Dualidad de Caracteres

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The Duality of Characters

"If you do certain things over and over, eventually it will

be part of your character; but everytime there is a new
development, there will be a new Don?!"

Based on true events!

Written cooperatively by:

Dafallah Edrys & Altahir Hemida

First of all, we want to thank all of those who supported,
stood beside and hoped the better for both of us. For the
purpose of life is nothing but the Cooperation of each and
every community. We could not come this far if we didn't
lift each other since the creation. Special Acknowledgement
for the people who have a positive energy SPECTRUM,
those who, the moment they engage in your life, draft you
to the improvement atmosphere. We wouldn't have this
book written without the support that all of you provided.
Special Thanks!

The Author's Foreword:

Crazy, madman, arrogant, kinky, weird-man, master of the
freaks and for one more time, crazy. These are probably the
potential adjectives that people can use them to call you,
let's agree that they are the very same potential labels that
people can use them to label you when they don't really
know you for sure.

For me, I've been labelled and called by all of those

adjectives or labels that have been mentioned; But for most
people, they used to call me crazy!
I don't blame them, I blame their ignorance and their lack of
knowledge! I'm not angry with them either, as it naturally
goes in our culture, people used to say
"‫"اﻟﻤﺎ ﺑﻌﺮﻓﻚ ﺑﺠﻬﻠﻚ‬

Which means in English

"Whoever doesn't know you, doesn't really know you!"

For my little brothers I was the craziest in the world. In my

neighbourhood, not so many people liked the idea of the me
sitting with them; because as it naturally goes, they used to
laugh at each other and be sarcastic for most of the time,
they didn't like me to sit with them because for them I was
the most sarcastic person in the planet. I was refuting all of
their arguments in logical ways and unfortunately they
didn't like logic! They used to call me crazy either.

In the farms, for the other farmers, oh man; I was the poet,
the civilized, the intelligent and the crazy man either! But
when I got to university I was the weird one, the kinky man
and the master of the freaks as they said.
Most of my colleagues didn't mind nor care about what I
say, do or achieve; I reckon maybe because they though I'm
crazy! Even some of them did profess that I'm not an
ordinary person and some said I'm not more than a crazy
man who is obssessed by the science of language,
Linguistics, philosophy, psychology and art.
In our first months, they used to care for and mind what I
say but when the time passed by reverse.

After I got to university from here it all began, how?

Just make sure you get yourself a cup of coffee and allow me
to explain.

Before I get to university I was merely a farm boy, but with

satisfying knowledge and a rational mind, who lives in a
town far from the capital, surrounded by farms, by all the
three directions except for north, and near to River Nile.
Before I got to university I was dealing with people with
low brain logic, but it was the shock when I got to
university; I had to deal with people with both: an average
and high brain logic.
So I was shifting my manner constantly; So in university I
would deal with civilized people by a civilized manner, I
was the one who does the intellectual talking. But in the
farms, I was the farmer who uses the local language, the one
who uses the simple terms, the one who laughs all the time
and behaves in such a silly way.
When I'm in the university for long, I always miss myself in
the farms, my other person.
I always yearn to that character when I'm in the university.
As it goes by nature in our culture, people used to say

"‫ إﻧﺘﻈﺮﻩ ﺣﺘﻰ ﻳﻈﻬﺮ ﻟﻚ وﺟﻬﻪ اﻟﺜﺎﻧﻲ‬،‫"أﻧﺖ ﻻ ﺗﻌﺮﻓﻪ ﺣﺘﻰ اﻻن‬

Which means in English

"You don't know him so far, wait for him untill he shows you
his other face, character or person."
For me, this saying hints that it's just like there are two
manners in one person.
Also, from a religious background there is some saying
which professes that there are some people who have two
manners under the name of one person.

There is also these feelings which make the same person

different and make his attitudes differ from one moment to
other; e.g: The angry Sagid is not the same as the happy
Sagid, he can make different decisions and take different
choices in each single state.

All of that urged me to write a book about this

phenomenon which I called The Duality of Characters.

The Duality of characters is an evolutionary description of

its main character's case. The description is shaped as a
story which is based on true real philosophical events with
some psychological basis.

As the events of the story go by we will realise that the
concept is not theoretical rather it is factual; We aren't just
claiming rather we have been watching and studing a
certain person for a long time, David.

David is one of the main characters of the story, almostly

the whole purpose of the story goes around him, for he is
the character whom the story talks about his case. He was
like any other average person untill he had a second
character which changed him and brought out the best out
of him, Don.

At first, we were just watching, studying and

consequently writing down what's happening to David,
what he is doing and how he acts generally; but then after
we shared what we had writen with our relatives and
friends they started to ask us to explain the concept to them
and what does it say in simple?

That's why we had to come across to study the very

writings which we've already done to put rules and
definitions to the concept. For me, David, I was just writing
what was happening to me, then the questions of people
started to get more and more, that's why I had to study two
online courses; one course in Psychology and another one
in Philosophy, that's all was just to explain the events of the
story in more logical, rational and scientific way.

Many of the people who read the first editions of the story
said that we are talking about Schizophrenia but the
concept is a lot far from the case. I hope you enjoy reading.

Chapter I

The Weird case of David

"You never truly understand things the way it should be


The very events took place in the cold season, winter,

when I was having a French Lesson, the weather was cold
and I was out of the lecture, I wasn't focusing with the
teacher, and what made it worse is that I hated French and I
can't stress the idea of which I was stuck with it enough. I
was having depression that time and my interest in studies
almost vanished that semester, the teacher yelled my name

"Can you tell us what does this verb mean Altahir?"

I didn't know what she was talking about, I said, "I don't

She replied with "Focus more."

The whole class got over this situation, but I couldn't, I
couldn't get over that failure I went through, the very
shame I processed in my brain was detrimental, was deep
and strong that I got a headache, or it's more of a
Brain'ache, let alone the depression I was having.

I couldn't sleep that day, thoughts kept invading my brain

and loading it up, "Am I really a failure?" self-confidence
vanished, that situation shattered the very confidence I had
and I began to question myself, and of course doubt and
scepticism went along hand-in-hand. The next day I came to
the college not knowing what had been happening inside
my mind, brain fog! But it all seemed non-existent the
moment I met my friend, let's call him David.

David was my classmate and was also my brother from

another mother. We are studying at the same class and we
are spending, almost, all of the time together! It took from
us an entire year to get to know each other! Even though we
are studying at the same class, the first time we talked to
each other was the second semester in our college! I
remember he was holding lots of papers, he was actually
making a research about people's goals and dreams, what?
Why? How? And what after? Meaning:
What's your goal or your dream?
Why you want to achieve it?
How are you going to achieve it?

