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Assignments (Fundamental Unit Of Life)
Assignment - I

Q. Solve the crossword puzzle given below

Class IX
Assignments (Fundamental Unit Of Life)
Assignment – II


Q. What are the consequences of the following conditions?
a. A cell containing higher water concentration than the
surrounding medium.
b. A cell having low water concentration than the
surrounding medium.
c. A cell having equal water concentration to its
surrounding medium.
Q. In brief state what happens when
a. Dry apricots are left for sometimes in pure water and
later transferred to sugar solution.
b. A Red blood cell is kept in concentrated saline solution.
c. The plasma membrane of a cell breaks down?
d. Rheo leaves are boiled in water first and then a drop of
sugar syrup is put on it?
e. Golgi apparatus is removed from the cell?

Class IX
Assignments (Fundamental Unit Of Life)
Assignments – III


B. Matching Type (Double Matching)
(i) Mitochondria A. Lysosome a. Turgidity
(ii) Vacuole B. Pigment b. Packaging
(iii) Chloroplasts C. ATP c. Photosynthesis
(iv) Golgi Apparatus D. Cell sap d. Powerhouse of
C. How does amoeba obtain its food ?
D. (a) Where are the lipids and proteins that form the cell
membrane get synthesis ? Name the process of formation of
(b) Our body consists of a variety of cell types. Why are
they different in shape, size and structure?

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