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Argonauts of the Western Pacific

By Bronislaw Malinowski
Reviewed by Maria Christina Aguirre Schütt
Date: 10/03/2012

The ethnography book Argonauts of the Western Pacific was written by the anthropologist,
professor and writer published Polish Bronislaw Malinowski 1922, being one of the most
important works on ethnography and the study of anthropology. Malinowski in this book
shows us his studies and expeditions in the Trobriand Islands, giving us a spectacular view
of the region and its inhabitants. Through the chapters Malinowski also explains the
lifestyle of the tribes that inhabit the islands, their social systems, rules, how they work and
all the cultural aspects of this society, focusing on its anonymous and complex exchange
system known as Kula.

One of the most interesting chapters is the introductory chapter as Malinowski explains in a
very sensible and concrete way how work and field study is nothing compared to what is
studied in theories, so when faced with reality, is important to make use of theories but is
even better adapted to the environment being studied. He also explains how important it is
to interact directly with the people and their culture, because when you interact with the
people you have a clearer view of the reasons for the actions and rules governing such
actions or behaviors.Malinowski says that objectivity in ethnographic work is achieved by
full insertion in everyday life to study group.

Malinowski gives significant importance to culture (knowledge, belief, art, morals,

customs, and habits) and Indian behavior and enables us to understand the importance of
providing the details, outstanding acts of tribal life and the tone of behavior. Also he tried
to explains us that behavior is important information, both from the point of view of
sociology and psychological, and should be observed.Also the writer believes that
ethnographic source has scientific value whenever possible to make a clear distinction
between what are the results of direct observation, exhibitions and performances of native
and author deductions based on common sense and ability to penetrate psychological.
In the following chapters the author explains in depth the data found during his research,
talks about the territory studied, on the racial divide, traditions, customs of the tribes, social
structure, the main rules, daily activities residents and many other elements, but deepens its
marketing medium which is the exchange.

The marketing system of the Trobiands was accompanied by an institution that is one of the
most active parts of that culture, magic, responsible for Kula transactions are met to
perfection and the natives are protected from all hazards, from the fierce ocean currents to
the dangerous and feared man-eating witch. This trade is conducted within a circuit of
islands, where objects have an almost unchanged circulation. Alongside these objects is
distributed all kinds of food and raw materials, real goods are often exchanged for products
that do not have on the island of origin. To achieve all these goals the natives should
prepare the Kula expedition, being one of the most visible facts the elaboration of canoes,
the writer describes the process in a very detailed.

The subject matter of the book is itself on this trading system, and the author is concerned
to unravel its mysteries through indigenous social organization, mythology and folklore.
The trading system is a phenomenon of considerable theoretical importance that profoundly
affects Indian tribal life, and they themselves are fully aware of their importance, as their
ideas, ambitions, desires and vanities are closely linked to Kula.

The ideal basic primary and ethnographic work that the authordeveloped in his
investigation of the fieldwork is to give a clear and coherent social structure and highlight,
from the accumulation of irrelevant facts, laws and rules that every cultural phenomenon
entails. First found the essential of tribal life.

This book is a work that requires knowledge of anthropology, is a pretty big book with lots
of detail, and so it requires a lot of prior knowledge of where the study takes place also
needs management of anthropological terms and interest as it is a book that takes you a
long time to read in depth and understanding its contents.Also is best read in a language
you understand very well because it has many complex words and a fairly detailed
explanation of all the observed in the investigation.

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