And what are you going to do after?

His main point was that he wanted to prove to our teacher

that there are really obvious differences between goals and
dreams. Because your goals is what you use to reach your
dream. And your dream is basically the top of a ladder, and
each stair of this ladder is a goal. From this we can conclude
that your dream is simply your ultimate goal! And it takes a
lot of time more than when you want to achieve your goal.
In simple term your goals is your road and your dream is
your destination.

Back to that time, David gave me one paper to answer and

as I answered the questions in his paper, he liked my
answers very much and especially for the fourth one, for it
was the main question and the purpose behind the paper;
For which I remember my answer was:

"Simply, life won't stop on one thing, surely I will think

about other goals and dreams."

That was exactly the answer he wanted! He really started

to like me from then and after that moment, and gradually
we became like real brothers. I discuss with him or more
likely, I argue with him in every little thing, so it seemed
familiar to tell him what was happening with me, but he,
that moment, had already noticed my mood the moment we

"Is everything alright?" he said.

I replied with negative!

"What's wrong?" he said.

Then I started to explain my issue and what happened the

day before, soon after I finished I remember him laughing!

"So you were depressed?" he said.

I replied, " Yeah!"

Then he pointed out something that immediately caught my


He said, "You know, I never get depressed! David might, but I

never get these emotions!"

That was pretty absurd, since David was him, he was

addressing himself as an absent person, as if he were
someone else!

I said, "Is there another David studying with us?"

He replied, "There's only one David but he's not here now!"

That was definitely not adding up. Considering that I was a

senior student studying Languages, who has an average
local brain logic and a standard logical base, I relatively
started to doubt myself and the current moment seemed
freaky, it was like, did I travel in time or has my friend gone

At that time I was very interested in Psychology and

Neuropsychology, I was researching repeatdly about
psychology, and one of the psychological disorders that I've
encountered was something called Schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is a state of a psychological disorder in which

the person loses his main character or most likely, loses his
awareness and instead transforms into a similar yet ironic
character, sometimes the person doesn't lose it, he just
unconsciously swaps his characters, and he apparently sees
and hears things normal people would never interact with,
so he's in this cycle losing his conscious.

I was researching about this aspect very regularly,
something in those psychopaths really drives me interested
about studying them, or at least just deeply thinking about
how and what got them to this state!

Back to the current moment, the freaky one, how my friend

freaked out, or at least that's how I can describe it so far.
Like I said, I was researching about Psychology thus I
relatively connected these events and I really made it worse

"You seem to have a Schizophrenia my brother!" I said."

He laughed satirely, "No brother, my case is completly

different! I have two main characters, yet I swap them with
my own will, plus, it didn't happen randomly, I created it!"

I was focusing on the joke, which was actually not a joke,

more than the actual concept, I made some jokes while he
was explaining to me, saying:

"So you're dealing with your soul mate?"

But obviously the case was much bigger than that.

Later that day, while I was meditating, I recalled some
stuff. My usual sessions always include some recollections
and deep thinking of daily issues, so relatively I recalled the
case of my friend, thinking, maybe he was right, maybe this
is a serious case or a real concept for I shouldn't just ignore
it, the guy was very concerned to tell me, yet I was more of
an ignorant and I really left a bad imapct right there.

The very next day I met him again in the college, I

intended to open the case again, I told him about my
interest in his case, and I really was, so he began to explain

"I have started practising this since I began to realise that I

am not the same person I was two years ago."

He continued to explain as I was listening with an open


"I am smiliar to anybody else, except that I adopted a deep

concept, everybody has two or more characters within

That caught my attention very fast! I elaborated

"True! for we react to every situation differently, and we
basically become something else, especially in an atmosphere
of rage for the decisions we take in that particular mood are
always wrong and we always regret them, as like when our
behaviour changes while we are deep in love."

"That's what the case is all about!" he concluded."

I really began to take a different perspective of David, a

completley different perception. I said to him,
"David, that's really a deep philosophy!"

"I am not David! David doesn't think this way!" he replied.

That moment I freaked out, I said,

"Woh, wait here, whom am I talking to?"

He, then, started to introduce his new character

"This is Don so far!" he replied.

Don is a very considerable character, he's very perfect,

very hardworking, very ambitious, flexible and so
disciplined. I took this percpective as he was explaining that
Don is the character of studies and social life, meaning, in
the college he is Don while in Home he's David, and
sometimes David is just a cover, for he cannot confirm his
state to some people.

David, sorry, Don is, like I said, very hardworking and I

really admired him for his self-discipline, but there's an
opponent for every perfection, Don was a bit of arrogant!
There's this sense of arrogancy around him, you can see it
in his eyes, they are shinning with arrogancy; I remember
once we were having a lecture, the teacher deviated from
the lesson of the lecture and started talk about the Egyptian
Pyramids. At that time one of the students adressed
something saying:

"There are some scientists who did an experiment, in that

experiment they brought some mice with cancer and they
made them pass through under the Pyramids! After the mice
passed through, the scientists stated that they took the mice
back to their laboratory and they did re-diagnose them
(reconducted the test of cancer) but they were astonished to
found out that the mice have become well!!"

After she finished, the student, then, spontaneously, Don

yelled laughing, "That's bullshit!"

The whole class freezed, did he really say it?

Now David has this idea of [no elder should think of

himself as if he was always right, including teachers]. So he
was always arguing with teachers to prove his point, or at
least trying!

Let's get back to the mean time when he was explaining to

me his case

"It's called The Duality of Characters!" He pointed out.

I replied, "But you said you, we, have lots of characters, each
and every one is specified for every emotion, every situation
we're up to, why it has to be dual?"

"Those are the main charcaters! And also the only ones I
recognised, I gave each one of them the same amount of
duties, tasks and appointments, I'd have the right one for the
right time!" he replied.

The Duality of Characters is not a disorder or a disease, in

fact I've been studying David and Don for a long time, they
were cooperating with harmony, they were two in one, soul
mates, I've seen them characterizing perfection with ease.
Thier case was partly similiar to an interesting character in
my favourite animation, Naruto Shippuden, the guy's name
was Kabuto, whose master -Orochimaru- got killed by the
hands of one of his students, but his soul didn't die, so this
so-called Kabuto took Orochimaru's soul and merged it to
his soul, kind of like a fusion, so they became two souls in
one body, so Kabuto would process techniques and
Orochimaru would fight enemies, thier collaporation was

David's case was the same, like I said they were arranging it
very perfectly. Now if thier case were a disorder, they
would obviously mess around with everything without
awareness or conscious.

