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Summer Randolph

Dr. Megan Marshall

ENG 402

12 October 2019

Sabrina Chambers Peer Review

Underlined Part:

 When working on the underlined parts of your paper, I tried to underline the parts that

were relatable to me, and areas that I considered important for future students. I really

liked your first underlined sentences in paragraph one “when grammar went past the

basic understanding, I was lost” because I felt like it spoke the words of most students,

and previous students from public education.

Highlighted Part:

 I didn’t complete a lost of highlighting in your piece because of time shortage during the

first reading; however, when reading through it the second time, I tried to highlight

anything that was about literacy. Most of these focused on ACT in the middle section of

the paper because that was a big part of your literacy event, but the other highlighted

sections were to focus on your future as an educator and your education experience.

So What:

 I think your piece really focuses on the bigger picture of education, standardized testing.

This is extremely important for students because it is what school systems want to focus

on for who knows why. I think that by placing your struggles in English into the paper,

you are proving to your students that standardized testing doesn’t label who you are
academically. Sometimes your experiences don’t prepare you enough, but you can still

make it regardless.

Authors Questions:

 I feel like yours is pretty clear as it is; however, if I were going to make any changes, I

would try to integrate the WV school systems into the last paragraph somehow because I

feel like it was left in the second paragraph in a very odd way.

 I really wasn’t shocked from your paper because I came from a very similar school

system. If your paper was being read by individuals out of state then I believe this would

definitely give them the shock factor, but not with previous WV students. It is a very

inciteful piece though. I really like that it summarizes what some school systems can do

to people, but how many students can break through academically no matter what the

education system does.

My Questions:

 I don’t feel like I have questions about your piece, but I do think you should provide

more examples of how WV school systems didn’t prepare you because this literacy

narrative could be a very important incite for teachers in this area.

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