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© 2017 HappinessNotebook.

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• Introduction

• What is NLP?

• Success Formula

• Make It A MUST To Succeed

• Raise Your Minimum Standard

• Put Yourself On the Line

• The Power of Words

• What’s Next?


I want to thank my mentors Adam Khoo (Investing and NLP), Angelina Low (Writing), Conrad Alvin
Lim (Financial trading), Heather Holleman (Writing), Kok Wah Chuen (Writing), Lo Tien Yin
(Writing), Peng Joon (Entrepreneurship), Ramit Sethi (Entrepreneurship), Stuart Tan (Public
Speaking and NLP), Tan Mann Kia (Accelerated learning).

Special thanks to one of Singapore’s top photographer Charmaine Wu for her support and for
taking the wonderful photos for

Sign up for my mailing list to receive special tips on how you can achieve greater success and
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Hello friends,

I would like to thank and congratulate you for downloading this ebook. The
fact that you are taking your time to read it shows that you truly desire to
achieve a lot more in your life. In this ebook, I will share with you the
driving force behind my success, so that you too can use the same
strategies to create your own success.

Many people have asked me how I managed to achieve success in many

areas despite starting out from a harsh and poor beginning, with no
money, talent, or resources.

As a student, I always did badly for English, yet I became a magazine

writer and even won an international award. In the last few years, I’ve
achieved consistent success in the stock market. At only 34, I was able to pay off a six-figure debt
and housing mortgage. Today, I am travelling with my loved one from country to country,
connecting with game-changers around the world to work on Happiness Most
importantly, I have found love and mended my family relationship.

Looking back, I never thought I could accomplish so much. I came from a poor and dysfunctional
family — mum was unwell mentally, dad was bad in managing money. When I was a kid, bills were
often left unpaid, and electricity would get cut off. I studied using the corridor lights and shoplifted
for food. Later, I was saddled with multiple debts from loan sharks — debts incurred by my dad.
These illegal money lenders would harass my family by splashing paint and drawing graffiti on my
house door. We eventually lost our home.

I was alone and depressed, with no drive and confidence. But all that changed when I attended a
personal development training program in 2008, where I learnt a tool that would transform my life
forever — NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Using NLP, I was able to ‘re-program’ my mind and develop extraordinary psychology. I was able to
master my thoughts, my emotions, and bring out the best in myself consistently. Whenever I felt
like procrastinating, I was able to get motivated in seconds. Whenever I felt fearful, I was able to
develop confidence quickly. Whenever I felt upset, I was able to snap out of it fast. Most
importantly, I developed the ability to replicate the blueprint for success of top achievers in
investing, writing, entrepreneurship, and personal growth.

With these skills, achieving success in wealth, career, business, relationship, and personal growth
became easy for me. I hope you will find my sharing useful in helping you to achieve your dream
life. These are timeless principles and strategies that were taught by my mentors Adam Khoo and
Stuart Tan, and I have lived by them for almost a decade to create stunning success. I’ll be waiting
to hear your success stories. Also, you can pass this ebook on to someone who might be
interested or in need.

Cheers to your success!

Eng Beng

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What is NLP?
The first component of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is “Neuro" which refers to your
neurological system: how your brain works with your body. The second component is ‘Linguistic’
which refers to language or words. The third component is ‘Programming’ which refers to the
process of conditioning your mind.

Taken together, NLP is a tool to understand how the language of our mind creates and runs the
patterns we have in our life. You’ll discover how you create your thoughts, and how your thoughts
affect your emotions, habits, and actions. To me, NLP is the most powerful personal development
tool that I have learnt.

Think about it: If you could control your thoughts and emotions, wouldn’t you be able to perform at
your best every day? But most people allow their thoughts and emotions to go on autopilot. They
don't control their emotions, in fact they allow their emotions to enslave them. With NLP, you can
condition your mind for peak performance.

We all have the same potential

The most important principle in NLP is that we all have basically the same hardware — our brain.
Your brain is a bio-computer that runs programs such as behavioural program and emotional
program daily. In laymen terms, we call these programs habits.

What sets people apart is the way they use their bio-computer. If they achieve greater success, it is
not because they have a more powerful brain. High achievers are merely running better programs
that allow them to be more motivated, confident and be better in what they do.

In other words, if it is possible for someone to achieve success, it's possible for you too. It's only a
question of strategy — how do you ‘program’ your mind for peak performance?