Another partly similar case to mention is the case of the

main character himself in the first place, Naruto; We all
remember in the first series NARUTO 1. When Naruto was
only fourteen years old he was possessed by the dangerous
nine tails fox demon, so when Naruto gets into a very
dangerous and serious situation the nine tails fox demon
would interfere to protect him and to provide him with
some of his power to fight the enemy.

As a summary, the Duality of Characters means in simple


Having two characters who play different roles and tasks
in one body according to the different situations, meanwhile
the switch button is with the current character for he -only-
decides whether a particular situation suits the current or
the other character.

I remember getting interested about something and

when I shared it with David, I found him interested too, he
was having a bunch of information about it, but the very
next week I met him in the college and the day wasn't an
official university day, I talked about the same topic, but I
got a silly reaction, he wasn't giving any interest! I asked
him why he wasn't into it?

He replied, "Don has, but this is not a university day so I'm

David not Don!"

We both laughed awkwardly that moment.

David was spontaneous about his case, but I wasn't, I was

more concerned indeed, I was afraid of him getting out of
track, I am an optimistic person usually, but how and where
would you position yourself in that case? How are you going
to react about his state? David was getting more into this,
he was losing his mindfulness. One day, we were having a
Drama lesson, and it happened to be a philosophical lesson,
it was about the nature of people and the existence of our
world, Metaphysics, and we were interested in the lesson,
untill David freaked out! The teacher asked him to answer
something, and he did but his elaboration spoiled
everything, it was awkwardly weird;

The teacher said, "Thank you David."

And we were about to move on untill he said,

"I am not David!"

That was embarassing, we were astonished! The teacher,

that moment, put the book on his disk and immediately
became interested in this silly student.

"Then who are you?" the teacher said.

David replied with,

"I am Don but we're not talking about this! I am saying that I
don't exist, neither do you nor everybody here, we don't exist,
there are just things happening!"
That was the statement of the year. I, then, remembered
the philosophy of everything, it was for an ancient Buddhist
and later on an American artist adopted it, anyway, the
theory talks about that we don't really exist and there are
just things that happen occasionally, for instance; We are
not the seers and the thinkers, thinking and seeing are
happening naturally. That Artist supported his claim by the
proof that we don't decide what's our next thought or image
going to be, he used the proof of the sea water, and how it
appears blue but the fact is that it's actually clear
transparent water, this supports the idea that things aren't
really as we see them.

David used these proofs to persuade the teacher, the

claim was weakend and more of a stupid thing for that
moment, yet it somehow actually worked and the teacher, I
believe, was concerned, yet he hid that so his ego as a
teacher would remain the same.

David was about to get dismissed from the lecture, but

fortunately he backed off from his point, the whole class
was astonished, again I was the only one who was terrifed.
I, then, concluded, "My freind has really gone mad this

After the lecture was over I headed straight to him and I

yelled at him,
"Have you gone mad? Do you think this is a game?"

He replied with a cold emotion,

"Relax, that was a bit of my philosophy, I would've blown the

mind of that teacher if I had just gone through a bit of
I was afraid that he gets too caught up in that state, yet I
was amazed because he was too confident especially after a
situation like that.

David has always this brilliant idea of not showing off the
full potential, he always concludes,

"This was a bit of this," "That was a small part of my..."

I had read about this concept while I was reading about the
so-called Monk-mode, and for those of you who don't know
it; Monk mode:

"Is the state of relentless self-focused-discipline often to the

point of seclusion for an extended period of time, and it
usually comes hand-in-hand with some extreme religious

principles and so forth."

David and I practise Monk-mode, in fact we share lots of

similar practices together, anyway, the concept I'm talking
about is called [work in scilence, let your success give the
talk] in other terms [Actions speak louder than words].

David was adopting this concept, he never gets too extreme

about his own philosophy and his own prespective, but he
often goes crazy trying to persuade someone, he just tries to
prove he's not wrong, and in most cases he wasn't wrong
but people are ego-driven, thus he was always in this
constant arugements cycle.

Aside from David's case and the very Schizophernia,

come a lot of psychological cases, in fact, those issues form a
complete hierarchy, there is the well-known disorder,
Depression, which in my opinion is a matter of a choice, you
choose to live a dominant life in which nothing will dictate
your long-term state, but some poeple get caught up in the
paradigm of day-to-day basis so they ignore the major
importance of building life-lasting principles, you can't
choose to have upcoming bad days or not, but your reach is
on how to react! There is also this weird case of Autism or
the Isolationism Disease, this is my circle of interest, people
who have Autism are no longer with us, they're similar to
the schizophrenics except here thier case is permanent
unless a cure is found! Isolated people are not isolated
people really; they just don't know if there are other people
or not, they are alone in thier own world. Schizophrenics
have a temporary effect, soon after a long absence they
come to reality not knowing what they have done!

The point I'm trying to make is that David's case is an

evolutional case, he isn't a victim for these disorders, he
chose to have his own case, he made this ever-changing
cycle to lift himself up to the status of genius, he literally
upgraded the old-fashioned Schizophrenia to a point where
he is in full control at a good cretrion. As I remember,
Napoleon Hill adressed this self-control paradigm very
comprehensively in his masterpiece (Think And Grow Rich),
I quote,

"Fortunate is the person who has developed the self-control to

steer a straight course towards his objectives in life, without
being swayed from his purpose."

David objectivley applied this concept with perfection,

none-theless, his case isn't a normal case anymore, the
storm in which he lives now is more of a serious creed.

David occasionally overcame the obstacle of objections,

that people would consider it (his case) as a joke, hence
everyone will respect the fact that he did an extraordinary
thing, hence everyone will at least think of his chasity as a
supernatural story!

Talking about David and his case never ends, he's really a
special character, never-the-less, I still feel this strange
atmosphere about his ideas, sometimes I see him as a monk
or so, and I just ignore my own claim that this is a
psychological thing.

As time passed, David has really backed off a bit and just
sort of forgot this thing, but he still makes some jokes about
it; I remember once a teacher was coming by and he saw
David, he noticed that he wasn't putting his glasses so he
pointed out

"Where are your glasses today David?"

David replied, "I didn't put any glasses in my entire life, David
does but today I'm not David! Don't mix things up please

The teacher said with a frown on his face

"My bad!"

