives in rw 015 karangsari
village of Tangerang – Banten in 2019


Efforts to improve understanding and public awareness of the use of drugs properly, the
pharmacist indonesia initiated information about DAGUSIBU (get, use, keep, dispose) family
realized drug. movement program. Previous research on the prevalence of housewife who use
over-the-counter drugs, limited over the counter drugs and prescription drugs in self-medication
efforts last month was 74.4%. mother has an important role as a determinant of health and the
quality of family members' resources, it will form the ability to explore sources of information and
improve the habit of thinking creatively and critically, so they can solve the problem based on the
process of self learning.


This type of research is observational by using a cross-sectional research design with

several variables including the independent variable of knowledge, attitudes and dependent
variables is the behavior of DAGUSIBU management of drugs. The sampling technique used in
this study is cluster random sampling, which is the method of sampling by dividing the population
as small clusters, then observations are made on a random sample cluster. This research was
conducted in Karangsari village of Banten. The study was conducted with a time interval of
January 2019 until December 2019. With the time of data collection from May until July 2019.

Results and conclusions

The results of 100 respondents in the Karangsari subdistrict area, the highest number of
respondents were productive age (18 to 64 years) as many as 79 respondents (79%) while non-
productive age (> 64 years) there were only 21 respondents (21% ) The number and percentage of
respondents educational background to senior secondary and academic education has a total of 85
people (85%) and while 9 years of elementary education (elementary and junior high) are 15
respondents (15%). Respondents were more likely to get free drugs and limited over-the-counter
drugs from pharmacies (37.9%). Frequent methods of use are taken / swallowed (78.7%), and the
rules for taking over-the-counter drugs and limited over-the-counter drugs that are applied by
respondents are usually after meals (30.8%), and three times daily (26.9%). The place to store over
the counter drugs and limited over the counter drugs that are often used by respondents is in the
medicine box (46%). How to dispose of over the counter drugs and limited over the counter drugs
that are often carried out by respondents, which are discarded intact (80.6%).

Keyword: DAGUSIBU, Respondensi, Karangsari Village

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