If someone can wake up every morning, feel motivated and run for five kilometres, could you also
do it? You might say no, but the truth is you can! It’s just a question of how do you condition your
thoughts and emotions to feel good about running.

If someone could go on stage and deliver a speech in front of 1,000 people, could you also do it?
Yes, you can! It's a matter of conditioning your thoughts and emotions to feel confident and calm
under such stressful situation.

If someone can earn consistent profits in the stock market, could you also do it? Of course, you
can. It’s a question of how do you condition yourself to remain calm in the face of greed and fear.

That's what I did to achieve my success. I was not blessed with exceptional talent, but I modelled
the mindset and strategies of the best investors and traders, personal finance experts, writers,
entrepreneurs, and personal development experts.

You too can create your own success by modelling the mental blueprint of top achievers.

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Success Formula
Since we all have the same hardware, does it mean that we all have the same potential to
succeed? Yes, of course! If it is possible for someone to succeed, it is possible for you too. It’s just
a matter of installing the right programs. If we can use the same, exact program that highly
successful people used to produce exceptional results, then surely we can also create the same

Is there a program or formula for success? Yes, there is a success formula! My mentors and
Singapore’s top NLP trainers Adam Khoo and Stuart Tan studied high achievers like Richard
Branson, Warren Buffet, and Tony Robbins. They concluded that although these people were from
different fields and industries, they all followed a similar process to achieve success:


Strategy Success


Failure Action

Step 1. Dream big and set clear a goal

The first step is to dream big. But many people don’t dare to dream big because they believe that
they do not have the capability to achieve the goal. Common excuses include: “It’s too difficult”, “I
am too young”, “I am too old”, “I am not good enough”.

Sure, you may not know how to achieve your goal yet, but you should set a big goal that pushes
you to learn how to achieve it. Your success starts with a dream that would grow your potential.

You also have to be very clear and specific on what you want. Most people don’t get what they
want because they are not clear about what it is they want in the first place. They know what they
don’t want, but they don’t know what they want. “I don’t want to be poor”, “I don’t want to be
unhappy”, “I hate my job” are the common answers you’ll hear.

If you ask these people what they want exactly, they’d give vague answers like, “I want to have
more money”, “I am not sure but I want to be happy”, “I want to have better health”. But unless you
have a specific goal, you cannot develop an effective strategy to get there. You need to have a
target that you can focus your time and energy on.

For example, if you want to have better health, set specific and measurable targets like how much
weight to lose. If you want to have more money, how much exactly do you want to make? Without
an exact figure, you can’t formulate an effective game plan. The strategy to make $200,000 a year
is different from the strategy needed to make $1 million a year.

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Step 2. Find the right strategy

The next step is to find the right strategy. You can have all the drive and determination, but without
the right strategy, you will never get to where you want to be.

Where can you get the best strategy that work? Obviously from people who have already
succeeded in getting what you want. Study their strategies and model after them. To do so, you
can attend courses, read books or hire a coach.

If you want to be a millionaire, study the habits of millionaires. If you want to be a highly profitable
investor, learn the strategies used by top investors. If you want to enjoy a loving relationship with
your spouse, there are books on relationship and dating such as the Five Language of Love. If you
want to be able to motivate yourself, learn from personal development experts.

Learning from successful people can cut short your learning curve. It is good that we learn from our
own experience, but wouldn’t it be better if we can learn from other people’s mistakes? What took
these successful people 10 years to achieve, you can do it in a year or two.

Step 3. Take consistent action

Consistent action is what separates the dreamers from the achievers. Many people think they
know how to do something, but they never take action. What stops them? Fear!

They are afraid of making mistakes. They believe that if you don’t take action, you’ll never fail. But
here’s the problem: if you don’t take action, you’ll never succeed.

Then there are some people who get started, but they quit along the way when they encounter an
obstacle. Emotions like fear, anxiety and frustration stop them from following through.

When you take action, you either get the result you want, or the result that you don’t want. But no
matter what, you learn something, you know what’s not working. Wouldn’t you be better off than
someone who only talks but never take action? Many people like to say, “I know what to do, how to
do it, but I will do it tomorrow.” But you know as well as I do that tomorrow never comes for these
people. You don’t want to be like them.

Step 4. Turn failure into feedback

Two things happen when you take action: You either succeed or fail. All of us fail at one point of
time or another. What separates successful people from those who do not achieve their goals boils
down to how they respond to failure.