We all laughed laughed awkwardly as the teacher left the


Let's go back in time, to the moment when I told you that

I met David that week and the day wasn't an official day.
After he freaked out, I told him that I'm going to write my
first story and it is going to be about him, and I will call it
(The Weird Case of David). On the same day, in the evening,
I found that he posted something, on social media, about the
same topic. I commented to him by saying:

"Look brother, you're going to be crazy if you keep up

obsessing in this thing, you don't have to care about duality
and all these stuff, you are going to be crazy..."

And from there he took his title, my advice to him was

nothing but an inspiration. After some time he shared with
me a story that he wrote, he called it (The Duality of

David decided to write it (The Duality of Characters,

which is pointed as Roots now) the moment I criticized his
philosophy. I used to have my perspective negatively, just
observing the empty half of the glass, but as I kept hanging
out with him I obtained a lot of principles, but main one is:

You never truly understand things the way it should be


As it's said: "You're the average of the five people you hang
out with the most."

As the time kept flowing, I kept studying David or more

likely, I kept studying Don but I'm doing it with sincerity,
now I am completely convinced that David knows his thing,
he modestly became my mentor, or my everyday
inspirational doze. We actually started to team up in every
single dilemma, cooperatively engaging together in the
small and the big stuff. Never-the-less, I still wonder and
wander in my mind about his philosophy, his unspoken
ideas and undoubtedly his strange silence, but like it's said:

"Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute."

Chapter II

"If you do certain things over and over, eventually it will
be part of your character; but everytime there is a new
development, there will be a new Don?!"

It was 15 June 2017 when I found myself stuck in a body

of a character of 18 years old! I didn't understand anything,
I was only surrounded by people! At that time there were
lots of things that were coming to my mind, a lot of
knowledge, it was just like backing-up. A little later I
recognised lots of things; As a teacher called me saying,
I realised that I am in a classroom! But wait a second, what
is a classroom? With a massive speed, it came to my mind
that a classroom is a place where people come to get
knowledge! I wondered, what is a place ? What is people?
And what is knowledge? All of the meanings of these things
came to my mind rapidly as well!

As the teacher called me saying, "Glasses" I realised that he

was addressing me particularly, not somebody else, I knew
this because I was putting something called "Glasses" which
it came to my mind spontaneously, that it is something
people put aginst their eyes to help them to see clearly or to
get better sight of things; The mysterious thing here, the
puzzle, I was able to see clearly even without using any

Anyhow, the meanings of things didn't seem to stop

coming to my mind, nevertheless I was making appropriate
responds for all the situations that were going by and
happening to me. For instance; When the teacher called me,
unconsciously, I stood up, he asked me a question, I didn't
know how? But I was able to
understand him, and I perfectly subconsciously answered his
question! I was speaking English! All that words and its
meanings and all that massive knowledge were coming to
me in English; So I knew it must be my first language, my
mother tongue.

The teacher asked me in English (it was a lecture of

English Language) but apparently the English language
wasn't really his first language; I've discovered that
according to two things: First, he wasn't pronouncing all of
the words correctly! The second thing, he used to talk in
Arabic while he was addressing the rest of the class, and he
was uttering all of the words appropriately.

Now here, there's one question that comes to mind, how

did I know that there's something called "Language"
whether it is English or Arabic? Well, as I was talking about
the massive knowledge that was coming to my mind (the
process of backing-up) in fact, it wasn't really backing-up or
massive knowledge that was coming to my mind! Actually,
it was an already existed knowledge (memory) in the mind
of the body which I was stuck in! And this knowledge was
gotten and retained by the character who was driving the
very same body which I am stuck in.

Apparently, I was a second chatacter of that body; it has

been easily said but I have discovered that after a long time!

Fundamentally, each body the non-physical self, the mind

and the thought, in this world gets depressed from its
character, the main or the first character, the body starts to
generate a new character, and says for its first character,
I'm sick of you! I don't want to be you anymore, I don't want
to hold up all of these things that you've created in the
world (problems, faliure, worries, depression, anxiety, etc.)
it is too much for me!

When a main character of a body starts to create such

these things, the body starts to generate new character,
trying to play a new role, trying to take a rest from its
character! And that's exactly, I believe, what my body did -
as a second character, it became mine now! So I will call it
my body from now and then.
As a second character of a body, which has been driven by
its first character, I should've expected to hold up all of the
things that it has been done by the first character, whether
they are good or bad, I should've expected to take the
responsibility of all its last deeds. Basically all of what
relates to it, I should have expected that it will be counted
like mine, all of its mental content; its personality, belief,
problems, knowledge, name, etc.
Back to the moment when I answered the teacher's
question, he said, "Thanks David! You can sit down."
It came to my mind rapidly, that "David" is the name of the
first character. This information was already there, in the
mind of my body, part of the mental content, the memory,
but I didn't recognise it untill the teacher had called me
using that particular name!

Afterward, I realised that I was aware of lots of things that

I only needed a situation or to be asked in order to know
that I am aware of.

When the lecture was over and the teacher has gone,
there were a lot of people who were talking and joking with
each other (students) I didn't know how?! But it just took
from me to look at someone to know whether I know him or
not, his name or what kind of relationships that links me to
him, whether if he is a friend or not... I recognised a lot of
people I've never met or known before, and at the same
time I was aware of lots of things I never cared too much to
know! It just took from me to have a look at something to
know what really it is! So I was feeling weird and I was just
surprised by all of the things that were going around me.

As I was convinced that I am a second character of a body!

I decided to label myself, to give myself a name, I intended
that if am going to give myself a label, it must be related to
the name of the first character somehow; As I have already
known that the name of the first character is "David" I
decided to call myself, David Number One, but this is too
long for a name, so I decided to abbreviate it; I took the first
letters from each word and I had (DNO) I felt it sounds too
weird, so I've made another edition and I've put the letter
"o" in place of the letter "n" and the letter "n" in place of the
letter "o" then I got the name (DON)! I know it is an
acronym but it is okay! I decided that, this is going to be my
name anyhow.

Back to the moment in the classroom, you may wonder,

what happened to me after the teacher has gone? How I
have dealt with all of those people who I have never known
or seen before? How I was back home? And how did I
behave with David's family?

Well, It wasn't really as I thought I should have expected it

to be; One of the things that I lately realised, I realised that I
wasn't there all of the time! I realised that the body was
shifting repeatdly from me to David! I realised that I'm a
whole different personality behaving in a different way
from the way David behaves and the body was playing me
to do particular things that David was incapable of doing,
things David failed to do as the body was using him to do it;
I remember once we had a subject of presentations and I
had to present two presentations out of three all over the
term! Why? Because David failed in presenting the first
presentation! That's why the body used me to present the
rest of the presentations.

So according to the way the body was using me, I can say
that David failed in doing the parts about study and social
relationships, in case you don't know that David was
socially inactive, I knew that because these are the very two
things the body was playing me to do! I didn't have to deal
with the rest of matters as I thought I should have expected
that am going to deal with. I only had to deal with many of
David's problems about social relations, and I have been
successful in solving them; If you compare the first
semester (which David had studied) in the college to now
(the third semester) you will find out that I made
friendships and connections more than what David had ever
made! Now, almostly the entire class are my friends, now I
hang out with more friends and I do more activities which it
happened to be that David was not doing at all. And once we
talk about the part of study, as I knew a lot of knowledge
according to what David had retained, I started to read to
get my own knowledge and undoubtedly I've been
successful in doing that too!
I remember that he got (3.15 out of 4.00) in the first
semester, while I got (3.43) and (3.56) in the second and the
third semester in order! Nevertheless now I'm doing very
well during the lectures and in my lessons too! Even
teachers have realised that I've become a different person,
better than who I used to be, in case they don't know that
now I'm really different person or more likely, another
Very oftenly I was incapable of telling people that I'm not
David, rather I'm Don; A different character or another
person! I used to tell my closest friends about my case,
some of them kind of believed me, while others started to
make some jokes about it all over the semester -the third
one. Now recently some of them forgot it as I ceased talking
about it, now here I'm still Don but I use David just like a
cover for those who I cannot confirm my case to.
Two months went by and I was still learning things about
life! I have got enough knowledge that qualified me to write
a story (The Story of Sarah)and it was my first story.
Genrally, it talks about love and how it's easy to fall in love
but it's hard to recover from it.
By taking this step, I inspired David to write his own story
(My Perfect Girlfriend), David wrote this as a sequel to my
story, a complement to it, but with a different perspective
and a different point of view.
Now, as it is one year later, each one of us, David and I,
became fully aware and convinced by the existance of the
other, it became easy for us to accept that our body needs
both of us. As we are two characters in one body, we have
made some kind of friendship, collaboration, or in another
word you can say agreement! In fact, we had to! We are
discussing matters and taking decisions together!
Sometimes we share our ideas; I remember once I said to
"Why do you play video games while life itself is a game and
you should play it?".

One day when we were exchanging our ideas, David told

me that he wants to write about humanity. I asked him
"What exactly do you want to write about it?"

He said, "I want to write about humanity within the title

(The Parts of the Humanity that I couldn't understand)"

He explained to me that there are lots of things about

humanity that he couldn't understand, main like:

Why do old people think that they are always right? When
they are almostly not! This is one part, another part is: Why
do people love their sons more than their siblings and
parents? Even though they have spent too much time with
them and they had them engaged in their lives before they
could even have sons! Also the daughter of any house gets
mad when it comes to her wedding; she may fall in love
with someone and loves him more than her family! She
could abandond her family, if they insisted that she
shouldn't marry him, to go away and live with the one who
she loved! I can imagine for the people who love their
children more than their siblings but for the daughter who
abandonds her family for someone who she doesn't really
know, I can't really imagine!

As he was explaning to me, he emphasized the part about

how people make it right for them to behave unjustly or to
commit unjust only because there's someone who they
know did the same before! He got mad when he came
through the point that people who aren't just but appear to
be just are praised and the ones who are really just are not
praised and sometimes punished by the people!

I was astonished by this creative minded deep thinking, I

really liked these ideas very much and I highly encouraged
him to go ahead and to start writing these thoughts down as
soon as possible.
Now, the thing to say is some of you, dear readers, may
look at this case as nonsense! But that doesn't change
anything; We are still two different characters driving the
same body! The body was shifiting from me to David, but
now we are taking control of the body; We are shifting
ourselves according to the situations! It was just like our
body was teaching us, but now it does not need to interject
anymore, we have become fully aware of when and where
each one of us should come up or go. But for the majority of
time, we've decided that it is better for the body to be
driven by me but that contravenes what is really happening!

Now I'm writing these lines to make It obvious for the

people who said that David has totally changed, to better,
and for those ones who said that David's case is absloutely
Schizophrenia, counting him as schizophrenic! People should
know that,
"Having two characters who play different roles and tasks in
one body according to the different situations, meanwhile the
switch button with the current character for he only decides
whether a particular situation suits the current or the other

Is actually different from Schizophrenia which is:

"A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown

in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior,
leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and
feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships
into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental

It is also defined as:
"A chronic and severe mental disorder that affects how a
person thinks, feels, and behaves."
It often includes psychotic experiences, such as hearing
voices or delusions; It typically begins in late adolescence or
early adulthood. People who have it act in disorganizing and
conflicting ways...
So all of these definitions and explanations of
Schizophernia, which are given to us by the different,
hardworking and striven psychologists, are far away
different from what I am talking about!

In the comedy of G.B Shaw Arms and the Man we have

unclear example for this; What George Bernard Shaw said in
his play using one of his characters, Sergius, he said,

"I am surprised at myself, Louka. What would Sergius, the

hero of Slivnitza, say if he saw me now? What would Sergius,
the apostle of the higher love, say if he saw me now? What
would the half dozen Sergiuses who keep popping in and out
of this handsome figure of mine say if they caught us here?"

Also there's another akin quote in Arms and the Man in the
same conversation, when Sergius was talking with Louka
(one of the servants in the house of the Petkoff family)
He said,

"You are a provoking little witch, Louka. If you were in love
with me, would you spy out of windows on me?"
Louka replied by,
"Well, you see, sir, since you say you are half a dozen different
gentlemen all at once, I should have a great deal to look..."

It is said that if you have two languages, you're two

persons, and if you have three languages, you're three
persons, and if you have five languages then you're five
different persons! But I believe in more than this; I believe
that every person has accompanying character beside his
main character, the first one, adjusts to specific situations
and I believe that for every different situation your body
will try to generate new character! When you're sad, you're
a character, and when you're happy, you're another
character, and when you're depressed, then you're also
another different character! That's why you behave
differently in each situation, whether when you're sad,
happy or depressed!