Most people give excuses and blame everything and everyone. “It’s too difficult”, “It’s not my fault”,
“I’m too young”, “I’m too old”, “I don’t have the luck”, “the economy sucks”. Feeling helpless and
frustrated, they give up.

On the other hand, some people are more determined, so they try again and again. But if you keep
using the same approach, you are going to keep getting the same result. Eventually you’ll feel
discouraged and quit.

For successful people, when they don’t achieve their goal, they don’t think of it as a failure.
Instead, they see the failure as a feedback that tells them that their strategy was ineffective.

They then tweak their strategy and take action again. And if they still don’t succeed, they get more
feedback, change their strategy and take more action. They keep repeating the process until they
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Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, used this formula to create success. Before he tasted success with
Alibaba, his life was riddled with failures. He failed his college entrance exam twice, and was
rejected from dozens of jobs. Did he give up his dream? No, he went on to start an internet
company, Alibaba.

Did he become successful straightaway? No! He went through several set backs. Alibaba wasn’t
profitable in the the first three years, and at one point it was just 18 months away from bankruptcy.
What did Jack Ma do? He saw failures as feedbacks, tweaked his strategy, and kept repeating the
process until Alibaba became the world’s biggest retail company.

This is also the exact formula that I used to create success in investing. I kept getting feedback and
tweaking my strategy until I developed an approach that’s suited for my temperament and
personality. From then on, I’ve been averaging 20% to 30% return every year. Similarly, that’s what
I did to become a better writer, find love, restore family relationships, and more.


Formula For Success


Strategy Success


Failure Action

Which areas of your life can you start using the success formula?

Dream goal (Be Strategy Action (The first Feedback

specific and step that you can
include deadline) take within 24

Career and E.g. Set up a six- E.g. Online shop E.g. Set up a E.g. No one replied
business figure business by selling clothes meeting with to my email. Is
end of the year successful there a number that
blogshop owners, I can call? Do I
find out how did have friends who
they set up the can introduce these
business. people to me?

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Wealth and

Love, family and



Health and

Contributions to
society and the
people around

Remember that consistent action is what separates the dreamers from the achievers. After
completing this exercise, you have to act on what you have written. When you take action, you
always get a result — either the result you want, or the result you don’t want. When you don’t get
the result you want, wouldn’t you have learnt something that you can use to change your strategy?
Wouldn’t you be better off than someone who only talks but never take action?

Let me repeat: Many people like to say, “I know what to do, how to do it, but I will do it tomorrow.”
But you know as well as I do that tomorrow never comes for these people. You don’t want to be like

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Make it a MUST to succeed

Will everyone who learn the success formula be 100% successful in whatever they do? Of course,
not! Some quit halfway in the face of adversity, others procrastinate, and there are those who do
not even get started.

Why is this the case?

The reason is because although everyone wishes to have more success, only a few are truly
committed to their goals. It would be great to have more wealth, travel the world or have a fit body;
but they can also live without them.

When a goal is just a wish, we will find an excuse to put it off or quit the moment we meet with an
obstacle. The only way to achieve anything is when we are committed to making it a MUST.

When a goal becomes a MUST, we will operate with a different mindset. We will stretch beyond
our comfort zone, take failures as feedbacks, keep changing strategies, and take action until we
succeed. We will do whatever it takes (within legal, ethical, and moral boundaries).

Think about it: all the goals that you had achieved in the past were all a ‘must’. The school
assignment or work report that you procrastinated on doing? That’s right, you completed them right
before the deadline eventually. It had become a MUST — complete it or risk being punished or

Another example: if your doctor informs you that unless you shed 10 kg within the next six months,
your diabetes will worsen and your kidney will fail, do you think you can do it? Of course, you will!
Because it is now a MUST.

If you have not taken action to achieving your goals, it’s because your goals are not a ‘MUST’ for

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You can consciously use the word ‘MUST’ to evoke a powerful response straightaway. Words
affect our thoughts and emotions. If someone says, “I will TRY to find a date by end of this week”,
and another person says, “I MUST get a date by the end of this week.”

Could you tell who’s truly committed to find a girlfriend? That’s right, it’s clear! The words that we
use is a reflection of how we frame our thoughts. Words like ‘try’, ’should’, or ‘wish’ do not compel
us to take action.

In fact, every time you get down to completing a task it’s because the word ‘MUST’ is firing off in
your mind. “My assignment is due tomorrow, I MUST complete it now!”