Chapter III
Written By: David

The Rebellion of Characters

"Imitation begins in early ages and it can be a second


It is been a long call, we have argued a lot before we came

to the desicion that we should add some more chapters to
our book. The reason of my call wasn't to tell my partner
that we should resume our writing, I've already tried to call
him before to do so but he didn't answer! A few days later I
called him again to discuss with him the issue of my result;
that day was the day when our result for the fourth
semester was hanged on the board, mine was 3.37 while his
was 3.39! I was shocked! How on earth? I was supposed to
get at least 3.70 something. The last semester I got 3.56 and
as a languages learner, I'm supposed to develop my
language every semester and consequently my result too,
regardless that I know for sure that I did great in my exams
and I worked very hard for it. Most of the people of our
batch were shocked, the rest weren't; because they knew
for sure that this is going to happen. How? Well, let's find

Some of my friends called me saying that they have doubts
about my result and they highly encouraged me to go and
review it, on the one hand some said it must be that
something went wrong and on the other hand some said
that it must be one of the teachers whom you argued with
did something bad to your grades, decreased it! Well, me
myself claimed nothing since I didn't know for sure what
exactly happened, I've considered my friends' words as just
assumptions, though they were very possible; before our
result appear there was a rumour that our university's
system was corrupted and they lost all the data of our
exams! Plus, I was very afraid that one teacher might do
something to my grades because of hard feelings he got
during one of our discussions in the classroom. So I was
praying, from the very last day of the exams to the day of
the result, that may Allah protect me from the evil of my


"The thing had happened and I cannot do anything."

That was my saying when my teacher, she who is settelling

on Sudia Arabia now, sent me a message saying that this
isn't my real outcome, and I should go to the university to
do some checkings. She did highly encourage me to do so

and she said,

"I will tell the Head Master of the Department about your
case but first you have to put yourself on the picture."

I really appreciated what she did for me, she was

confidently and undoubtly sure that 3.37 is not my real
grade, since I'm her student and she knows me for sure and
since there were lots of other students who got higher
deree than mine and she knows for sure that they cannot
even be compared to me!

So I took my teacher's advice and I went to the university

the next day morning, and I dare to tell you that they've
wasted a lot of my time, they caused me to come and go
three days, even though I've told them that I've a job and
I'm bound up to it, regardless the long distance between my
hometown, Jabal Aulia, and the university, in Khartoum.
Even though I've wasted three days just committed to come
and go in order to review my result, they didn't review it for
me, they've just said,

"Well, we spent an entire month working on and reviewing

this result, there's no way for us to commit a mistake"

I've told them that they are merely Humans and they can do

commit mistakes but they didn't accept my words saying
that I'm just rude and a source of mess and annoyance!! But
I can positively tell you that I've got what I wanted since my
main goal behind going to the university was not to adjust
my result; I just wanted to make sure who exactly did play
with my grades since I was considering two teachers in
mind and since I was correcting them and arguing a lot with

After a lot of arguments between the management of the

Dept and I, finally I convinced them that they could at least
show me the details of my result and I was unnaturally
stunned, I'ven't never imagined that;

The manager was showing me my details and announcing

it, he was saying:

"Advanced Writing, exam 70 out of 70, midterm 25 out of 30.

Vocabulary In Use, exam 67 out of 70, midterm 30 out of 30.
Sudanese studies, exam 67 out of 70, midterm 4 out of 30..."

When he reached the point

"African literature, exam 37 out of 70, midterm, 17 out of

I told him to stop, I begged up his pardon and I left the

office, he didn't say a single word!

Apparently, one of the two teachers, the one who I feared

less, did play with my grades. The curious thing about this,
the teacher who I feared most did nothing to my grade! I
returned to my home that day and I sent my teacher a
message explaining to her what had happened.

She replied back, "What did you exactly do to your teacher so

he decreased your grade?"

I told her that I onced corrected him in the classroom and

he got provoked! He didn't teach well the rest of the lecture,
told me to go to the back of the classroom, not to correct
him ever again and if I open my mouth once more in his
lecture, I shall be kicked out! All of the people in the
classroom were laughing at him and because of this he got

She replied back with a message telling me she doesn't

know what to say!

She said, "You know, that also happens when you're getting
your master degree, MA, you may find some teacher plays
with your grade because of hard feelings he got through one
of the lectures and 90 percent you don't find someone to just

Then she kept telling me that I'm a smart student and I will
make it up in the following semesters, she started preaching
me and reminding me of myself, she also told me that I must
not correct any teacher ever again or the same will happen...

But what I can do?

She doesn't know that I'm helpless; She doesn't know that
Don is in charge of almost everything. She doesn't know
that I'm not the one who corrects the teachers and argues
with them, it's Don he who does all of that, he cannot
control himself when it comes to correction, questioning,
rational arguments and critical discussions.

I remember once he and his group had a presentation about

a 19th century novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte,
and the teacher gave them a certain day to present on, but
there was a problem, when the teacher chose a certain time
to their presentation, they already haven't agreed with it,


"This time is not quite enough for our preparations."

But the teacher insisted that they should do it on that very

day saying:

"Yes, the time is not quite enough but it is enough! "

Another problem that one of the members of the group,

Altahir, got very seriously sick! So the group cannot present
even if they want to.

So when the very day was up and the teacher announced

thier group as the ones who should present today, Don
yelled saying:
"We are not to present today teacher!"
The teacher said,
"Why? Aren't you ready?
Don said,
"No, we just didn't agree with you at this time from the
The teacher said,

"Then you're not ready, admit it. "
Don said,
"No teacher, we didn't agree with this time from the
beginning! That doesn't count us as not ready. "
The teacher said,
"Which means you're not ready now, just say it."
They kept yelling at each other repeating the same phrases
till Don was calmed down by his nearby friends saying to
him that you shouldn't argue with teachers, just do as they
will! Don't you remember what had happened in the last
He replied saying,
"I do not mean any harm, the teacher wants me to say I'm not
ready, but I'm not saying it!"
But why would he listen to them? Why would he care? He
doesn't give any care, he doesn't care about my grades or
anything that concerns me anymore, nevertheless he
started to have his own concerns and interests.
I remember once he got in time to a lecture and the
teacher allowed him to get in but he said that he won't
count him as a present in the list of attendance! At that time
Don burst out and said, "You won't? "
The teacher said,
Don said,

"Then I'm out"
And he got out of the classroom! If it were me, I could've
convinced the teacher to count me as a present in the list of
attendance but he didn't give me the chance to do so!!!
So from now and then I have to do it all by myself!
"Would I?"
"Of course I would; as a main character I just didn't mind
what I should mind."
After he went out of the classroom, I persuaded him that I
should attend the lecture with the other group, since our
batch is divided into two groups, and I was in group (A) so I
went to the other group (B) to attend the next lecture with
the same very teacher, and before I could get to the lecture I
had to apologize to the teacher first and persuade him to let
me get in!
All of this was because of Don, I had to go through all of that
because of him.
Don was very arrogant, and as Altahir said to me before
"There's this atmosphere of arrogancy around him, I can
clearly see that your eyes are shinning with arrogancy when
you're Don ".

We didn't exactly know if it was arrogancy or excessive

self-confidence, whatever it is, eventually it was definitely
not a good thing.

My uncle was talking with my aunt the other day. They
were talking about the new generation and how they treat
their elders; my uncle complained,
"I have my nephews and they never call me saying 'uncle' they
just call me by my name!"

My aunt added,
"Yes, what a pitty, we never called our aunts and uncles by
their names before!"

At that point Don burst out and interrupted by his strange

atmosphere, "It varies" he said.

"What do you mean? " my uncle replied. "You have to be

clear. "

Don said, "I mean this thing is mutual and it varies because
your aunts and uncles were compassionate and kind-hearted
but you aren't! You were calling them like that because you
felt in them the love and the consideration they have for you!
But you neither have love nor consideration for us that's why
we don't call you by saying 'my uncle' or 'my aunt! ' "

"Plus, you just go with what the Greek called 'Doxa', which
means popular opinion, you never call your aunts and uncles
by their names unless you want to identify a certain one

'Aunt Jane' or 'Uncle Alsafi';

because you've been raised and taugh to be and to do like

that! "

My uncle said for him, "Stop philosophizing and be clear!

What do you mean by consideration? "

"I was very clear when I said what I said! " Don said.

My uncle said, "Damn it! Why can't you just be clear and put
off your Athens philosophical arguments to else time? "

Don said, " I'm sorry but I really have to say that my
argument was very clear and rational but only people with a
small mind like you would count it as _philosophy_!"

At that time my uncle was roasted and got very seriously

angry! He said,

"You know what? Some may call you arrogant! Other would
call you rude but I only see impolite person sits in front of

Don said, "Watch your language, you don't really have to

insult! "

My uncle said, "You know what? I don't blame you, this is not
your fault! Your parents didn't teach you how to respect the
ones who are older than you! And I assume you only respect
them because of religious reasons and values..."

The situation was tough and it outgrew that to become a

big family problem...

All of these things and events got me thinking "Am I just

doomed forever to be judged by the bad things which Don
started to do?"

It was agony, imagine being judged and punished for

things you never did and you would never do!

Don was getting so caught up about his arguments, he was

always ready to go far, deep and beyond! He walks over
everybody no matter who! He has no consideration for

everyone! So he can't be just fit to social life anymore!

This was not good for me. So I knew I have to put an end
to this thing so I can take it to a ridiculous conclusion.
Especially that I've warned Don before saying to him,

"You are getting so rude! Put aside your arrogancy, and ego,
and learn how to deal with people!"

It was simply overwhelming and unbearable! I couldn't

bear it anymore. I knew if I just let things to go like that and
let Don continue to mess with things around, things will get
worse and worse and that will affect my lives, the current
and the future one.

So what I did to save myself and my lives?

Simply I plotted to break it up with Don!

Since that time and after all of those terrible events I didn't
let Don to come up again! I started to ignore him and I
prevented him from coming up again forever! For which he
was the reason of all those bad things that had happened! It
is true that there are lots of jobs and tasks that I used to rely
on him to do but that's not anymore; since he stopped doing
what he should do and since he started to mess things up!

So from now and then I should do it all by myself!

"Would I?"

"Of course I would; as a main character I just didn't do what I

should do!"

"But will I be able to do all of the jobs and tasks that Don was

This is the question that I addressed to myself when I was

thinking about ignoring Don and preventing him from
coming up again, and I answered it like this:

"Well, I've been watching and studying Don for a long time.
Now I know how he respondes to the different situations and
how he acts generally; and since we are sharing the same
mental content, I can do all of the important things that I
needed him to do just by accessing our memory and see how
would he react or how did he react to a similar situation!
Plus, since there are a few people who don't believe that Don
is existed; I can just act like him and say,

'Yes I'm David! There's no Don existed, you're totally right.'

And for those who believe that Don is really existed I can
just do exactly the same, acting like him, and they won't
realise any difference! For which it said:

"If you do certain things over and over eventually it will

become part of your character."

Now it is two months and a half later living without

getting Don involved in my everyday life, he was filling and
taking a large part of my life simultaneously and I believe
our relation could've been done and ended a lot more

A friend of mine who is called Alex asked me the other day

"I just want to know, how many times you get into arguments
per a day? Since you get up from your sleep untill you sleep

Considering that I spend with him not less than an hour

everyday, and he sees me how I get into a lot of arguments
in his present, let alone the arguments I get into while he is
not present, he asked me this question.

I said to him, "Well Alex, back then I used to get into a lot of
arguments but now I get into none!"

Now as I'm doing my everyday life things, sometimes I get

this voice that says to me

"You know what? You really need me to do this! You can't do

it by yourself alone! "

But it is not too long before I let it go. Now there's only one
thing that concerns me about Don and comes to my mind
every time I think about him; it is the book that he was
planning to write with a title

"Look at me as an Individual not a Country"

Will I ever write it?

Chapter IV

Uncovering the Truth

"The less you reveal, the more people can wonder."

It was september 2018 When I was studying African

literature. I was reading a novel by the famous African
writer Ngugi WaThiong'o, the story's name was (The River
Between). The events of the novel go around to explain the
tribal conflicts and the all-time conflict of the colonization
between the members of the societies, and the arrival of the
white man. Basically, the conflict is between two villages -or
two ridges, the first one was Kameno and the second one
was called Makuyu. The conflict is all about the missionaries
who took the second village a home for them and started
preaching people to embrace Christianty. So, the tribal
bitterness arose. From these conflicts, rose a rebel called

Muthoni's problem was that she wanted to be circumcised

because her traditions say that, and as a pagan rite all her
ancestors were circumcised. But her father was one of the
first to accept the message of the missionaries and he
became a preacher! He established a church in Makuyu and
started to preach people and teach them about Christianity.
The main issue here, circumcision was sinful in Christinity
and Muthoni, as a daughter of a man of God, couldn't go
through this process!