What were three tasks that you procrastinated on doing in the past but eventually completed them?
How did it become a ‘MUST’ for you to complete it eventually?

Task How did it become a ‘MUST’ for you to complete it

1 E.g. Work report Deadline was approaching. If I didn’t complete it, I would be
sacked. I couldn’t afford to lose my job.

What are three goals that you are now committed to making a MUST to achieve them. Include a
deadline for completion.

1. I make it a MUST to _E.g. double my income ______by__end of 2017___

2. I make it a MUST to __________________________by_______________

3. I make it a MUST to __________________________by_______________

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Raise your minimum standard

We may dream of being highly successful and living in a beautiful home, but we have a minimum
standard of lifestyle that we are willing to accept.

For example, although you may aspire to earn $20,000 a month, you are willing to settle for just
$3,000 a month. Guess what? You’ll tend to move towards the minimum. Why? Because the $3000
a month is a ‘must’ for you to survive, but living a great life is not a ‘must’.

You will not go below $3,000 a month because that’s your threshold. Similarly, people who earn
$20,000 a month do so because that amount is what they are willing to settle for. They will do
whatever it takes to keep their earnings at $20,000.

So unless we raise our minimum standard, we will never achieve our desired goals. What we are
willing to settle for is largely shaped by our family, friends and environment. The people whom we
spend most of our time with set the standards we measure ourselves against.

To break out of your comfort zone, we need to mix with top achievers who can make us dissatisfied
with the status quo, and inspire us to do better. The best way is to mix around people who are
better than you. By talking to these people, you can understand their mindset and what makes
them tick.

This is the reason why Singapore’s swimmer Joseph Schooling, who beat Michael Phelps at the
2016 Olympics 100m Butterfly to clinch the Gold medal, left Singapore at the age of 14 for the
United States, where he got to train with world-class swimmers who were better than him.

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What if I don’t know any people who are highly successful?

An easy way is to join a training group where you’ll be mentored by a coach. You’ll also get to work
with like-minded people. For example, if you want to start a business, join a business networking
group. If you want to develop a fit body, sign up for personal or group training. You can also ‘hang
around’ top achievers by regularly reading books on how they achieved success. Reading their
stories is like having a conversation with them.

An important note: You should not stop seeing your current good friends. In fact, you should spend
more quality time with them. They are important people in your life. They are the ones who have
your back, who have experienced great memories together with you = )

What is your desired goal and the current corresponding minimum standard in the different areas
of your life now? Who can inspire you to aim higher, and make you dissatisfied with status quo?

What are your desired Be honest, what are New friend who can
goals? (Your you willing to settle push you to raise
expectation) for ? (Your minimum your minimum
standard) standard (Include
where you can find
this person)

Career and business

Wealth and lifestyle

Family and friends

Personal development

Health and wellness E.g. Six pack abs E.g. Slight belly but E.g. Ultra fit friends.
appears normal if I suck Join a triathlon training
in my stomach group.

Contributions to society
and the people around

Another reminder: consistent action is what separates the dreamers from the achievers. Act on
what you have written in this exercise. Make it a MUST, do whatever it takes!

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Put Yourself On the Line
A great way to ensure that you achieve your goal is to put yourself in a situation where you have
absolutely no choice but to succeed. How? Make a public declaration of your goals, invest your
money, and get a partner to work with you.

For example, let’s say you want to develop six pack abs, you can declare the goal on your
Facebook. Post a photo that shows your current unfit body to show that you are serious. Then pay
an advance for a one-year gym and personal training package. Your personal trainer will work with
you and hold you accountable.

You have to put yourself in a situation where it would be more painful to quit than to stay the
course. The reason is because we will choose the easier path if we have a choice to walk away. If
you don’t dare to put yourself on the line, it only goes to show that you are not serious about your

I remember when I was single, I promised my friends that I would walk around a shopping mall
topless if I didn’t find a girlfriend by the end of the year. Well, I had no choice but to do whatever it
takes to get to know more people. I found a girlfriend eventually. My friends were disappointed that
they didn’t get to see me walk around topless =p


Goals that I MUST achieve I will put myself on the line by…
(include deadline)

1 Career and business

2 Wealth and lifestyle E.g. To create a passive income E.g. Declare my goal to my friends
stream by end of the year or on Facebook. I promise to give
away $50 movie voucher to each
friend if I fail to achieve my goal.