In that case Muthoni chose to rebel, yes, she was a rebel,

she didn't ask any permission and she went there to her
aunt in the other ridge, Kameno, and she got circumcised
without asking her father. Then when her father heard
about that, he abandoned her and didn't consider her as his
daughter anymore!

As I was reading the story, I found that Muthoni's case

resembles the case of my friend -not literally because he
was being a rebell against himself. This doesn't seem like a
coincidence because not over a week David told me about
his conflict with Don and that they did break it up! He told
me that Don was being a rebel, that he started to mess
things up, so he prevented him for lifetime. David said that
he didn't want to, but he had to. I really didn't know what to
say, because the last time I left them, thier cooperation was
perfect. They were the perfect allies. I tried to discuss with
him for the sake of convincing him but he was too stubborn
to listen! So I didn't bother to let myself waste that time.

Fast forward two months, I had a setback. I got really sick.
I developed some type of a disease that showed me the
other life, this was a shock for me, because traumas never
stopped coming. I was diagnosed with something called
Enciphalities, which is the inflammation of the brain. This
was a disease that later on was discovered to be chronic, or
almost. I was in a comma actually for a whole week! It was
not actually a comma, it was a comma while I was awake.
How? Well, I was unconscious, that my nervous system was
down. I didn't know or feel anything! Doctors said that I
didn't react to thier injections. I was hospitalized for 16
days and was given hard medications. I was visited by so
many people, but whom who visited me in the first week? I
couldn't remember! What's strange and interesting that
those certain people said that I recognised them, and even
asked them the common "How are you" question.

I couldn't believe that, since I don't remember any one

visiting me the first week, that was really strange.

For his luck, David visited me the second week so I

remember recognising him.

Fast Forward three months, I still don't remember being

visited by those exact people. And this drove me to do
research about this case. So I dived into the psychology and
the neuro-psychology field researching about it. I stumbled
across a research done by a professor in Harvard University
about the processes that are happening inside our brain.
The research talks about the Inethesia in general. So, what
the inethetization does is hacking the brain to send signals
to the nervous system to shut down cells in a certain place,
kind of isolating a body part so you don't feel the pain. So
this have been applied to me automatically when I lost
conscious. My body has received an infection from an
insect, and my immune system was weak so I couldn't fight
it. so I was put in a waking-comma. You already know that
the common Inethesia shuts down certain processes in the
mind. Well, mine had shut all of them, keeping the
subconcious mind awake! And what does the Subconcious
mind do?

The subconscious mind's job is to register information that

are based on our day-to-day life, the names of the people,
the way to do things, where things are and what to do with
them. An example here, is when we pray, even if we were
thinking about problems, issues or any other different
things and our mind is stuffed, we would pray the right way,
because the moves are registered in our subconscious mind.
These are automatic information and data that you don't
need to be concious of, and don't need any awareness. And
that's why I was able to look at people's faces -in the
hosiptal-and recognise them without being aware, and even
call them with thier names and ask them "How they are".
This information got me thinking, what if someone was able
to shut down his whole brain and replace it with the ability
to reverse it?
Now of course unless you had an accident a trauma, or
even Alzhimer, you wouldn't be able to replace your brain's
capacity and the existence awareness; this is scientifically
impossile. But what does philosophy say about this?
We already know that in philosophy, everything is
possible! But in this case, being a philosopher will not give
you the ability to do this. So what if we interject philosophy
with neuro-psychology?
We could hack our subcounscious mind to produce
another awareness and replace the whole already-there
capacity and end up having another character! And that, I
think, what David thought he did, he was already a
philosopher and was abit of insane, and he -when that
process happened unconsciously- thought, or even believed,
that his mind created another character. It's completley
abnormal to believe that you're a new person, because this
is just similar to the famous Schizophrenia.
So, David's mind which was stuffed with philosophy, had
believed that another character was born and ought to have
a name. This contravened the law of the universe! So was it
just an ingorance and a false belief to take on?
Let me explain it.
David was having paradoxical self-talk problems with
himself, his mind already had information and he basically
knew alot. But his inner self -the already existed David after
he discovered Don-was telling him that he wasn't that good,
that he didn't know anything and was just a waste. This was
not a self-esteem issue, because he was already confident,
but in psychology this's called The obsessive-compulsive
David had this temporarily and in fact we all have this but
David is ahead of us because his mind terminated it.
Coming back, David was having this problem and was sick
of this noise going inside his mind, So he chose once to try
to meditate, and he believed that this would calm down his
mind for a while, and it did; During that meditative session,
which was in the class while we were having a lecture,
David encounterd something. He felt there was a locked
potential inside his mind that could have been unlocked, it
just needed a simple meditation to unlock it, to unlock the
self-positive talk, he, then, realised his full potential. During
that session, David unlocked a whole other capacity. Then
he woke up having his mind well-developed, feeling like a
new person. This development, overtime led to continuous
effort towards improving himself, and calling the new
character Don, leaving the original David for the easy stuff
and the social relations and connections.
Overtime, David took his time to play with his character
and the roles and tasks they do, which I think was good,
because he -DON- was good in studies, the cultural
approaches and philosophy in general, he was civilized. And
he -the original David- was also good on the other things
and so forth. But things don't go the way everybody wants;
David was having a mediation once again when he was deep
in his philosophy. His mind wonderd and at one point and
he came to the realization that his whole philosophy was
false!! He knew that, from the beginning, there was no
something or someone called Don, and it was just a
development in his mind which he was simply unaware of!
He was shocked, becuase a quarter half of his life was based
on a lie. He didn't know what to do or how to react. That
confused him.
David was shoked, yet he was optimistic because this lie led
him into a discovery of self-knowledge and continous
efforts towards improving his life. Ironicaclly, he thought
that he could continue down that road beleiving that those
continous efforts would be much of a use to him. David
believed that that lie was more of an awakening period of
his life, that he awakened another capacity and actually
created another character. But like I said earlier, beautiful
things don't usually last, David encountered something
different during one of his meditation sessions, a thought
struck into his attention! He knew that there was no place
for Don anymore. David thought that he could merge the two
characters' capacities and integrate them into the Original
This was what he thought he came through. But in reality,
he didn't do anything except abandoning his false
philosophy and getting to believe that he was good from the
Overtime, David and I would chat alittle and laugh about
how he did invent this whole concept and how did he make
us believe it. They used to say back then,

"The less you reveal, the more people can wonder."

This actually frightens me, because you can never
understand David, and you'll never know what he will do,
and what he hides in his pack.

The End


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