3 Family and friends

4 Personal development E.g. Publish a book within 12 E.g. Set up a website to collect
months payment for advance sales of the

5 Health and wellness

6 Contributions to society
and the people around

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The power of words

How can you ‘program’ or condition your thoughts and emotions for peak performance? A simple
way is to use empowering words. On average, we talk to ourselves silently in our head for about
60,000 times a day. Your choice of words condition your mind and emotions over time.

Have you ever wonder why some people get depressed easily, while some people are the happy-
go-lucky type? The reason is because people who are depressed often say things like, “why does
bad things always happen to me?”, “why is life so unfair?”, “life sucks.” By repeating these words
daily, they are actually conditioning their mind to be depressed.

On the other hand, cheerful people talk to themselves in a different manner. They have challenges,
and go through difficulties like anyone else. They too feel upset but the difference is no matter how
much trouble they are going through, they get over it quickly. They tell themselves, “How can I turn
this around?”, “What can I learn from this?”, “No matter what, I will find a solution.”

Similarly, there are people who are born into poverty but remain poor, yet there are poor people
who later become wealthy. Why is there a difference? It boils down to how they talk to themselves.

Poor people who remain poor often say to themselves, “I’ll never be able to afford it”, “money is
hard to earn”, “it’s impossible to earn so much money”. When you say such words, you are shutting
out the possibility of becoming wealthy. You will never find a way to make more money, or spot an
opportunity. For people who are conditioned to be poor, even if they strike the lottery, they’d
squander away the windfall just as fast as they win it.

On the other hand, poor people who go on to become wealthy tell themselves, “This guy is living in
a beautiful house and never have to worry about not having enough to eat. How can I afford that?
One day, I’m going to make it too.” Notice the difference? When you set an intention to achieve
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something, you create possibilities for yourself. You might not know what to do now, but when you
set a goal that you can’t achieve now, it compels you to learn and you’ll eventually find a way.

If you keep telling yourself, "I'm unlucky”, “my life sucks”, “why am I so stupid?”, you're going to see
the world through this lens, everything will appear negative and bad to you. The more you focus on
your problems, the more you’ll meet with problems and bad luck. On the other hand, if you keep
telling yourself, “I’m getting better and better”, I’m a lucky person”, “I’m grateful for what I have”,
you'll attract more of what you're grateful for — better luck, wealth, health and relationships


How can you start? Change your perspective: Almost every situation has a silver lining. What is
one positive outcome that can come from your circumstance? Look at your situation from a glass-
half-full, instead of a glass-half-empty angle.

Your situation Change of perspective

E.g. 1 My girlfriend left me This means I can find someone better

E.g. 2 I have been retrenched This means I can start a new exciting venture that I am
passionate about

E.g. 3 My boss keeps picking on me This means that my boss has high expectation of me,
that my work is important

E.g. 4 I am born in a poor family This means I have the hunger to succeed and become

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What’s next?
We have come to the end of this ebook. But remember that this not the end of your learning
journey. It’s only the beginning. What I have shared here is only a small part of what I have learnt
and used to create my success in various areas of my life. But it is a good start for you.

If you haven’t already done so, sign up for my FREE Happiness Notebook Email Newsletter to
receive more tips on how to achieve success and live your best life, plus regular inspirational
stories from game-changers and top achievers from around the world: http://

Since the start of 2017, I have been

travelling from country to country to
interview top achievers in various
fields. I find out and distil their DNA for
success into actionable tools that you
can use. I also share the exact system
and strategies that you can use to
become the best in your field, enjoy
beautiful relationships, financial
abundance, great health, and
everlasting happiness.

You’ll discover how to: – remove

limiting beliefs that hold you back –
break bad habits and install winning
patterns – take charge of your
emotions for peak performance – turn
adversities into opportunities – model
and replicate success blueprints of
achievers – create success with
fulfilment – find the work that you were
born to do – and much, much more!

With the knowledge and strategies you

acquired in this ebook, the only thing
that will stop you from achieving what you want in life is the lack of consistent action. I urge you to
take massive action immediately. That’s right! You want to commit to making it a MUST to learn
more, model after successful people, and transform your life.

I wish you all the best. If you feel that this ebook opened up a world of possibilities for you,
inspired you to take charge of your life and pursue your dream, I want to hear your story. You can
send me an email at , or PM me at https://

To Your Success and Happiness, 

Eng Beng

Founder of the Happiness Notebook ( )

Join our official Facebook community

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